>Racism can't be fix-
Racism can't be fix-
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Just crack the niggers open.
Got ya.
Yeah but the one on the right has salmonella. You just can't see it.
Why is the left so anti-science?
Racism isn't about skin color. It's about a fabricated idea of being better than people without putting forth intellectually honest effort to objectively prove it so. You can't fix that with an egg meme. I would say nice try but look where you are, you idiot
Anyone with functioning eyes can see different shades of yellow. These eyes will not taste the same; I would guess that the right yolk will have a more gamey flavor based on its darker and more intense yellowish pigment
But Europeans and Africans AREN'T the same on the inside.
1) We have different skull shapes. Africans have wider noses, and more pronounced jaws.
2) Africans have higher rates of some medical conditions, like sickle cell anaemia.
3) Africans may well have less developed brains than Europeans, hence the disparity in IQ tests.
We are distinct ancestries. A bit like subspecies of an animal. We are genetically different, genetically distinct.
wtf i want to fuck monkeys now
>Race is just skin color
How and why are people so fucking stupid?
...except that brown egg is illiterate.
Do people really think black people and white people have different physiologies?
Vivisect a white man and a black man and tell me their organs aren't in identical places. Now, DNA; that's an entirely different story.
Genetically you can tell quite easily if an egg will be brown or white.
>It's about a fabricated idea of being better than people without putting forth intellectually honest effort to objectively prove it so
No it isn't
That is Racial discrimination/Racially based narcissism
Racism is the idea that a person's genetics influences their behavior, IQ, personality, cognitive predispositions, and innate abilities and that groups of people with shared genetic clusters also are effected in these realms that create different breeds/races of humanity from a functional perspective.
But which one has higher IQ?
White and Brown eggs are exactly the same, one has just had the brown coating dissolved off.
When you cook the egg on the left it will taste delicious but the one on the right will go on welfare and smoke crack.
so what there's people that won't eat eggs. won't eat the yoke, eat all of it. Liberals only eat the brown ones.
That's not really racism, that's evolutionary biology. Racism is taking that concept subjectively and using it to entirely define groups and individuals, regardless of whether or not the content of their character has been otherwise defined objectively. It's cute when racist try to defend their logic by saying "it's just evolutionary biology". Racists are "just" intellectually dishonest. That's all there is to it
Why doesn't he just take Melanotan and just get actual dark skin? He could actually pass as black then. Dude is dumb.
This is what it really looks like when you crack open a nigger.
You can clearly see differences between the two eggs.
So that person is referring to Trumps Inauguration speech? You guys forgot it already?
>It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag.
Where have you been for the last ten years, my man? Evolutionary biology = Racism. Look up James Watson and his career trajectory. Even stating that biological differences been races are real = you are a racist.
>skin tone
1st it's spelled melatonin
2nd how do you not forget how to breathe?
3/10 bait
superficial still
Melanotan is injectable melatonin so you can be a transnigger. Look it up.
Okay I just noticed you said melatonin, upgrading it 7/10. Good job.
>using it to entirely define [...] individuals, regardless of whether or not the content of their character has been otherwise defined objectively.
No that is Racial Prejudice/Racial Discrimination. Of which there is Positive and Negative Discrimination (Wow he's black he's so coool! / Whoa he is black, lock the doors)
What you are describing is Not Racism.
And using evolutionary biology in respect to defining groups of people is entirely valid because the shared genetic clusters that compose that group is what define that group in the first place. That's why I had to put the [...] in your quote because using Racism to define groups of people is entirely valid. But not individuals as they can be on various ends of the bell curve.
Racists are not intellectually dishonest.
You are just intellectually deficient.
The more I think about it, the more I think racism is inherent in all people. An evolutionary mechanism to ensure the survival of your own above the survival of those outside your group.
Why would people naturally diverge into so many separate groups? Even among homogeneous people given a very short period of time they divide themselves, take on different mannerisms, culturally separate themselves from what they were.
If this is true how do you ever expect to conquer it? It will persist long after I am dead as it is the natural order of things.
not true
>chicken rancher here
major colors of chicken eggs are white, brown, orange, and blue. Different species (or subspecies w/e) of chickens lay different eggs. However walmart eggs are typically bleached white.
>scratched teflon
enjoy the caNcer
Which race created the civilization you prefer to live in?
Yeah, why wouldn't he actually want to be black.
Makes you think.
Do a chicken egg and a crow egg.
Also what do the eggs say about this?
You can use it to define groups though, that's exactly what it's useful for, how can you say HBD is valid in one sentence then say it's intellectually dishonest to apply that knowledge to a group?
I was wondering the same thing but maybe he's not aware it exists, or scared of the side effects or scared of the ridicule when people notice.
This pic is pretty true tho. At the end of the day we all have a lot of protein in us and our shells are delicate and crack easily and if a rooster fucked our mom we would have been fertile and a babby chicken would have come out of us.
Haha. I just removed one cog from billions of others, its just a superficial change :^}
>I think racism is inherent in all people. An evolutionary mechanism to ensure the survival of your own above the survival of those outside your group.
This. Love of race is equal to love of family. It is wanting what is close to your genetic sequence to survive in the cosmos. That is why we care more about a kitty being killed than an ant or a fly because mammals are closer to us that bugs.
And think about it. Most people lived and died within 30 miles of where they were born for thousands of years. If you say someone that didn't look like your tribe, didn't speak your language, didn't dress like you. They were very likely to be there sole to burn your house down, take your crops, kill the men and rape the women.
Also it has been shown through psychological studies and in crime statistics that it is emotionally and psychologically "easier" (less guilt) to harm humans that are not close to you genetically than those that are close to you genetically.
Thats due to environmental racism. Please at least open a book before spouting that stupid shit.
So you admit one is better then the other and you even have a theory to back it up? Fucking bigot.
Thanks mobile posting you truly are my greatest ally
kys idiot
Environmental racism? So nature hates stupid, low IQ niggers. Got it.
get the fuck off Sup Forums
Yeah this guy gets it. The temperature and geographical features of the areas we all came from are racist. We must stop this misogynistic / hateful / bigoted planet at all costs.
wow we all da same n shit dem eggz are crazy yo
>Lower IQs, different susceptability to diseases, different bone structures, different musculature and different genetic potentials are "superficial"
That's a unique definition of the word
by killing everyone and spilling their guts out?
This is an African fish. It lives in the Congo and eats niggers. I rest my case.
>crime statistics
I need to add a qualifier to this, i meant to say
>crime statistics in a multi-ethnic area
Because crime statistics do show higher white on white/black on black crime but that is due to proximity caused the predisposition of humanity to cluster with like people.
But psychoanalysis of criminals do show that it is psychologically easier to commit crime across ethnic gross than towards your own.
why is the one on the right stealing my fucking stereo
across ethnic groups*
Brown eggs are local eggs 'round New England
That's a fucking T-Rex.
That's a big dog
all just the same?
lets just do away with affirmative action then nigger
the bottom line is you need to spend far more time lurking and reading than considering what your next shit-tier comment will be.
you could feed the whole ghetto with that exluding the land whale women
big white cock. Sup Forums should start chickenposting and have cockfight threads to see what races cock is best
How do you fuck up frying an egg so badly? It's not supposed to be fucking clear when it's on the pan, you're supposed to fucking pre heat it
Eggs cant steal my bike
Being ignorant is the requirement for being non-racist.
/thread/ my sides
How do people post this shit?
I'd be too embarrassed to post non argument shit like this.
Because they know their liberal friends will pat them on the back.
>Evolutionary biology = Racism
You know that brown chickens and roosters have aggression issues right?
I grew up on a farm and the white hens were calm and passive didn't peck me when I tried to feed them or take their eggs. The brown chickens pecked me every single time. Sometimes at my legs when I had the feed bucket in my hands. It got so bad I stopped feeding them until they died. I dumped their bodies in the woods and told my parents a fox got them.
False. White people are deficient in melanin. Melanin transforms cosmic energy into wisdom. The egg on the right understands more about the universe than you ever will.
>False. White people are deficient in melanin. Melanin transforms cosmic energy into wisdom. The egg on the right understands more about the universe than you ever will.
Well, duh.