Who are your most hated group of immigrants and why?

Who are your most hated group of immigrants and why?
Australians here
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Muslims of Course my friend (:

hahahah spastic island is acting up again hahahaazah


Somalians. But only because we don't seem to have Haitians (yet).


Insects who refuse to assimilate and then rape our welfare system with elderly family members

Not to mention the pathetic betas who get/buy a thai wife

NZ threads don't attract much attention do they?
You need to berate them in a specific way to keep them quiet.

>rape our welfare system with elderly family members
They live to be like 99 years old too. A good 30+ years on the pension. At least when smokes were affordable the average aussie gave up the ghost at age 60

>pathetic betas who get/buy a thai wife

But that's your future user. Statistics proves this.

Somalians need to fuck off out to whatever fucking shithole they came from, fat fucks just lounge around all day and commit crimes as they are ungrateful fucks.

Jews. Just think what life would be like without them.

But on a day to day basis the Indians and now even Pakis are the most annoying. Why the fuck do they have to be so goddamn loud?

The Dutch. There's nothing gayer than speed skating.

Arabs and south americans.

Pfff no Aussies wanna go to your backwater of a nation, its the other way round. Kiwis wont stop coming here.



Archived it for you

>Not chinks

Go fuck another sheep and eat some more "fush nd chupz" fag

Thanks spiderma- i mean norwaybro

Goes without saying.

Smart people hate the Jews, the average shmuck hates the Mexicans because they don't realize it's Jews lobbying to let them pour in endlessly.

Atleast we diden't get cucked by maoris and half of our population is a mongrel.

I don't live near the border, but I'd have to say the Jews and the fake Christians who slobber Jew cock all day long are much more annoying with their rapefugee fetish than Mexicans or whatever they are.

Any immigrant that doesnt Assimilate and just hang around in thier ethnic groups chucking loogies everywhere

"Refugees" from north africa or the middle east

stay triggered :^)

> Somalians

You hate Aussies more than you hate the gooks, coconuts, muslims and dotheads?....get you priorities right.

Kiwis, dumb cunts.

And I'm not even an Australian, you guys were the joke in South Africa, low and behold, we get to Oz, same story.

No one ever has anything good to say about South Africans on either side of the Tasman...I lived on both sides.

What is this meme? I don't get it.

Not a South African either darling, product of Mother Europe. South Africa was merely a home for the first seven years of my life. I hold it dear to me, but I'm also not your stereotypical South African fool.

We dont act like that in the USA and Canada.
But then again I am a American of Taiwanese-Chinese heritage. Born and raised in Cali, voted for Trump, sucks to be you NO GUNZ.

I thought you Aussies hate East Asians, Vietnamese in general along with the usual "Brown Asians" (Filipinos, Malaysians, and Indonesians).

The worst immigrants are the kiwis aka all FOBs, The Muslim cunts, Lebs, chunks and dirty Somalians/Sudanese.

All dirty people who leech off of us. What a disgrace.


How dare you use Karen in this meme. Gonna steal and make both countries look nice.

What about the people who are lobbying for more Muslims and Palestinians into Israel, or forcing Israel to give up more land to the Palestinians.

>We dont act like that in the USA and Canada.

Yes you do. You also buy up all the property to hide your money and drive the housing market into a crisis.

>sucking up to white people
>voting for trump
Grow a spine faggot

Keep those "Refugees" the fuck out of Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US of Fucking A.

Didn't know half of your populations is mixed race.

I really don't give to shits about those honky-craker-peckerwoods.

I voted Trump because of my 2A rights, keeping American English as the official language, securing the border, yes I do favor revoking birth right citizenship, in favor of preserving American culture & heritage, support our troops, blue lives matter, fuck country club Republicans.

For one thing I can't afford to buy property.
This sounds like the mainland Chinese, unless HK-Chinese and Taiwanese were doing this kinda of shit during the 90s.

#EastAsiansWillReplaceYou. (white folks)

The world be better off if the Mongolian Empire ruled the world or at least had conquered all of Europe.

Ragheads and beaner-spics.

Yellow Pride World Wide

>This sounds like the mainland Chinese, unless HK-Chinese and Taiwanese were doing this kinda of shit during the 90s.

Its both.

When Hong Kong was handed back to the Chinese it started a mass flood of immigration from wealthy families, and that kicked off the rest of the country coming here and starting enclaves.

They sound a like, its difficult to differentiate between the two, like Canadians (excluding Qubec) and Americans (Minnesota folks sound like Canadians, Toronto and Vancouver canucks sound like us yanks from the west coast )

Who was the Canadian patriot politician of Chinese descent that created a bill to stop birth right citizenship because of too many Chinese coming to Canada? I heard about this from my Rabbi Michael Alan Wiener (Savage).

He thinks his housing crisis is because of Americans. kek.

Who does?

That Canuck meant the Chinese immigrants (in this case all Chinese, mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) in Canada.

fucking lebs mate, followed by chinks and gooks with a poo's coming third

old meme

I don't mind Aussies, they're okay. But holy fuck I hate poo's and Chinese people so much, their heavy accents are the worst imo.

Jews. They are the worst immigrants ever.

Michael Savage and Patriot Nurse are pretty cool.
But if only the rest of them were like that.

New Zealand amongst whites I know it is Mostly Pacific Islanders (Samoans and Tongans the majority) and to a small degree Maori.

A Maori will steal from you while your not looking. An islander will jump you with 10 guys, beat you half to death before robbing you.

Islanders are sub human scum. They were literally eating each other before whites turned up.

Everyone is annoyed with the Indians and Asians but they aren't violent and evil like Islanders are.

Waited a while to post that come back. Well played cunt

NZ threads are just crypto-anti Chinese threads with random Kiwis asking about whom is from the South Island or not.

Why are the Kiwi's anti-Chinese?
I expect that from the Yanks, Aussies, and Canucks.

The truth about those people.

What are poos?

because they are subhumans and are swamping this one fine number and turning the cities into little beijing.

Muslims. Their faith makes even just superficial integration impossible, let alone actual assimilation.

Hispanics, they aren't completely bad, but there are too many of them.

>Fat cunts

Maoris are literally some of the fattest fucks out


The Irish are literally worthless.
At least as useless as abos.

Make New Zealand Great Again

2017 General Election
New Zealand's next General Election will be held on Saturday 23 September 2017.

Too much of any minority always fucks things up. The moment they get numerous enough to just have their own microsocieties within the host culture they don't see any reason to assimilate anymore. Which inevitably leads to cultural friction.

Sup Forums Rightwing news: New Zealand Elections

Nominations for individual electorate candidates open on Thursday 24 August 2017 and close midday on Tuesday 29 August.

Throw in a NZ right wing conservative wildcard at the last minute.


why did the kiwis copy the aussies flag?

How do you Aussies feel about Filipinos?

I hear there are a lot of them there.

The browner ones - maids and butlers.

The lighter ones with more "oriental" features - chinks.

Filos are bro-tier, man. Most i've known have settled into society pretty well. Don't cop the sort of stereotypes that CHING CHONG BING BANG BONGS and Indo's do.

I thought the Flips were you equivalent of Mexicans. Since they are known as the Mexicans of Asia, been a Spanish colony doesnt help them.