Whats guys from Sup Forums do to get a gf?
Guys from Sup Forums how to get a gf?
Say something to the effect of:
>Would you like to do (fill in the blank) with me
step 1: be attractive
But 99% of pol anons don't fit in that category
What do?
would you like to do fellatio with me?
>What do?
Shitpost until it transcends reality. Obvious answer.
Would you like to start a race war with me?
Have something worthwhile. A good job, good looks, interesting personality.
Dicuss economics, things of the geopolitical nature, government policies, laws, federal Reserve, taxes, the shrinking of middle class, international law, historical events that led to our seemingly depressed lives, the systemic racism, oil wars and foreign policies.
I'm joking women don't know fuck shit about any of that. Tell them you love blacks and jews and don't be ugly.
pretend to be a normie
be funny, smart, and look good
aka me
>ID is A cukee
Better not pretend to be a normie then
Lift, wear decent clothes (timberland boots, levi's jeans, cheap white t-shirt from Zara\Uniqlo), and be able to have a normal conversation (autists can read books or watch some videos about this).
It's not that hard.
Get a feminine white boy instead. They are very tight and adorably submissive.
just get a haircut bro
Being attractive does not matter much to women. It is like when a woman has a good job or is rich for a man, it's fine and all, but not a deal breaker usually.
You can do well with women if you have high status in society (ie. don't be a stormfag)
Having a gf is degenerate; aim for a wife.
Rent a 911 conv. and ask the prettiest slut you can find if she will do you a couple times a week, with a smile, if you let her have it. When she starts getting cramps more than one day a month, call the car lease place and get it picked up.
Would you like to jerk off with me?
I fucked up.
Real Social Dynamics
But before just kill yourself.
>Whats guys from Sup Forums do to get a gf?
"Hello, I'm very rich, and you're not pretty at all, but we can work on that... do you like having children?"
Work on your personal philosophies and being able to live in this world while being a living criticism of it.
Get a good job.
Don't be degenerate.
Look for a serious relationship and don't settle for less.
Early in the conversation getting to know her, be honest and forward about your intentions and long term goals for the relationship.
Be patient, wait for her and constantly be looking for her while improving your situation in life so that you will be ready for her immediately.
Eventually you will find someone with the same values and ideals and she will instantly click with you and the dynamic will be great.
t. Have a girlfriend who's a pretty swell young lady
just be yourself user
I pretty much just stopped trying. Haven't met a woman in years that interests me, and I can't be bothered to pretend to give enough of a shit to make it even remotely visible that I give even the slightest of shits
Terrible social anxiety since I was a kid, mask it as an adult by pretending to not give a shit what anyone thinks, deep down don't actually hate people around me, just myself
Stop browsing pol and go outside
if you're white just go to south america, you should be getting pussy even if you're a fat neckbeard
and if you're a non white, you should commit
Get yourself out there you know? Be social, get along with others, be cool ect... It was a bit hard for me at first, being a diagnosed sociopath and all. But eventually I learned how to put on a good charm regardless of the situation, which made it much easier to manipulate others into doing what I want. Being in relationships for me was mostly about my own personal gain; money, sex ect.. They all failed eventually because I never felt a true connection with the other half (and just people in general) but faked it and eventually they cought on to my ways. So now I prefer the dates that only last one night, this current bitch I deliver dope to is my current go to. She wants my bud and I want to get my rocks off, it's a mutually benificial deal.
Are you me? Felt similar in your situaion, did have one woman interesting in me and vice versa but it couldn't work out.
Show her your hitler and Pepe collection *MAKEZ 'EM PANTIES DROP
You aren't fooling anyone, 'sociopath'
Just neck yourself