Do niggers deserve a chance at happiness?
Do niggers deserve a chance at happiness?
In Africa.
absolutely, just not with my tax money
Plan your future in a way that gives value to others and gets value for yourself doing it.
Same advice for any race. If we all do our best, we can rise above this meager earth.
We don't deserve anything, we make our own happiness.
I'm honestly sorry for all the niggers that made you think whites owed us something. That shit's over, long ago, time to stop blaming whitey for all our probs
blacks are the happiest most confident people in the world.
ignorance is bliss i suppose.
finally a nigger who gets it
Sure as long as they don't go committing crimes.
Oh nice (in case you're black and not larping). I wish we could talk more about other races on Sup Forums. It gets repetitive after the nth white roastie thread. I met a really intelligent black guy that made me think for a while.
no niggers deserve more. Black lives matter so that means all whites shall die in order to get what they need.
>having your feet in the water with socks on
At best I'd say 1-2% spread out across America would be ok, because they wouldn't form their shitty ghetto cultures and would have to adapt and assimilate. Remember in the 80s when they pushed the "black people are the same as white people" meme with Family Matters and The Cosby show? The whole token family in white area thing works (sort of) because of that.
The rest need to go back though.
Do you?
Does anyone?
not at the cost of mine
Poor guy, he must be so tired.
Yes. But like everyone else, no second chances
Fuck off you commie piece of shit.
i was gonna say, 'found the commie' as soon as I read deserve, I click the link and there's your flag. You people are an open book
God is our only happiness. And unlike whites, blacks are faithfull.
Black people deserve their fair shot at the "American Dream". That's the point of this country - you can make your own way.
Institutionalized racism was wrong. It runs counter to the idea that everyone is entitled to a fair shake
That being said - given ample opportunity, they have proven time and time again that the majority of them are prone to violence, moral degeneracy, and scapegoating.
Still, it's their right. Just like you hate when crazy dickwads shoot up a fucking preschool or some shit - jeopardizing your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. It is their right (within reason...) to own firearms. I hate hearing crybaby college kids screeching about privilege, microaggressions, and other bullshit - but it's their right.
As americans, we should support black people's right to 'have a go' at the American dream. They should have access to every public service white people do. And so should every other citizen. It's their right. And when they fuck it away, it should be their fault. Not mine.
how many WWJD bracelets do you have.
It would be awesome to be allied with a strong Liberian ethnostate.
When the fuck did Kodak get so goddamn fat?
They would be happier roaming the savannah.
In Africa
No, don't even leave that many. They'll just breed like the rats they are and we'll be right back where we began.
hey Jamal why wont you answer?
Do you wake up every day thanking the white man for bringing your people the message of jesus christ?
Absolutely, in Africa and only Africa.
>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
I'd say so, but I also think anyone, regardless of race, with gang ink on them should be summarily executed, so...
They get plenty of happiness. The problem is that niggers are ungrateful. Seriously, every nigger thinks all good things that happen to them are owed to them. As if no act of kindness should be rewarded. A bunch of selfish shits, unaware of the reality of the world around them. There is not struggling with them. If they can't get what they want fast they simply give up. It's why they steal shit and don't save money. For most, holding down a job is a monumental achievement simply because they tend to get frustrated and leave. Maybe they have something wrong with them to where they think any amount of actual work with a boss telling you what to do is the same as forcing them to pick cotton for nothing but scraps of food and a communal shed.
Sleepy thoughts. Goodnight.
Agree with everything you said, user. Honestly, I've always liked black people — I find them to be very spirited and cheerful people. It's just when they start peddling grievances that I get pissed. BLM could seriously bring down this country if their ideas become institutionalized, but not every black person agrees with it. Many even say they support it when they really don't, just to avoid being labeled an "Uncle Tom." I just wish black people as a whole and white people as a whole could come to some kind of basic understanding and learn to respect each other's differences and not expect anything from one another, but fucking libtards are making that impossible