Does anyone actually know any studies about crime and ethnicity in the US?I got into a debate with my friend about African american representation in the judicial system (White privilege) and I am trying to research but are finding shit irrelevant or really dated. The fuck is it so hard to find
Does anyone actually know any studies about crime and ethnicity in the US...
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If blacks are "over-incarcerated," then how are murder rates in black cities still so spectacularly high? Obviously, there are a lot of violent criminals and thugs who are not being locked up to begin with.
>But whites do the same crimes and get softer penalties!
Oh? Murder is a good proxy for general lawlessness. If white criminals and thugs are getting a free ride from the judicial system, show us the white Baltimores, Detroits, St. Louises, etc.
Some great stuff to comb through appreciate it my niggas
if you want a slam dunk when people try to claim nigger crime on "poverty" just use this:
damn it, forget to set my flag, I always hate the way geographic location derails shit and a legitimate discussion turns to AMERICA DUMB FAT BURGER AND FAT DUMB BAD EDUCATION DUMB FAT AND SWEDE KEK IS KEK SWEDEN YES AND RUSSIA DRUNK XDDDD
FBI releases annual crime statistics, and they do the job pretty well.
I believe for 2016 they only releases statistics of change from previous year, but after the rates have been pretty consistent for several years now, I doubt shit would suddenly change in 2017.
Part of the problem is that sociologists began a victim-centered approach to crime, tracking only the race of the victim and not the perpetrator. That's not unintentional: it allows statisticians to say that Tyrone is a victim all to often without saying that he is Tyrone's victim.
Hispanic is not a race
Delete this fucking charts
Why should criollos be blamed for mestizo crimes?
Nick Fuentes, why do you show up to say the same fucking shit in every thread? Stop hating yourself.
When hispanic is not counted as a separate race for crime stats you get this:
To address some common arguments your friend may use
>it's just arrests, it don't mean they did nuffin
self-reported data from the victims of crime themselves and reports from witnesses to homicide match arrest rates.
>black people are given longer sentences for similar crimes
Adjust for a few variables such as previous criminal history, courtroom conduct, and self-reported history of violence and the disparities disappear
The entire point of this study was to separate Whites from Hispanics:
A lot of statistics list Hispanics as "white" very misleading.
Look up "the color of crime"
It extensively covers the subject
"Hispanic" in the united states usually means mestizo. Also, self-identified race matches up pretty well with genetic clusters:
However, if any statistics on race doesn't have an explicit "non-hispanic white" category, then just assume "white" includes spics
Hispanic shouldn't be a seperated race because hispanic is not a race
Why should ACTUAL white hispanics that look like the Sheen family and Spaniards be blamed for mestizo crime?
If you're a REAL RACE realist you would want MESTIZO to be a new category.
Hispanic is a geographical term, not a racial one. Why should non mestizo hispanics be blamed for mestizo crimes (Brown hispanics with indian genes)
It's not the "Hispania" descent that makes beaners brown.
The race of beaners is MESTIZO or MIXED or INDIAN not "Hispanic" because ANY RACE COULD BE HISPANIC
All of those are msetizos
>pretty much
Not all hispanics are mestizos. Why should non mestizos be blamed for mestizo crimes
>Durr they breed more
So? CALL OUT THE MESTIZOS. Don't blame white Criollos of EUROPEAN STOCK for the shit mestizos do
The problem was never "Hispanics" because you can't start a race war with hispanics because ANY RACE could be hispanic. If a white spaniard from Spain or a white criollo from any spanish speaking country have to be "White hispanics" then it's stupid to demonize the word hispanic. Mestizos only pick white and fuck it up for actual white hispanics because there's still not a mestizo category.
hispanic is NOT A RACE
The problem isn't hispanics
This is redpill 101
I'll just leave this here.
By now we know that antifa and BLM are predisposed to violence. They can't resist they have to inflict harm on somebody and we already know that Soros and certain aspects of a government are involved and funding to make this happen so the false flag risk is very high. The never initiate violence campaign would work. The mainstream media is in on it and you know they're just going for the camera footage. So if everybody bonds together and agrees to take a few hits for the team we can get some good footage and counter the fake narrative that we are the problem.. Lure antifa with the "Free speech rally" they won't be able to resist. Weekly free speech rallies... I'm talking wear them out. We also need reconnaissance and monitor the event via drones. We need people on the lookout for suspicious occurrences. Pay attention because these false flags are seeming to be set up very sloppily. If they know we're on the lookout for the false flags they'll be much less likely to try them because they know one slight anomaly is going to be scrutinized. Use drones. Ear pieces to communicate. Identify and profile the mob. Get their masks off and photo them. Dox them. But don't assault them. The police are obviously being given orders to let the left do as they please so we need to be smart about this. Use their propensity for violence against them and the incessant need for the mainstream media to film it. Tshirts and signs that say, Never Initiate Violence Flip the script on these shitbags they are so predictable
I'm aware that hispanic is not a race and could refer to white criollos as well as Brazillian niggers. I agree that they're needs to be separate category but please keep in mind that as far as the United States goes, "hispanic" usually means mestizo. Now stop sperging out
Hispanic shouldn't be the name though
Just because mestizos breed more doesn't mean other hispanics need to take their fall
The best solution would to remove the word hispanic and put white hispanics, real ones, in white. Black hispanics in black. Brown hispanics in INDIAN or some mixed shit
Argentina is white t. Spic/10
(((White Hispanics))) are responsible for the maritime/air coke and marijuana trade and related organized crime. You're better than the 4ft tall brown hordes but in the same "swarthy friend who knows a good coke guy and carries a gun" way slavs are better than Turks and Arabs
>blacks are criminals - they said
>they kill a lot of people - they said
Here is murder rates in russian regions with huge mongol tribes population.