why do (((they))) push that aliens dont exist so hard while at the same time pushing for people to believe in them?
>pushing they don't exist
No one is doing that, the only thing they are doing is being absolutely silent about it.
Oh and Hollywood just wants to sell more ET merc
yes its cultural norm to alienshame people for their belief in aliens
aliens are demons saged
demons are aliens
fuck off christcuck, go worship ur dead kike on a stick
this guy gets it
um theres more than one religion sweetie
fuck off SHAREBLUE SHILL aliens are REAL and there is limitless proof, demons only exist in christianity
>ignoring the countless proof of aliens existing
watch... this thread will get 404'd and all these images will be purged from the archive
they know
boy the shills sure are sliding this one fast huh?
you are supposed to take your medication sweetie
lol okay CIA shill, keep talking. the more you talk the more I can get an ID on ur posting patterns u slimely fuck
aliens are real, they're out there.
watching too much men in black kiddo, you should go to bed school starts tomorrow
MIB is non-fiction, and you are revealing who you are by even mentioning the MIB you MIB shill
so obvious
Nah man, saying "theres probably life out there" is not being shamed on. Unless you're in a hard core Christian area I guess.
how do you explain this image then?
ugh this is easily an edited photo i wouldnt hire you for my wifes daughters birthday party you clownshoes
yeah, you're some kind of photoshop pro then huh? show me your credentials you CIA spook FUCK
Just because
When can we have /XPOL/ (Supernatural Politics) with aliens, and demons and shit.
How do i summon a KKK succubus? do i need to burn more crosses
where did you fucking find this image?
you didn't post the best one, the one that's just a blurred light with the tears of joy emoji in the lower right
is this some kind of fucking joke to you?
stop joking around
>is this a joke
>posts a pokemon
come on shill what are you sliding
u think its all fun and games? ur astroturfing isnt going to work
dont gaslight me spook you arent fooling anyone
its clear this thread will just be shilled
i leave you with one final proof
I have lilo and stitch. They are altering the real photos posted here as they are. We can't see what you're trying to show.
Let me tell you all truth. The natives of Earth are the black people the Homo Sapiens descendants. The other races such as Caucasoid and Asians were from different start systems. All intelligent bipedal races in this universe are humans. The humans from other universes are the same as ours. Humans are special creatures made by the Creator with unique faces to distinguish one another.
If you're posting altered versions of the real photos to bypass their auto censor, the are using a photo blocking technique to show us all different poorly edited joke photos and hoax ones.
distinguish THIS
>*grabs dick*
they're fine on my screen shills
You would also wonder why all human genitals look different unlike animals who are identical from each other. That's because humans are magical creatures, although there is no arcane magic in this world.
What did you post in this picture?
its the picture of the alien grey
in the desert
with the tree to the right
scaley rough skin
The pictures are of dinosaurs, cgi, cartoon characters. The guy saying he saw Pokemon when I saw lilo was the flag
No shill. WTF is going on? Can you crop it a little and try reposing or put a red dot where it doesn't matter to stop the censor? Spooky shit.
how is this
both images have lucario in it
Star trek rubber monster. Sup Forums is compromised? WTF is this?
okay well what the fuck is this then? this is the unedited version thats uncropped and not compressed
Yeah I don't have any Pokemon pics. So the site is showing different photos to different people from the same post.
This is really crazy
An iguana and tree.
what is going on??? are you fucking trolling me? an iguana would have scales, thats kinda like what the alien looks like
What's gonna happen is we're gonna meet the aliens and they'll be like yeah we had this guy Kyrx'pleh'kex who died for our sins and then we meet another race and they have a guy too and on and on and it's just the greatest mindfuck of the universe, is there a God or not?
Fuckin if there was he sure is a dick
Yeah I would think you're a troll but the other posters reported different images. You're just posting the real image over and over right?
I'm trying to crop it different ways yeah
That one looks realistic for the tree but the tiny alien piece and as converted to CGI
where is the alien?
Are birds flying in your picture?
Far left, neon green, peeking humorously from side like entering a door. Looks like Roswell cartoon.
thats not where its supposed to be, it should be in the left, is there nothing there? is the alien photoshopped out?
show me what you see
gardevoir peeking on the left
Are you uploading gifs? Trying right now
how is this?
Because the jews are trying to brainwash the world before first contact so we will fight the ayys for (((them)))
Do you see a hand drawn star? That's all I added
It just changed my id???????!!!!!
fuck you're not joking, your ID was more yellow-orange a minute ago.
what the fuck is going? what are you posting?
looks more like a video-game render or an artist conception than anything real and photographed. is that you posted?
I'm reposting what the image being delivered vs what's being posted.
Does it match what you see above minus a star? Because you should be seeing duplicates.
It appears the real picture is being corrupted.
taken at 1:26AM CST
This is some crazy shit if real. The OCR tech to recognize that image even altered and to change it to gibberish cartoon bullshit is next level.
Yup do you see that same image right above in a previous post? That user has the real image and your screenshot shows the bullshit I see when posted.
this is a full screen cap of everything i see in this thread as of 1:28am CST
it's giving me a captcha on this post, haven't had a captcha all evening
da faux
I see an odd-looking lizard-like humanoid
more captchas
Full protection has been implemented? It looks like the program digitize the pic very shitty...grainy. instant.
Then replaces it with shitty full color stick photos.
Shit got real. I just wanted to see the pic but the obsfucation tactics are nuts.
You have different images. One guy sees Pokemon shit. The user trying to post the real pic keeps getting it altered and blocked. I tried Google reverse search on these images. Most don't return anything public.
This is insane investment for a dumb alien pic.
i've archived this for safe keeping and research, this is crazy if what you're saying is absolutely true
there has to be a pattern when i get hit with captcha's, it's not every post, and it's not always a verification screen - soemtimes I just check I'm not a robot and it works
I see this image too. Try posting the real pic again OP
we should set up a private Gab.AI group
The pictures all have trees, "aliens" but phony, etc.
Something is very very wrong here. This image is even scrubbed from the deep web.
try different variations? like 180 degrees rotation? Or some photoshop filters?
what does this look like
inter-dimensional universe.
say hello to the neighbors.
dimensional shifts feel and look
beautiful and terrifying.
but you'll always be ok.
because its eternal.
okay this time im gonna post a meme image,, weird. lets see what this one looks like, should be a pokemon drawn image
Cartoon dinosaur eating a tree.
I don't have it. I'm trying to get it but the user with it is having the image doxxed with phonies it appears that are different to different groups.
If that's real they have altered the CDN of the site to split what users see. That has insane implications.
Next level crazy to OCR the image and change delivered image to non public pixs.
You're just screwing with us aren't you
Mine has file deleted. I am now getting a different experience than sage Canada.
Is this loss?
??? watch out for the feds my dude
Only gibberish came through on that post
my dude - if you aren't joking, grab your phone and take a vid of your screen and upload it as a webm.. might pass the filter
inb4 we never hear of him again