Why hasn't Japan been indoctrinated into globalism yet?

Why hasn't Japan been indoctrinated into globalism yet?

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Samurai spirit too stronk

BTW Japanese WW2 songs are awesome.

They crucified all kikestrians

There are a bunch of commie retards and leftists actually. USA and Western Europe are just the heart of the storm.

Subverted by the other side of the coin.

How often do they sympathize with North Korea? I know NK's news outlets frequently show hate for Japan.

The Jew fears the Samurai

Because Japanese system is working well.
Why do they need to replace with the shit system?

Because they're not a bunch of stupid niggers.

high IQ and anime

Language barrier.

The average Jew just doesn't want to learn a hard ass language.




Historically, Japanese culture and society is isolationist.

Oda Nobunaga might have changed that thought but he died so that ended any chance if globalism.

Also, the Portuguese pissed off the Japanese so much that they decided to shut down their borders.

The Dutch were alright, though, according to the Japs.

They just wanted to trade and sell shit and not cause any trouble.

Because the last time socialists tried to fuck with them. Someone ended up dead. This is the only way to fix things.


forgot to change your flag

and the unequal treaties set them down the path of rapid modernization and conquest in order to compete with Europe.

Does video exist of that?

The sentiment is gradually iincreasing but most of the population doesn't give a fuck beyond "we should be more global" at this point.
t. Lived there for 2 years


Japan is weird. Westerns derive inspiration from Japanese strangeness. To taint Japan, would be to taint a other worldly culture.

Holy shit, screencap. This story is legendary in the LDP. Good on your gramps.

get out barbarian

Jews can't blend into them so easily.

>as a fellow (((white person))), I think all white cis males should be genocided and shite shiksas mixed with congoids

Because their culture is pretty neato

This. They weren't also involved with any (((Abrahamic))) religion nonsense so they managed to preserve their culture for centuries.

>i cannot into tenses


don't know, I doubt it.

>I doubt it.


sick blood


Language barrier.
Guilt based vs shame based society.

Based wakazashi man is a hero.

Real leftist organizations are police honeypots, there is effectively no organized left.
Jap communist party exists but they're just old rice farmers who want gibsmedats and complain about America

They are a bunch of racist bigots! I remeber being traveling in Japan and thowd fucking chinks were calling me gaidjin all the time and being racist! They need white seme. To devirsify their genepool and deminish racism level!!!!!

They are too insular. Their culture doesn't translate well to outsiders. People just don't want a bunch of foreigners fucking up their way of doing things.

Fuck you ya piece of shit (likely just a troll false flagger). Your thought patterns are literally nigger-tier)

They are (were) perfect. The way things should be.

Its a hate free space you whitey! Kill whitey! No whitey and japey = no racism hate and oppression! Allahu AKBAR WE AEE ALL BLACK TRANSGENDER MUSLIMS!

Japan is beta now just like germanistan.... less niggers though so that's good.

>Killed a SocDem
Oh noes

not even funny without the flag

stop drinking

>(likely just a troll false flagger)
called it.

but they have. They trade with everyone just like all the other globalist countries.

Go propagate your hate somewhere else white trash

seriously, your larping is obvious and not even clever

They have their own national language and the (((globalist))) propaganda is all in English/other European languages. It all goes straight over their heads.

Also the jews don't look like them so it's really easy to spot one trying to infiltrate positions of influence.

It's too far from shit-filled continents such as Africa.

but this video doesn't look like the picture at all

>The Japanese public was deeply shocked by Asanuma's assassination. In its wake, a spate of mass demonstrations for peace and order ensued across the country.

Are they re-writing history on Wikipedia or was Japan really that cucked?

I would not know such things. However after the bombs were dropped I would image that the entire country was demoralized incredibly.

The jew fears the samurai, but they know better.
Japan will mouse utopia itself to death without the juden.


>How often do they sympathize with North Korea?
They usually have connections with Chongryon and other pro-NK Zainichi.

>there is effectively no organized left
Aside from self-styled antifa?

>real actual antifa in Japan
they would be arrested immediately

>they would be arrested immediately
based cops, love it

lol, what?