We Got a Coverup On Our Hands

Why has this story gotten no play on MSM? Why are they ignoring it? Why has it been slid all day hard as fuck? Do they not want people to know the truth that it's the left who are violent, unhinged maniacs? This is literally terrorism according to the new metrics we're going by since this weekend.


>A man described by neighbors as “quarrelsome” and who placed large anti-Trump signs in his yard is in police custody for the murder of his next-door neighbor – a GOP committeeman.
>Carter drove his car onto the committee member's law with his high beams on.
>Carter shot Jennings in the head on Jennings' own property
>Police in West Goshen Township, PA, charged Clayton Carter, 51, in the shooting death of his next-door neighbor, G. Brooks Jennings in the early morning hours on Tuesday, according to ABC Philadelphia.

This should be on every headline in the US but it's nowhere to be seen.

Other urls found in this thread:


because the media isn't going to condemn someone for killing a nazi?

Is that how using your brain works in Canada?

Sorry senpai that would against the narative

Why would they condemn anyone who kills a commie then?
Communists threatened us with nukes and enslavement for half of a century. They've killed far more people than the nazis ever did. The communists are greater enemies to our nation than nazis ever were.

No shit? Time to call your congressman.

This guy gets it. If they want the narrative to be "it's okay to kill a nazi" and now the metric for nazi means anyone affiliated with the GOP, they should rightfully expect severe blowback imo.

i've ran her facial features through a complex mathematical sequence whereby a beautiful face is calculated based on geometric ratios.. what do you think?

Call and say what?

Because jews.

Think most people who find her attractive just literally want to stick their dick in a potato.

maybe, but at least she has good teeth unlike yuropoorz.

Jus a random dead white dude

Well yeah, but how much does good teeth make up for the sloth eyes?

Old news. it was posted (and slid hard) a few times.

if any gop congressman had balls theyd be throwing a bitch fit to make the left disavow. maybe hannity/dobbs/tuck will cover it

Ah, I hadn't seen it yet.


because its bigger than you wanted to believe.

Quality post. Thanks for the info user.

did they ever hire this guy back and reassign him? i thought trump was pissed when he was fired and planned to do so

Just now hearing this, and fools still think the media is bipartisan.

Here's the Washington Compost:

These were on the guy's front lawn:

You have to get the news from another country to read anything that violates the media's precious narrative.


>despite stories which strongly suggest-
Burn it. Burn them all.

she's not that bad

RIP racist pig

100% they will confirm he was a Bernie voter.

They're unhinged you know, mental.

Fucking HDR photos of a black and white sign, what a time to be alive

I'd crank those holes

That's probably the most flattering picture I've seen yet and it's still not that amazing senpai

Stop advertising here.

That would what. Fucking typical

Why would it be on every headline.
People get merked everyday by the hundreds.
Why is this special?

Durr gee I dunno fuck face. Maybe because the media's refusal to cover left on right violence has reached absurd levels?

It's bigger than the Charlottesville attack.

>white schizophrenic kills white rioter
>Every major news organization calls republicans nazis

>white liberal kills an actual committee member at their own home over their political beliefs

This is the entire problem in a nutshell.