We will be in Afghanistan forever

Trump confirmed for fraud. 4,000 more us troops to die for Israel/minerals. Taliban will only gain more power. Trump sold all you faggots out with his ((((((America first)))))) bullshit.

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and for what? what is his objective? Fuck Trump

Bannon was opposed to this. Fuck endless war for nothing. Trump better realize this will be extremely unpopular both among his fans and with lefties. Only neocons will approve

Obama took all the troops out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan at the bdgining of his presidency and his bait and switch con job to make you think he was ending the war at all

USA ows billion upon billions of dept to chyna. The only way to pay the interest is to sell heroin/opium to buddist and europe from afganistans poppy fields-

Seriously if we do this we have to annex that craphole MINIMUM and force then to be christians.

> territory of Pashtun

Probably just replacing some of our "contractors" who are actually the slaves of third world warlords.

US had contracts with foreign security agencies to provide shit like tower and gate security. Warlord kidnaps a bunch of dudes and makes them do a tour. Holds their passport and threatens their families.

Sucks he's sending more of our guys over but it's actually the best decision.

Wasn't Trump saying how we should take oil to pay for the war? Imagine in eight years when we have no national debt.

Don't worry by the end of this year there will be no more America but Greater Canada. You don't have to worry about being in Afghanistan forever. You would be in Greater Canada.

How do we owe money to china again? Their success is due to us.

Mexicans will replace us in record numbers

patriotic texas will become mexican clay again after all our white children die in this senseless war.
there's no fucking oil in afghanista, just rare metals and opium fields.

Last I heard it's only $1.8 trillion. China bought war bonds or something.

How old are you? Just curious.

Minerals and opium are worth nothing?

the true redpill is suicide

China won't get the money back. They've been played like a fiddle.

We will be in Afghanistan forever
we don't give a shit abt you
but We will be in Afghanistan forever

Yep. This book goes into detail explaining why you're stuck in Afghan forever. Basically, there are too many people profiting from it.


The US should leave Afghanistan. It's a desert shit hole. The only value it has is strategic to counter China.

If you guys wanted to really end the Afghanistan problem, it would be better to colonize it by enticing Americans to move and live there and displace the natives into their own reservations. It will effectively be like a second Texas or Arizona.
Not sure what to name this new state though

>We will be in Afghanistan forever
Basically, having The Taliban take over is horrible PR for America, especially as a war machine.
If The Taliban were gone, the native population is not prepared to Govern themselves
>Why's that our problem?
Optics, too much guilt involved
But more specifically, the poppy feilds ae to valuable in terms of straight $$$ and as Political currency to leave to a bunch of... ya know.
So it'd be a matter of time before some other foreign power, Russia or China, takes em over and uses that wealth and clout for themselves.
1000 dead US soldiers a year would be about good enough to justify staying, more if you have the media not reporting on it, and the nuber that die are far less, therefore, you're going to be there for a while

What's wrong with being stuck in Afghanistan anyways? We're still in South Korea ready for war, no one complains. Same could be said of bases in allied countries.



Maybe one day of the population will have known someone who died or was maimed in Iraq/Afganistan to make it stop. We're sadly going to need a lot more flag draped coffins to push the public to overrule the Generals/Defense Dept. though.

Forgot to mention this has to be done over several generations, like the Wild West days

What the fuck does Israel gain from Afghanistan War? You're a fucking retard

Or they can just pay the denbts by printing more money like they always have done.

Krauts can't into banking

that seems like a very small number considering. the people that join the military right now are complete idiots so they deserve the life they wanted. a vet will never be useful now they are morally bankrupt or too stupid to realize it.

This was clear when he told you killary is free to go.Good morning.

What if we just re-instituted the Draft and colonized Iraq & Afghanistan with millions of American soldiers and their families?

think Russia, the caucuses, and iran

Post sauce or wait until the actual announcement you homosexual nigger

SK: highly productive, stable, buys shit
Afghanistan: questionably productive, eternal war, no market to speak of, over invested/ sunk cost fallacy

how about we just stop killing those people for global banks and money.

Because they are dying for nothing. There's no war in South Korea

Thats not even that many you spergs. We have more troops in europe. If you send troops to a country you may as well hold its capital.

die in a fire you deserve it.

America is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, one of Iran's biggest regional enemies

Taliban hates them too. Current government is pretty Russia-friendly too

There are way more strategic positions to watch the Caucasus, I think Georgia is begging the US to build a base there

The conspiracy theory is the drug trade. Keeping the opium flowing into Iran and other countries. In reality its probably more about Arab intelligence agencies having a part in terrorism. Hence the drone strikes in pakistan over the years

We dont owe them, they buy our debt in the form of treasury bonds, and the debt ceiling is raised.

hah you never heard of oil? they wanted a pipeline but the countries didnt like it now we are at war forever.

I like how you think. I just doubt anyone will listen.

So china is making bankers rich at the expense of the american people?

well kill me then I surely will be a martyr.

> no source. Speech slated for tomorrow concerning the subject hasn't even occurred yet. Either OP is a (((faggot))) posting sage threads or he is john fuckin titor

How does it feel knowing Sup Forums shilled for him since his campaign?

Bornald Blimpf was a born in memes. Molded by the memes you see

Its not for nothing its for resources that fuel corporate america.


could you fucking imagine trying to build a pipeline in fucking Afghanistan? Your shit would get blown up in the first kilometer

US has never won an insurgency war before. Afghanistan won't be any different. Unless they privatize it or something, but then you have Blackwater running a country.


more morons into the meatgrinder, war raises the collective iq of the country by getting rid of the shit. also we can destabilize countries, install puppet governments and funnel out any wealth the shitholes have left

win win

feels good to have a human in charge for a change.

Sacrificing goybots, what else?

“The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,”

Afghanistan is not a war its an occupation for resources. The lawyers and politicians dont want it to end apparently.

Fuck off, like 80% of the military voted for Trump.


>LARP flag

CIAnigger detected

Who would have thought that Trumps anti-interventionist platform would be so autistically misinterpreted by Sup Forums.

This is hardly a bush era move.

Sources say It's gonna be all transgender soldiers so I'm cool with that.

it kills two birds. eternal war and oil money.

Pershing crushing the rebels in Southern Philipines

It's not Iraq.
It's more like a rural Detroit atm

do you think you are holding capitol? stop the shit. games over. we dont want war. please stop the war. nobody likes it besides the weapon makers.

Ok leaf come back to me when you're not being arrested for thought crimes.

No it's just an insurgency war, and the government can't adapt to it.


(I know I know it's a movie, but it's illustrates a point)

It all depends on what Trump says tomorrow doesnt it? Trump will lose his base if he continues that war. The whole rest belt is addicted to opium because this constant battle for resources and the globalists outsourcing jobs.

It's too bad. The Taliban is actually a pretty righteous group. They are nationalistic and maintain the peace better than America can.

no stop.

Where do you think the opium comes from? Whites addiction to this is like what they did to unemployed blacks with crack cocaine from south america.

Lmao fuck off kike. Trump has betrayed us every step of the way

Is Hillary in jail? No
Is OC gone? No
Is ZOG gone? No
Is ISIS gone? No
Are we done fucking up the ME? No
Is the Muslim ban implemented? No

He's a fucking Kike-loving traitor.

>2000 AD
hello, newfriend


thats a seperate issue what are you a feminist?

It's a known fact that Muslims killed by ladyboys can't meet M*h*mm*d

$1.8B is nothing they could absorb all that liquidity in the overnight session withou moving interest rates 30 basis points.

We've got a bunch of faggots that Obama made running around hitting people with trucks. Trump doing a bit of spring cleaning is no reason to start screaming about another endless war.

>It depends on what Trump says
That it does, but I believe Trump isn't a bag of skin that Bannon wore until Ivanka and Kushner demanded they get a turn so I don't believe he'll go full neocon.

>The Whole rust belt is addicted to opiates because of this battle and job outsourcing.
I mean the Muslims make the stuff but I'd say they're addicted because it's an incredibly addicting drug.

Stay the fuck out of Sunni Persia you fucktards

and it's extended duration US treasuries

Its more drug sales and abuse but to a different demographic in another point in time.

shit takes time man. we are living in a very interesting time. what side are you going to be on?


I like when Liberals believe any source, ignoring that is how so-called fake news was spread.

thats a differnt thread focus.

What is your plan? Withdrawal from Iraq 2.0?

glenn greenwald isn't part of the (((sources))) cabal

>America is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, one of Iran's biggest regional enemies
Then why did Iran ally with the Taliban to kill Americans during the US invasion?


thats a good thing. tactical advantage when we need to bomb iran later for being fucking faggots

no one but your own government is allowed to spy on you. think about that.

Israel was never great.

He dropped a bomb on Assad and then months later he pretty much made everyone admit that Russia basically won Syria.

Everyone screeched because it was interventionist but it was hardly the most interventionist america has been since Bush, Obama, Clinton, ect.

Hillary not in jail? Blame Sessions being completely useless and mucking around in pointless distractions like weed. Rumor has it with this recent spy arrest stuff she may be going down finally.

>ISIS gone
You can't be an internationalist while also expecting Isis to be gone. Isis is a eurofag problem if you want to get technical, since their threat level to the US is tiny in comparison.
Yet you want Trump to deal with it? Don't complain about military action in the middle east again then.

>ZOG gone
Nobody voted Trump in believing he was red pilled and anti-zionist. The guy loves jews because as a rich goy he obviously would have met plenty. Maybe the presidency will redpill him, but nobody expected him to do anything about the ZOG.

>Is the Muslim Ban implemented
Blame our judicial system filled with martyr-cuck judges.

>OC Gone
The what now?

stop spying on your people it creates a society of distrust. you fucked up.


Did people seriously think Trump wouldn't unflinchingly feed the military industrial complex? What, he hires like every fucking general he can, and then doesn't whore himself out? Let's be realistic here.

Nice lucky trips of god, but I don't get what you meant by this.

fuck off jew he is doing his best. he cares about america is that an issue for you?

we dont need domestic spying. if you know all the corporate secrets you can play us. nobody wants to be played. just stop.

>You can't be an internationalist
I meant interventionist.

>Isis is a eurofag problem
That's funny considering who armed them

Isn't Afghanistan just a big military training ground by now? Essentially, you send soldiers there to get some live action training? It is a perfect way to teach soldiers how to act in the field, how to do supply lines and coordination.

Why give up a training facility which you have maintained with money for 16yrs?