But yeah keep being a cuck to capitalist
Made me think wven though I didn't read it
national socialism is better
This is the most pathetic shill ive ever seen
I love how retards can pretend to be experts on countries they don't and have never lived in. Please fucking kill yourself.
And sure they also have to deal with a large parcel of people on wellfare of course...
>afraid of bernie sanders-style democratic socialism?
no. in fact i support it. too bad he was such a weak candidate otherwise america could have ushered in a golden age instead of devolving into some faggy dystopian future
And hundreds of millions less people too. It's easy to run a nanny state over a few million, not so much when you get to be our population.
>not wanting my money to go to welfare niggers makes me cucked
lmfao, what a fucking retard.
america could easily afford to give everyone universal health care coverage and support their current welfare recipients if they stopped fighting in the middle east for a bunch of kikes
absolutely fucking retarded
>a works in b, therefor a will work in c
Denmark is also much smaller than the US and doesn't have a bunch of niggers who love abusing the welfare system.
That only works because of the high white population
Enlighten us, Dutchbro
> too bad he was such a weak candidate otherwise america could have ushered in a golden age instead of devolving into some faggy dystopian future
kys you leaf
Apples to oranges:
Denmark has a fraction of the population of the United States. Denmark also isn't actually socialist! It has some socialist programs, sure, but in terms of economic freedoms, Denmark can compare far more with traditional capitalism. The main thing however is that Denmark is small and homogeneous (meaning people generally get along better).
>slightly higher taxes
Don't they get taxed like 25%?
exactly. Thats just the tip of the iceberg, too. America is a completely different ballgame
Bernie supporters are truly the worse. If anyone was to be jobbed by the clinton campaign, its bernie and his supporters. The weakest spined people ive ever seen.
you know what Denmark also has? a massively lower population, no spics, and no niggers
kill yourself my man
>Denmark 16,576 mi2
>USA 3,805,927 mi2
>Denmark income tax rate is 60%
Yeah I fucking bet the tax rate is "slightly higher" when you're a welfare leech in the US that pays $0 or lives with mommy and daddy.
230 Denmark's can fit in the USA
small and homo
just how i like it
Didn't some official from your country tell the liberals to fuck off and stop saying that?
You forgot to mention: Denmark doesn't have niggers.
>to capitalist
How fucking illiterate are you leftist faggots?
80%-90% white population?
90% or higher Caucasian?
Communists are dumber than rocks. Democratic socialism is nothing but a trojan horse of communism. If you want "socialism" then the demographics of your country are more vital than ever, so what you'd need is heavy nationalism. Democratic Natsoc. Leftists are so fucking naive and stupid it's painful.
>all those pissed off Danes telling Berniebros to fuck off and stop calling them socialist
my sides never recovered
>Meanwhile, In Denmark thanks to oppressively high tax rates that OD calls "Slightly higher" and high depression level
Denmark has far less niggers and doesn't pay for the military of any other country- in fact, most of its military is funded by NATO, of which America is the biggest donor.
>this tiny country with the population of 1 small state of 50 does a thing well, why can't the whole country with over 60 times the population do it :^)
It really does highlight how fucking awesome the US is that we have 50 states that are actually part of one nation with one language and one currency, instead of some pretend EU or african 24/7 civil war bullshit.
You just have to laugh at the rest of the world when you see this shit.
We also have 8 times as many niggers here than their total population, 40 million worthless leeches that do nothing but take from the system
They are also homogeneous in culture with a smaller population.
So you want to get rid of non whites from America? I'm down.
Pretty much this.
In terms of the handful of Euro countries I'd fuck off to if the new Bolesheviks aka ANTIFA took power, Denmark would be fucking high on that list. It's held out from the mudslimes, and I think that the people there are hardened enough to tell the EU to fuck off.
>being this retarded
social benefit spending is a fucking black hole, no matter how much money you throw at it it will never be enough. We already spend significantly more on social programs than military
Communists are taught that "everyone must be equal" instead of "everyone must have equal rights". They think racial genetics doesn't matter. They're anti-science, delusional idiots who want government to throw piles of other people's money on to the fire of people who don't want to take responsibility. To top it off, they're genocidal against the very people who devised this civilization.
America has 10x the population so socialism will work 10 times as well
I don't consider commiefornia a state and never will. If San Andreas breaks I want them gone. IF Kimmy J attacks I want their cities nuked first. If a large Monster from Japan appearts from the fucking Sea, I WANT TO SEE CALI GET TURNED INTO A VIOLENT 4 YEAR OLD'S LEGO CITY CET. If Nibiru is real (which it isnt) It needs to obliterate Cali and only Cali. I want calexit to happen just so we can invade, reclaim it, take our weaponry back and sell it to the Kekistanis.
Fuck Cali and it's Degeneracy.
We have 10x the population so socialism wl work 10x as well
>America has 10x the population so socialism will fail 10x as hard
They are socialist though
Denmark isn't a socialist country. They also don't have the status of "world hegemon", they aren't dealing with mass illegal immigration and they don't have welfare queens. (Denmark also falls behind the US in GDP per capita by a few thousand dollars).
Apples to watermelons.
Denmark is not a socialist state. It's a mixed market. Centrist. Sorry leftists, you don't get to keep this one.
Get educated bro
how many niggers they got there?
The US is 57x the population of Denmark.
Do me a favor faggots, round up all your stupid commie friends and move there. This is America.
Denmark is socialist. And since america is world hegemony that means it has 10x the resources for socialism
I live in the state of California
I feel the same way. I've been making my plans to GTFO, and that day can't come soon enough. Fuck this horrific state and all the fake ass people in it.
It is socialist bro
Are you fucking retarded? More people means more money coming in which means more support going out which means more spending by the people which means A STRONGER FUCKING ECONOMY, YOU APE
>No guns
>No freedom of speech
>Mudshit invasion
>multikulti propaganda on the TV
No thanks.
So socialism will work 57 times as well
Check out Venezuela bro.
I love how they always show pics of Denmark's quaint looking architecture/buildings in pictures showing the benefits of its economic system like America would look like this if it just changed.
FDR, a true American, would disagree with you
>a country that is whiter than USA is better in many ways
No fucking shit
One of my nightmares is when California fails and they all spill out into other states like zombies.
>A true American
They have free speech
Denmark is also a high trust society, you don't get high trust societies by forcing massive 3rd world immigration upon a host population and making them subsidize it.
Denmark has way higher taxes than the US. This picture doesn't mean shit.
>slightly higher
Oh you mean the failed capitalist stste
We have 50x the land and 50x the people so socialism will work 50x better
How the fuck does race have to do with this? Are you seriously saying "oh look at the niggers gonna fuck up the economy?" How fucking backwoods retarded are you? Have you ever met a black person? Did he come with a bunch of his friends and rape you? No? Quit the bullshit and the cherry picked stats, black and white people are equally fucking retarded.
Oh my, is that how Socialism works!? Fuck man, my bad. I guess I should have been paying more attention to some of the socialist paradises out there that are more, committed, to socialist ideas, like Venezuela. That paradise over there in South America. Boy I sure do love how great things have worked out there. I want to adopt their practices here, so that, one day, I can eat my own pets and wheelbarrow over some of my hyper-inflated cash to my local market to buy my family a loaf of stale bread.
60% tax isn't slightly higher, universal health care is shit and a scam in EVERY CASE, shorter working hours helps explain it's low productivity and low GDP to population, best for business for the mass subsidies from the government for anyone to actually do business there to keep their tiny economy from collapsing. Hell, after taxes an american mcdonalds employee takes home more per hour than a danish one due to the high taxes. Without the EU, Denmark would likely crash within 5-10 years because the EU gives them so much of Germany's money.
Race is a social construct anyways
>12 posts by this ID
Am I supposed to care? Free speech is nothing without guns to protect it.
Plus I hate Marxism. Meaning I probably hate you as well. And I'm fine with that. Let me put it to you this way: Nothing you say is going to convince me otherwise. Nothing I say is going to convince you otherwise either. Because you're a Jew. We are enemies, you and I. Make no mistake.
There's no room for discussion anymore. I don't value your opinion or anything you have to say.
Stop shitposting or being ignorant.
I love how Jesse Owens was there and proved hitler aryan race bullshit in front of everyne
Your brain is a social construct
Holy fuck you're so fucking totally ignoring the point. Socialism works well when it's democratic and not run by fucking evil dictators. Are you serious that you can't tell the difference between Canada and Venezuela?
>"slightly higher"
more like double and triple for those who actually make a living for themselves instead of sitting around on gubmint handouts.
>it's another let's compare an irrelevant socialist (not in the marxist sense) small country to a giant world hegemon with absolutely alien kind of economy to that of hypothetical Denmark
Yes you can
yeah but Denmark is all white people. so, no nigs, wetbacks sucking up the gibs
>Budget surplus
Nigger you're not even shilling, you're just start up lying
This 200%
Shut the up you commie nigger
>muh Denmark socialist paradise myth
meanwhile in the real world
>17. United States 75.1
>18. Denmark 75.1
*straight up lying
>slightly higher taxes
fucking lol
Also, I'm not sure that Occupy Democrats realizes, but the Nordic countries have very low corporate taxes and lower business regulation than the US. So, the middle class is paying for all their welfare programs, not the rich.
Denmark's socialist utopia will collapse once they have enough DIVERSITY.
>1 post ID
Oh look it's another "let's let the poor people die of starvation because economic policy in america is designed to separate classes" douche, what a stunner
Yeah sure capitalism totally worked in Venezuela
Unlike the United States' diverse population of immigrants, Denmark is ethnically homogenous -- nearly 90% are of Danish ancestry, according to The Danish Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration -- making political consensus easier than in the United States.
"I think this system is only possible because we essentially are all the same," said Christensen.
Here is how you make our country like theirs faggot. Sage
tell me more about denmark's blasphemy laws
Imagine if they had to pay for their own national defense budget.
Archive please
wow you should like just define the borders of your nation around the world and you'll be way richer
Socialist countries sound dreamy until you realize the infrastructure is shit, healthcare quality and availability is more worrisome than the ailment itself, and literally any of the privileges of being rich are forcibly taken from you and given to inner-city nigs and beaners instead.
>ITT: errbody responds to OP with almost EXACTLY the same words
Well, at least you faggots are staying on-message.
do you not understand the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous cultures?
you forgot 1 thing
they sit on OIL
like arabs
oh and owe USA trillions in defnese
liek sweden probly 10% regulations of USA so MORE capitalist
etc etc
0 poor illegals et cetc etc
Univerisal health care always works