I voted for Hillary and I fucking hate Hillary. Because I hate Trump that much more

I voted for Hillary and I fucking hate Hillary. Because I hate Trump that much more.
I blocked all my friends on facebook who said they voted for Trump or even showed support.
I broke up with a girl because she tried on somebody's MAGA hat as a joke.
I told my mom if she didn't get rid of her Apprentice DVDs, I wouldn't speak to her anymore. We haven't spoken since.
I didn't go to Christmas with my family in Illinois because one of my uncles is a Trump supporter. Another uncle whom I loved very much died weeks after it.
I get triggered by words that rhyme with Trump. When my friends tell me they have to go take a dump, I literally shake and wince in pain.
If I had a gun with two bullets and Trump, Hitler, and Satan himself were in front of me, I'd force Hitler and Satan to rape Trump before I shot him in the dick and head.

I hate Donald Trump.

cool. kys.

That's amazing

>I hate Drumpf and his Drumpftarded supporters
George, your shills are getting sloppy.

>waaaaahh report opinions that hurt my feefees!
You Trump supporters are pahetic

>waaahh everyone who isn't a nazi is a shill!

>>waaahh everyone who isn't a nazi is a shill!

This a copypasta from shareblue?

>REEEEE I hate that Cheeto le Drumpflini so much I'm going to defriend people who like him.
>REEEEE I ruined grandpa's last Christmas because Uncle Stew voted for Drumpfler
>REEEEE I hate Nazis but Hitler gets to live cuz he raped Drumpfhead


life sucks *cries*

If you thought anyone would give a shit, you're wrong. If anything you'll be laughed at you loser

You left your LARP flag on.

it's more fun to laugh at that buffoon user

literally fuck blumpft.

nobody likes him. NOBODY


just fucking impeach him already

You really dumped your girl cause she tried on someone's hat? that's pretty fucking schizophrenic

see, since he changed his flag for this post, surely he MUST be one of us, and will bring other to his side..... kys

How does knowing trump is gonna be there for 8 years really make you feel?


Jesus I thought I had seen that edgy loser who sat alone at lunch kill himself

But now he's here talking about ebil drimf and whipepol and how Rick and Morty is too intellectual for my weak mind

>Sup Forums don't know this is a copy and paste from Sup Forums

You know what the last step is right? Take the ultimate blackpill and KYS

It's not a shill you dummies. It's some Sup Forums fag sperging out.


In this post: things that never happened.

Lol you must have a sad life putting so much value in a person you hate. If I did that with Hillary, I would probably be so mentally exhausted to the pointing of killing myself.

cool story reddit. we love trump here, go back to your shithole 3rd world country

surely you jest?

Hope you understand you're the one with hate filled in your heat.


>you might be brainwashed if...
For real, user. Getting you to cut contact with friends and family is classing cult programming. It ensures you can only get support from other cult members.
Join us in fighting the social programmers.