Are most of you just trying to be edgy? Why can't you understand that there are people less fortunate than you? Do you really think its okay to kill nonwhites and run over woman?
Are most of you just trying to be edgy? Why can't you understand that there are people less fortunate than you...
I used to be poor.
Now I'm not. Lazy niggers do not deserve anything.
Are you actually blaming libertarians for a false flag that happened at a white supremacist rally? You're doing everything wrong.
Its absolutely wrong to run over a human, or to hate fellow humans.
Communists and Niggers aren't human.
Fuck off.
the edgy people here are mostly jews trying to discredit us. like every other movement except it cant work anymore bc the average white person's got nothing left to live for
Oh I recognize that, but it has nothing to do with race.
I hate jews so much. I hate niggers so much. I hate faggots so much. I hate gooks so much. The KKK is here to stay.
Gated communities, rural, suburban. Only read online about minorities, watch fox news all day, read right wing forums all day...consider anything that isnt positive towards the right wing "fake news"....yeah, this is it right here. A lot of these people have no idea what a real struggle is. They think its all fun and memes. They don't realize how bad some have it, and how much they are contributing to it.
No. But I do hate commies. They killed my family so now I am sworn in blood to face them where I find them
Quit pretending like the other side is innocent
>subhumans destroy their own countries because they're subhuman
a-a-a-anons don't you know they deserve a chance to mess your nation up too?
>Why can't you understand that there are people less fortunate than you? Do you really think its okay to kill nonwhites and run over woman?
Those people showed up to join a tyrannical mob for the purpose of violently suppressing a peaceful, lawful rally organized by people with a right to free speech and assembly. They chose violence. I don't give a fuck if they suffer violence in return. They made their choice.
>godspeed user, spread the good word
Communism destroyed my home country and ruined the lives and personalities of my parents and grandparent. I don't wish death upon anyone but I can't say I feel bad when a communist dies
OP is a fag
Just don't wanna be controlled by Jews anymore, user
I do understand there are people less fortunate than me, but liberals wrongly assume poverty for non-white people is mostly the result of oppression. It isn't. It's due to cultural and behavioral deficits.
I'm here, stealing your toothbrush kulak scum.
You probably think that type of double-think is justification enough.
Leave behind the hate and turn to Jesus Christ.
Has to be national socialism to work.
All white areas like Scandinavia can pull it off
>okay to kill nonwhites
BLM killed 5 cops in Dallas.
Please die.