Virginia should consider a statue of Pocahontas instead of Robert E. Lee

Virginia should consider a statue of Pocahontas instead of Robert E. Lee

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Democratic leaders in Virginia are unified in their message of moving forward away from hatred. Their comments came after a memorial service for Heather…Show more

WASHINGTON – Pocahontas over Robert E. Lee?

Yes, Virginia, you do have a choice.

Sen. Tim Kaine, the Democrats’ vice presidential nominee last year, suggested Sunday his home state should take a broader view of history when deciding which of its citizens arehonored with statues in the U.S. Capitol.

Each state is allowed to place two statues amid the marbledcolumns of the Capitol’s Statuary Hall. Virginia is represented by statues of George Washington, the nation’s first president, and Robert E. Lee, a general who commanded Confederate troops during the Civil War.

Why do people romanticize the Indians so much?

They were stone age savages who got BTFO by a superior civilization. It was just nature taking its course.

They were very noble and peaceful, ideals which Americans can only strive to attain. Also, I vote Jess to be the next statue of Virginia, nay, of every state!

What does Elizabeth Warren have to do with any of this?

>making statues out of cartoon characters
Should make one of superxe then

I don't even know why Pocahontas gets romanticized so much. She really didn't do anything in her life of importance. Seriously, wiki her. Married young, was a curiosity in England for a few years, died at the ripe old age of 21.

That will never happen because american left considers blacks.trannies,muslim>all.

What do Sen. Warren has to do with this?

Wait, don't tell me its because of that powerful womyn TV series?

>Statue dedicated to getting BLEACHED
I mean, okay?


A fucking submissive teen native who went and died in England may have smoothed relations for Jamestown, but she damn well didn't put herself before God and Commonwealth like Lee.

First non-white male historical figure to pop into his head.

>muh god
When willchrist cucks give up

>Virginia should consider a statue of Pocahontas instead of Robert E. Lee

No one knew who the fuck Pocahontas was until Disney made a movie.

>Pocahonts statue built


>tears down statue

>implements communism


>Virginia should consider a statue of Pocahontas instead of Robert E. Lee

I thought everyone was against statues for sides that lost?

I see he wore purple; typical of a kike-slave.

Yeah, turn their culture into a political prop. Would be way better than the butthurt over the Redskins name.

i thought they didnt want statues of losers

And zing!

This fuckin retard was going to be the vice president.


I thought they didn't want statues of people that owned slaves?

No, losers don't deserve trophies. Remove Southfag and Indinigger monuments.

Why I came in here.

Tfw trump suggests they should have a native American statue and says Elizabeth Warren would be a highly dignified native American.. on Twitter.. oh God the shit storm.