Fuck you Sup Forums

I fucking hate you guys. Stop sending death threats to our families you Nazi fucks. I'm the one standing up to bigotry, racism, sexism, fascism, and Nazism! Not them! They have nothing to do with this! We wouldn't go after your families, you genocidal freaks!

Other urls found in this thread:



what the fuck are you talking about? this is a board of peace. please leave.

Go play with dirt.

Oh boy who ordered this stale copypasta, it is so stale and boring!


14/88 put some more effort in next time, this bait was shit.

We will replace you.

Antifa are dead retards walking

you're a nazi, fuck off

Wait the anarchists are going to replace the communists? I'm...actually okay with this.

Stop being black, and start being human.

You know, it's people like you that make me side with nazis. I'm not white, but goddamn does it get my dick hard thinking about fucking commies like you getting stomped


>date] [Auto] No new posts
Good luck, we outnumber you drastically. We embarrassed you Nazi losers in Boston.

OP right now.

>implying you can outnumber spic birthrates
I'll face the day of the rope with pride knowing I helped get rid of trash like you

Eat shit faggot. Your crimes hang over your families' heads.
We're not just going to lie down and die.
You faggots just love to underestimate us.

you started it

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch


You didn't really think this out did you? Too late now. Revenge is mandatory.

fuuuuck man looks like your "bitch" is just an hrt fag with spray tanthe only thing u were ever captain of was gargling nuts in the locker room while the preps passed u around. little virgin fag. give me 1 shot and ill cut your useless throat

>being this fucking new
And I don't mean here, I mean new on the internet in general

awww lookie a triggered alt left queer bitch. little to late alt leftie, the day we cut your throat and burn your families alive is coming

fake news

so you larp as a jersy shore cast abortion who drinks faggoty-ass vodka and bangs a tranny.


fittin jamals cock in your mouth again arent ya?

Meanwhile, in Antifa...



Hahahaha faggot!!!


Welcome to our Kazakstani frog breeding forum of peace friend.

>family doesn't fight fascism it Nazism
Then they're Nazis who deserve what they get kek
>wouldn't go after other sides family
Haha yeah you would faggot

>I fucking hate you guys
No surprise since antifa is a communist hate group, you idiots hate everyone and everything even yourselves.

lmao good bait. fucking nazis

Yes yes keep teling yourself that

>Being this fucking new
Neck yourself. I can't wait for you summerfags to leave.

you're a nazi, fuck off

fuck off, nigger commie

Do you have the "My name is Juan?" That was my favorite.

>we wouldnt go after your families
>causing fathers to lose their jobs and compromising their ability to feed and shelter their families
your families raised you into the scumbags you people are, they are just as responsible for bringing you up in a fashion that resulted in YOU

Nope just nazi terrorists.


Die in hell nigger

You have no clue what fascism or national socialism are. Especially if you attribute hate to it.
See the light already damn you!
And don't burn your retinas out if you seek it!

Which just so happens to be everyone who disagrees with your shit ideology.

>130.000 in 4 days and growing

Your movement is dead. People are realising what you are, communist terrorists.

and by the way, you drunk fucking hillbilly, I was defending the board from a newfag. read the fucking comment I was responding to before you chimp out.

At least try, OP.

Nope, your families will pay the price for your decisions. Deal with it

I'm weirdly happy seeing this again. It's like meeting an old friend from kindergarten and spending 5 minutes catching up.

Thats so funny, the fag starts a war and than complains that we rape his sister. Fucking usefull idiots don't understand anything. OMG their biggest fear is DOXX

I love it when the shills fall for the copypasta.

If you are part of this movement, you will be imprisoned and possibly executed. You are traitors and shall be treated as such. This is not a threat. This is an explanation of how and why things will unfold for you, comrade.

yea except you call anyone a nazi, even if they are a free loving faggot like Milo

>We wouldn't go after your families
this is literally in the communist playbook

i made these meme but im proud u used it

you have skills
