Delet this

Better pic


>racists tend to be more attractive


Nice delusion you got there, sorry to say most of you are fat larping retards who are hated by literally every good normal person in society

Try against next time though, it was fun stomping you ;)

another leftist

if he lifted, he'd look good. good bone structure

10/10 would fuck boipussi.

If he lost a few pounds he would look normal.

Better than most of the girls we got downunda

Nice cherry picking. ;)

That woman's wrinkles around her mouth. She is angry not at him but of all the time wasted in her life. That she is perhaps too late to accomplish her dreams. She needs purpose and fighting a make believe social Injustice gives her life meaning for just the afternoon

>keyword: tend
Still looks better than most of you.

>who are hated by literally every normal brainwashed person in society


The fact that you are left means that you are weak and a faggot. THere is no such thing as a high T man that does not love his tribe. You are not white or you are a cuck - either way it sucks to be you


original image of WN guy please

No, she's just morally and intellectually lazy like everyone else.


He could also just be a lurch.

Plenty of big dudes in the Army who look fat and worthless but can hang.


Gimme gimme chicken tendies
Adolf Hitler I defendies
Spend my hard earned Nazi points
Shooting up pedo pizza joints

Which race has the highest amount of testosterone?


Maybe they just knew something you didn't

aren't they a little too fat to be communists?

But he's not a racist.