Why isn't your dick at least 9 inches long? why are you a 7.5" dicklet?

why isn't your dick at least 9 inches long? why are you a 7.5" dicklet?

you're not white

Life is not like porn

Life is like a box of chocolates


My mom died of breast cancer

go to Sup Forums you fucking cunt

But my dick is 10.5".

I'd rather have big bulging quads than more inches I guess.

fuck niggers shitting cunts fucking babies living feminists, down the street up my butt in your ear FUCKING FAGGOTS SUCK MY DICK EAT YOUR ASS SUCK MY PRICK

janitors do your job




And that dicks not even 7.5. Plus shoopped thickness. No homo.



fuck off

>the psychology of bodybuilders in a nutshell

I-is that yours user?

pol is like a hugbox of cocklets


you say that.....but our peeps are watching so much porn now that the line is a bit blurry.

also, people have always selected for bigger dicks, in general. the internet did not create the big dick, big tits, or big ass memes.

just used 'em and made everything bigger.

I want to sit in that. Amazing. Fill my arsehole with your ample cock.

why would I post any other dick friend?

5" master race reporting in.

OP is a faggot

henry zebrowski?

fuck you faggot

Btw 1/4 of the posts here are Canadian flags.

.5% of humans.

25% of this thread.

No homo
