Why is there almost complete radio silence on Trump/Russia story?
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I think it was all hot air and ran out of traction with audiences so it's gone kind of silent. Besides, trump pushed for major sanctions against Russia in an almost unilateral way. The the point that even Europeans and merkel had to think twice about it and mutter their disapproval... so what are they, anti Putin or aren't they?
He basically ran circles around the media.
I'm curious myself. The last six months I heard "the kremlin" everyday, when before that I only had heard it in 80s movies.
I guess it was failing so they switched gear as soon as the next thing started (Trump supports neo-Nazis/is a neo-Nazi).
Switched gear during a big event so that the public wouldn't notice the story disappear.
They realized people aren't buying it anymore so they're switching to their next flavor of the month Trump "controversy" to keep the heat on
Bringing it up triggers THE FUCK out of libshits. Whenever some libfag starts saying some shit about how a Trump is going to get impeached just ask
>Whatever happened to that whole Trump/Russia thing?
They started pulling back from the Russia narrative a week or two before Charlottesville. When Awan got busted, they realized his info will likely expose the Clinton/Russia connections that Pedosta invented the Trump/Russia narrative to neutralize in the first place.