Dumping the explanation for August 21 eclipse and why it means we may possibly be fucked
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Dumping the explanation for August 21 eclipse and why it means we may possibly be fucked
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Go on...
i shall contributan
i live or die for sept 23
>read this thread
>start hearing sirens outside
I love you guys. You guys...are the best.
The Happenings: See You in September 2.3 (Song from 1966):
Have a good time but remember
>There is danger in the summer moon above
>Will I see you in September
Or lose you to a summer love
(I'll be alone each and every night)
(While you're away, don't forget to write)
>See you (bye-bye, so long, farewell)
>In September (bye-bye, so long, farewell)
Mixing Christ-less astrology with biblical prophecy.
CLAIM: Looking for "signs" in the sky is astrology.
This is FALSE. Astrology is an idolatrous and occultic practice that often involves the deification of stars, planets, and moons. Astrologers often teach that these heavenly bodies control life on earth. To the contrary, the search for biblical signs in the heavens recognizes that it is the Creator God who made all things and set everything into motion in a preordained pattern. The heavenly bodies themselves have no power over our lives and we do not worship them.
The Bible explicitly says that there will be signs in the sky preceding the return of Christ (Matthew 24:30, Luke 21:11, Luke 21:25, Revelation 12:1-3). The Bible also says that the sun, moon, and stars were created for three reasons: 1. To separate day from night, 2. To give light to the earth, and 3. To indicate days, years, seasons, and signs (Genesis 1:14-15). Prophetic language frequently makes mention of lunar and solar eclipses (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12) and God often focuses our attention on the stars (Genesis 15:5, Isaiah 40:26, Job 38:31, Amos 5:8, Psalm 19:1).
Interestingly, the magi from the east were able to find the baby Jesus by following prophetic descriptions found in Numbers 24:17 and Genesis 49:9-10. They were able to identify the constellation Leo ("The Lion") with the tribe of Judah and followed the Star of Bethlehem as it moved west and came to rest over Bethlehem.
>tfw can't wait to be baptised in umbra
Traffic permitting
German federal election on September 24, 2017. Day after the September 23 happening.
>The heavenly bodies themselves have no power over our lives
If you can see it, it influences you.
No exceptions.
captcha solar 1800
v5 = rev 12:5 the child is caught up to the throne
Ok explan this shit to me like I'm a 5 year old with SIDS
wait...I'm confused.
Is the happening on Aug 21 or Sept 23?
September 23rd 2017 in 3 Minutes!
sept 23
sun goes to darkness BEFORE the day of the lord
The lyrics are a little freaky in this context.
so the blind are immune?
thanks for the clarification
>all signed point to massive change in course / or happening on aug 21
>possibly like 9/11 or something involving the bowling green massacre or isis perhaps
>all prophecies written in revelations are actually coming true before our eyes
>prophecies match up with september 23 findings
>sky pepe will do its thing on september 23
and the sky pepe is this thing:
that google is censoring
>possibly the end of the world on september 23? entering the new age?
no one really knows.. but all signs point to some MAJOR SHIT
Lads, that's my birthday. Give it to me straight, what will happen to me?
All the happenings we've been experiencing have been foretold and leading up to the major happening on September 23.
lmao you people have too much time on your hands, you should get a job. Nobodys gonna sell their house and move to Mexico because some wierdo on the internet said it was the end of the world again
updated the prophecy
its a very anti christian prophecy because it says theyre forcing gods hand when we believe it actually is gods hand coming
More so since Trump is in league w the Christ killers
Only the first two really make sense. Rest is bullshit.
The eclipse is going to be a hilarious time on Sup Forums
Rampant happening posting if Sup Forums was right again, and rampant trolling and shit posting if wrong
I can't wait
>Cerulean, KY
>"When the pigment cerulean blue was discovered, it became a useful addition to Prussian blue, cobalt blue and synthetic ultramarine which already had superseded the prior pigments."
OK, what about eclipses in general?
>"The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that Thales of Miletus predicted an eclipse that occurred during a battle between the Medes and the Lydians. Both sides put down their weapons and declared peace as a result of the eclipse.[45]"
Who was Herodotus?
>He wrote a book of history: "The purpose is to prevent the traces of human events from being erased by time, and to preserve the fame of the important and remarkable achievements produced by both Greeks and non-Greeks; among the matters covered is, in particular, the cause of the hostilities between Greeks and non-Greeks."
And the Medes?
>"The Medes were called anciently by all people 'Aryans; but when Medea, the Colchian, came to them from Athens, they changed their name. Such is the account which they themselves give."
Where were the Medes?
>Modern-day Iran
What was their religion?
>Zoroastrianism, but the original kind, before Zarathustra. The priesthood passed from father to son. They worked as "advisers, dream interpreters, and soothsayers." They were called "Magi." The god of the Zoroastrian is Ahura Mazda. Ahura Mazda delivers power to the king through the kingship ring (equivalent to a cartouche). You will note the kingship ring looks not unlike an eclipse.
What about the Lydians?
>Their lands occupied the area East of Constantinople, of what is today called Turkey. "Lydia developed after the decline of the Hittite Empire in the 12th century BC."
And who were the Hittites?
Some on Sup Forums will do that. However, the eclipse is going to be what it is, an eclipse. It's the 33rd day after it that draws my interests.
>They presided over much of modern-day Turkey, except for the Western edge. "The Hittite language was a distinct member of the Anatolian branch of the Indo-European language family, and [is tied with one other as] the oldest historically attested Indo-European language."
>The Hittites worshiped Tarhunz, "the weather god of the vineyard" and "dragon slayer." "In the rear hand he holds an axe and in the front hand he holds a thunderbolt. A winged sun may be depicted above his head, indicating his divine authority."
What became of the Lydians?
>In time the Lydians settled in Italy: "The Greek historian Herodotus stated that the Etruscans came from Lydia" (backed up by genetics)
And who were the Etruscans, then?
>"The Etruscan civilization (/Jˈtrʌskən/) is the modern name given to a powerful and wealthy civilization of ancient Italy in the area corresponding roughly to Tuscany, western Umbria, and northern Lazio."
>Yes, this area of Italy gave rise to Leonardo da Vinci, Lorenzo de Medici, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Amerigo Vespucci.
The greatest inventor, the greatest patron of the arts ever, the first to speak of the concept of "might makes right," and THE VERY MAN FOR WHOM AMERICA IS NAMED?!
>Yes, and there is much more that can be said on the topic…
Why do americans make a big deal out of a solar eclipse
Because we are smarter than you, Sven
i believe literally everyone is going to be dead or raptured in 33 days in the united states
thats how serious this is
bible says america falls in 1 hour
Actually, I'm curious why Europeans are making a big deal out of it. My town is flooded with people from all over Europe and Canada.
Look into the sabbateans and frankist. It will make more sense then.
I want to believe this is trolling but deep in my heart I just know you're a fucking retard
I don't even have time to look into it because I fucking work that day anyways. These "happenings" are just NEETs and christfags trying to spice up their boring life
This is some Hardy boys nonsense. Nothing will happen yet again and all you brainless doom faggots will hop on the next 'apocalyptic' snake oil fad without skipping a beat.
But it states that we won't know when the 2nd coming of Christ will happen. What will you do if it passes with nothing happening?
Oh thank God just end it, I'm sick of hearing about the (((eclipse)))
Hilariously the astrological significance of Revelation was openly touted during the mid 1800s-early 1900s occult renaissance of the era.
OP is correct; the general prevailing theory on Revelation (other than it being retrospective and about Nero etc) is that it is astrological.
Do you think Melchizedek was a zoroastrian?
I'm fairly certain you just contradicted your own argument here.
>Astrology - signs in the sky
> Magi found baby Jesus - because signs in the sky
always gonna be naysayers
but god didnt put this into orbit from before time and them into the book of revelation for nothing
its the single most important day almost ever
What are you gonna say on Tuesday then, faggot, when nothing happens?
I don't think the rapture is going to happen on the 23rd of Sept. And you are right that the Bible itself says that no man knows the day or hour.
However, something is going to happen. Getting too many mixed information but if something does happen, it's going to be freaky.
Could be a firestorm from the sky? Don't know.
Astrology is the worship of the sun, moon, and stars or using them for pagan practices like the horoscope. Studying biblical signs in the heavens that point to and give glory to God has nothing whatsoever to do with astrology (Genesis 1:14, Job 9:9, 38:32, Amos 5:8, Matthew 2:1-12, Luke 21:11, 25).
Jesus fuck you really won't stop with this shit
Why are you taking this here and not x
Act like they didn't make gigantic asses of themselves then come up with some other apocalypse prophecy to latch onto.
The 2012 hype train to nowhere should've immunized these retards to being duped again, but I guess some idiots never learn.
Apparently you don't know how to read. This isn't about the eclipse, it's about September 23rd.
> this
Pic related
>no man knoweth the day or the ho-
1 Thessalonians 5:4
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
It's about doomsday bullshit, regardless of whatever arbitrary date you idiots set.
Good. Please happen.
>. It's the 33rd day after it that draws my interests.
Pray tell?
The 2012 thing wasn't biblical. It was about people who freaked out because the Mayans' calendar ended. I was trying to tell everyone that the Mayans didn't say a damn thing about the world ending. They just thought, "hmm. Well we could make a bigger calendar but where the hell are we going to put it?"
Because this is biblical it makes it more true?
Okay, I'll be around after your magical date comes and goes, uneventful, to call you an idiot again.
>The rod and the ring will strike
Awwww, you got digits for that!
You really don't know what any of this is even about and because of that, you posts look foolish.
What has happened to cause this much pyschosis. It's almost like everyone has BPD,i know i dont.
>Belly of the Dragon will drip
>Hoover Damn has a star chart pointing to Draco on the top of it
Hope you're ready to go tubing.
Then why are you here? Seriously. If you don't believe in this then why do you feel so compelled to waste your time?
Maybe there is something to this and it scares you. Otherwise you wouldn't be posting.
Your post implies this is a bad/wrong thing?
Some people collect bottle tops and drink coaster as a hobby.. Some like to survive apocalypses ...
Live and let live buddy
I just did a Tarot draw for you faggots (Thoth deck) asking what this Eclipse means for America.
Got "The Sun"... you cunts are fucked.
It's more senseless doomsday prophecy nonsense. You're so arrogant about it too which makes it even funnier to me.
>hurr dis is bibble stuff it is more truer than dat mayans stuffs
>ull see i am the rightest of all da doomsday profits
You're a tard without anything to live for so you latch onto crap like this, you're like a flat earther.
Did you freak out over Y2K too?
The second article may be a cover for simultaneously releasing another strain of bacteria. After all, everyone will be outside watching the Eclipse. What the fuck...
Let's archive it
>theverge com/platform/amp/2017/8/15/16145668/eclipse-nasa-balloons-stratosphere-bacteria-life-mars
>Maybe there is something to this and it scares you.
This thread belongs on /x/, that's why I'm taking the piss out of you terrified little faggots who think the end of the world is just around every fucking corner. Unfortunately you'll find some new tea leaves to heap all your energy into because you want the world to end since you have nothing to live for.
Get married, have some kids, stop wasting your time with this nonsense.
Concentrated autism, the jpeg.
Surely the Dragon is China?
Some of you guys really are fucking out there, i bet we won't see any single one of you fess up you are wrong and got caught up in the insanity when nothing happens tomorrow.
Oh fug we all gonna die tomorrow or some shit aren't we??
>It seems our collective conscious summoned/created something unfathomable
>7 Years of Tribulation, we're in year 1 of Trump and we have 7 more with him to guide is through the darkness
Antifa people show sign of demonic possession and multiple witnesses say they smell like onion.
they do this every fucking time, the conspiracy autist come out the woodwork and spam the board with this shit. of course nothing happens, and then they wait until the next phenomenon to pop up.
Just stay in /x/, damn.
this women fled into the WILDERNESS for a month
Revelation 12:6
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
september 23 is in about a month
found on a saturday , sept 23 is on a saturday
found on highway 82 , 82 in strongs is "to fly"
There's this guy on Youtube who uses all that stuff to explain and measure the planet. It tends to match up with all the meme-magic that goes on, so there might be some merit to this.
…. Could it be??