The over-fishing crisis

This doesn't get enough attention, Sup Forums. Rising seafood consumption (especially in Asia) means that many species of fish are now very depleted - and it's only getting worse. This recent story is typical:

>Chinese Ship Found Carrying Endangered Species from Galapagos

>Ecuadorean authorities have announced the seizure of a Chinese ship which was caught smuggling animals from the Galapagos Islands marine reserve.

>Detained near San Cristobal Island, one of the most important of the archipelago, the vessel was found carrying 300 metric tons of frozen marine species, with piles of slaughtered endangered fish and hammerhead sharks stacked in the base of the ship.

What can be done about this, /pol?

Other urls found in this thread:

Depopulate China by 60%

Fuck it, India too

My neighbor owns a boat and is always asking me if I want some fish. Today I made chicken parmesan but substituted Halibut for the chicken.

Indians don't actually eat that much seafood per capita. Or Brazilians, for some reason, despite their big coastlines. It really is China eating everything in the sea.

Countries really need to start shooting and sinking chink fishing vessels.
The Chinese government can't really complain given that they're infringing sovereign waters to do the fishing.

Good. I hate fish. Fuck off Al Gore.

I didn't know they were endangered, I have no idea why anyone would want to eat one though

If it moves, it's food.

But its riddles with parasites

Chinese use sewage as cooking oil, they really don't give a flying fuck Sven.

Then it was halibut parmesan you fucking retarded mongrel.

>hunting sunfish
they're literally the shittiest tasting fish in the sea what the fuck is wrong with mainland chinese.

Favourite fish anons?

>Said the "let's bomb the ME" country.

Why don't "Hiroshima" them?

Wew lad just fuck my sides up

Sashimi in general is my favorite I just love eating the fuck out of raw fish. I once ate something like 200 pieces of sashimi at an all you can eat sushi place and ended up being politely asked if I could stop KEK.


Believe me if I could I would they're not human. I sincerely have a lot of respect for your country keep on keeping on and remember FUCK REFUGEES.


damn them 5 or 6 french fries look good

They... are known for improve skin condition and stuff in asia countries...

Eel or squid, if squid counts as fish. Flounder is p good too.

Rainbow Trout with white rice



>be me, chinese
>Biology degree student in Taiwan (not mainland china)
>Went to fish market for fish species investigation
>Saw fish boat with fresh haul
>literally endanger species of fish
>sunfish, hammerhead, whale shark, etc
>ask my taiwanese friend
>wtf, those are endanger species
>friend reply
>keep your voice down, you don't want end up to be fish food
>mfw, we, chinese, no matter mainlander or taiwan or oversea
>we are the same, we don't care about environment
>meh, we caught it, better eat it
>meh, just dump the trash to sea, the sea is big enough for everyone
>meh, convenience, you know.
>pic related one of the species I saw that day

He does hate Al Gore

Sashimi is not a fish you idiot. It's fish served raw in slices

raw or fried, delicious

Take a few years break eating fish to let the population come back.
Too much mercury anyway.

give the fish aids

Factory fish farms but that won't stop rising ocean ph and temp from killing everything anyway

Tuna is just so good raw man. Sword fish is dank as well but I need to eat it in a dish not just on its own

>industrialize countries overpopulated with midhumans
>leave without destroying infrastructure and executing educated class


Fresh caught crappie or tuna

To back to china-land, chinky.
Also, you're Chinese. Since when do you care about endangered species? You people eat them into extinction. Ever heard of the pangolin?

fuck Walleye are good, sucks there's barely any in my state

Chinese are the true subhumans.
Eat anything. No understanding of endangered species. When something goes extinct, just move on to the next one.

Salmon by far, so fatty and delicious. Then probably tuna. Not the canned trash.

They are like locusts

As far as fish goes probably
If its seafood in general, I want to throw blue crab at the top. Love some crab cakes.

Chinese fishermen are the worst they sail around the world over fishing everything, while scraping ocean floors destroying eco systems.

Requires highly trained chef too :^)

>Sashimi is not fish
>it's raw fish
>implying there aren't different types of fish sashimi
I like all sashimi but if I had to be a fucking debbie downer like you and give you a straight answer I'd go with fried catfish

Anchovies in white wine vinegar with olive oil. I eat shit loads of them.

>High in Omega 3 fatty acids
>Vitamins A, B, C, E and K
>Calcium, Iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc
>Very low mercury levels, so eat as many as you want.

They love them for some reason. I think it's fairly recent. Maybe due to some online "craze" about how sunfish guts or eyes or blubber has health effects. Sometimes that happens.


>Runescape player's diet

God those dumb chinks think Tiger chodes will prolong their life for fucks sake why are we still treating them like sentient humans?

Goddamn fuck yes son

Absolutely fucking hate the Chinese. And the Koreans and Japs aren't far behind. They really have no conscience in terms of animal rights or preservation.

Not long ago I was watching TV in Japan and there was this afternoon talk show where they were talking about all the different shark fin dishes they serve in restaurants in Sendai, without a single mention how it's a barbaric practice that endangers sharks, doesn't even taste good and doesn't have any medicinal purpose.

It really is mind boggling how inhumane Asians are.

Always the Chinese...
Farm fish, it's so easy.

All u need for sum fishy.

The problem is Chinese illegal fishing of endangered species and they kill endangered animals for their traditional medicine.

Many Indians are vegetarian or eat some chicken. Not much fish.

>not enough attention

blah blah blah. humans being unable to collectively plan for the future is not new. the greatest country on earth today, the USA, devastated its ocean resources early on in its history. I'm not surprised that other countries, even if they rely far more on the ocean than we do, do the same.

salmon fillets baked with white onions and lemon slices on top.

I don't mind fish. Haven't been eating enough of it lately. Everyone I know hates fish. I know it smells bad but I always feel good after eating seafood. Fried catfish where it's at tho.

>tfw no catfish near where I live
Ive always wanted to try catfish nuggets

I would rather kill all the chinks in China than see the ocean's depleted.

Blue Grenadier

Salmon easily. Has to be fresh tho

I don't really care, but it's good for business for us.

Holy shit did where did /ck/ come from

Coming from a country where they brag and display their wealth by eating the tasteless, shit textured cartilage that shark fins are, it's not really surprising.

>shark is mostly unedible except the flesh finland or some shit, and eaten rotten, smells like ammoniac
>is toxic fresh
>fin is cartilage, tastes nothing
>barbaric removal
>has to be dried entirely
>boiled for hours to make it soft, jelly like
>served in a ham broth because you want to cover the potential, eventual residual taste it may have

They'd buy and eat foot fungus if it was possible to buy it for an average worker's month of salary. Just to prove they have money.

God damn i'd kill for some right NOW.

>This doesn't get enough attention

It won't get enough attention until it's permanently fucked and the oceans start overflowing with algae.

Then they'll say "oops".

That's the unifying human response to nearly all large scale climate problems and why you can just kick your feet up on AGW too, because nothing will be done in time so fuck it. We're likely the last generation to live a full lifetime without the intersecting problems of runaway population, harsher climate, resource dry up and ecological web disasters.

If you have kids.. I don't know. Teach them how to shoot straight, stockpile skills before resources, it's completely possible society as we know it will collapse around them before they're gone.


Atlantic salmon was once plentiful but was so overfished now the species is only farm raised

>Ive always wanted to try catfish nuggets
they good. but I prefer ocean fish like Haddock

bump for real Sup Forums

this should be a weekly

seafood in asia? nigga we have hunted tuna to the brink of extinction

There should be a China Hate General going at all times. /CHG/

Why should I care? It's just useless animals.

Why stop at 60%?

go down another bottle of potato liquor you commie fucktard

Why are whites so pussy? It's a fucking animal. It can't think and it has meat. So who cares if we kill and eat it?

Salmon of course

Catfish or red snapper

> It can't think and it has meat.
Nothing, actually.

Driving your food into extinction is Haiti-tier niggery

A fried filet with fries, good shit

When the fish run out eat boats. Dock boats together so they make baby boats and when they get big enough you eat them. Somalians domesticated the boat a millennia ago why can't we do it in the 21st century?

you do realize global warming poses more of a risk to fish than the chinese ever will right?

nothing really. too much money to be made for these uneducated chink fucks

>Depopulate China by 60%

they're already exponentially decreasing retard

Chinese are very subhuman. They have no regard for any other aspect of the world or its order aside from themselves and their immediate family.
Soulless chink is not just a meme. It is fact.

Gee, China and the other overpopulated third world shitholes are a menace to the world. Who'd have figured? Just fucking blockade them outside of Asian waters. They're fucking animals anyway. At least start executing the ones you find in violation of law.

>Driving your food into extinction is Haiti-tier niggery

whites are responsible for more extinction than any other race combined

kek what game is that

>They have no regard for any other aspect of the world or its order aside from themselves and their immediate family.

which is why china is investing heavily in green energy and you still drive around in an 8 gallon diesel guzzler. ok

looks absolutely flavorless

>implying they don't consider the parasites a delicacy


It's right when Whites do it.
They are the niggers desu.

There's something strangely artistic about this photo

>other overpopulated third world shitholes are a menace to the world

says the country most likely to initiate WW3. ok


>It's right when Whites do it.
>They are the niggers desu.

this is well known...

good post user, thanks
thanks for caring, too
people like you change the status quo in situations like this

Lobster or crab