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/rpg/ - Redpill General- "Redpills for the shills" edition
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Reddest pill of all
Whites are the original niggers
Thanks for bumping my thread, nigger
Kevin MacDonald, Culture of Critique
Bump friend.
the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was white
Remember to archive
That's not a redpill that is strategic propaganda so that MGTOW will seem more appealing and logical later on.
White conservative cute gals do not have 'back up' men. That is vile.
This is the holy grail of race realism
How many people actually believe there aren't differences in intelligence between racial groups?
What is this
Love you burger, ANZUS forever.
adobe after effects, maybe finalcut
gotta disagree on China, yeah they might have some smart chinks but there are over a billion of them and alot of them have to just be stupid as shit.
2009 Norwegian spiral anomaly
You know, something about this tells me the knock at the door may not be the best thing.
are goy welcome to jew temple?
you can't judge a person by their race but you can judge a population by their race
why are the numbers in mayan numerology?
Support Jewish nationalism! Oppose white nationalism!
this shit is legit scary
The reflection in the car window...
what the fuck
(((the Iraq War)))
>Italy has higher income per capita than USA, Japan, or Canada.
I call shenanigans on this info-graphic.
Some crazy shit in northern Europe from a few years back, I saw something where people were trying to explain it away as the atmospheric effects of a missile/rocket launching and spiraling, although it looks pretty fucking abnormal, assuming it's not fake.
this 100% ultimate redpill
My phone and Wi-Fi shut off while browsing this thread and my phone battery is at 40%
Whats this supposed to be of?
Is it humanly possible for one man to be so based?
i don't know why people have a hard time admitting this. whites are mentally superior, blacks are phyiscally superior.
Wars for Israel
so you're basically just hitting 0 a shitload of times?
I don't know if it's paranoia or a red pill, but I have become extremely aware of ads, news and pretty much everything trying to sell and make us buy products. It's infuriating.
Siding with terrorists for Israel
can black goy attend mid night hoops at jew temple?
A martyr for truth
that number leads to the fbi btw
Jewish broadcast journalist and syndicated columnist Amy Goodman interviews Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli education minister who admits that Jews have great power in America, including media power.
My contribution, made this for /x/ a little while ago
I feel really bad for him; he's done so much research and knows exactly who we're up against and can't do anything about it.
>anons here uploading old pages filled with ugly text
>think anyone is reading them
waste of space tbqh. at least make your pills presentable
Holocaust didn't happen. It's the grand daddy lie of them all
the jews and their news were pushing the number 6 million on our grandfathers before hitler was even born.
Wait, this David Vincent?
The scores are averages of a bell curve. About 80% of the population falls into the specified IQ. Of course, China does have a lot more dumb chinks than we have dumb whites but they also have a lot more smart chinks than we have smart whites, their population is much greater.
“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish”
--Vladimir Putin, The Jerusalem Post, June 6, 2013
Are you a nigger do you not know how averages work?
tl;dr six million burned to ashes is some jew prophesy signalling the heebs return to holy land.
No. That David Vincent moved to Norway. The guy in the picture is some scumbag who ran an underground club.
Based Einstein?