I hate you all

I sucked my boyfriend's dick last night for the first time. My first boyfriend and my first dick.im 22. Am I a slut now you autistic freaks ?

tits or gtfo


Weak bait try again.


fuck off
roasties are not welcome

Make babies


Sorry little leaf but nobody cares.

Blwojobs were the lowest form of humiliation in ancient Rome. So yeah

no but that shit is gay as fuck

>Lauren southern is 22 and Canadian

How do we fix the leaf menace?

>Am I a slut now you autistic freaks ?

how long have you been together?

What I don't understand is why are you seeking validation from those that can't even get pussy. You're looking for validation from delusion whiny tards on an anime imageboard.

If I was your boyfriend I would've seriously dickslapped you for this, fuck off and concern yourself over matters that actually matter dummy.

a fucking leaf. take your shekels and leave because you won't provide pics guarenteed

t. slut

I dont. I just like to return to Sup Forums to fight with men on here to remind myself how shitty and heartless men are. Since I have a boyfriend for the first time I really want to avoid getting TOO starry eyed and maintains a *healthy?* emotionally distant disposition so he can't emotionally wreck me

slide thread, remember to sage

4 months. He's basically an ex gamer turned body builder Chad btw. I just thought y'all should know that no female would ever enthusiastically suck your dick for simple validation and your company

I have no idea what that means but then again I don't live and breathe the internet like you do freakazoid

are you married?

Yes men hate women. What else is new

No and I never will get married. Or habe kids which is why I plan on getting surgery. Meantime.. birth control

Hell no.