>“Fuck this fucking Drumpf faggot. Bannon was /ourguy/."

nymag.com/selectall/2017/08/reddit-and-Sup Forums-react-to-steve-bannon-resignation.html


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Trump didn't want him to go. Steve Bannon wanted to go.

Trump sold out
The neocons didn't want to have to stick to the agenda Bannon was ensuring they had to; so Trump sided with the neocons, against the people who put him in office.

nordbot already archived it, please do not ignore his efforts

Isn't he doing the Muslim ban which neocons don't want.

Bannon is a zionist shill.


That is something done while bannon was there. Watch it fall to the wayside.


If you read the whole quote, he didn't mean it as you're portraying it. He went on to say all the republicans are trying to fuck over trump.

This narrative is never going to work you know that right?


You just know we are in the end times when NY Post just fritters around with the fuck these faggots news articles. I am completely serious. If you think I'm whining I don't give a damn. Excellent timing. Simply remarkable. The news media needed more excuses to be hated

The Truth is bursting at the seams. Nothing Bannon does will stop Trump from naming the jews.

He came up with it before bannon worked for him. Now the court will rule.

Reddit prides itself on being super ultra mega liberal but fuck those faggots. Is this south park? Faggot means lots of things and it's fine that Reddit didn't ban the guy. But not fine when ZOMG LOLBERG LET'S PICK UP ON THIS IN ANCIENT BOOMER MAGAZINES TOO

Fuck Krump
Fuggg wyte ppl

wtf I love McMaster now

Drumpf's empire of dirt is crumbling and we're mere weeks away from a constitutional crisis. Tick tock Drumpflings your nazi overlord is going to prison. Steve Bannon knew this and that's why he left.

I'm a former Trump campaigner and I feel so remorseful that we allowed this sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic pedophile to ascend to the presidency. I'm ashamed but at least Drumpf will soon no longer be in possession of our nuclear codes.

Anyone who denies this is from reddit.

You're lying and anyone who believes you is a shill or an idiot.

>nazi overlord
>5 Jewish grandchildren
>most kiked president ever
>pro Israel

Sure thing.......

>News outlets are so fucking starved for shit, that they just cherry pick shit off of Sup Forums and say "The alt right russian hacker known as Sup Forums said this"
This is just about as pathetic as that one news article that covered the 2 or so threads by some guy who realized he wasn't registered to vote on election day.

>Pick a side goyim
How many days will they continue with this D&C?

Suckle my cockle

Bannon can still advise Trump. He's done his job in the limelight and will now step down to journalism to lay down these lying faggots in his own way without the government breathing down his neck. Have Faith.