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Small earthquake swarms starting in Yellowstone.

Big if true

Earthquake to solar flare correlation

Carrington event same time as Eclipse?

If that happens, im gonna turn into believer.

How exactly do I prepare my anus? Shave it?

what would be the consequences? power grid out?

Let's get down to brass tacks. What are the chances that the entirely continental United States bursts into flames tomorrow? Asking for a friend.

Better start believing now.

This storm has 4 strong geomagnetic points and 2 are starting to merge.

It's pointed right at us too. Funny enough it will be aligned to Ring of Fire/USA when it hits Eclipse time.

If it erupts we'll have 8 minutes to react and about 1-4 days before the particles hit us. GL HF bois. Game mark, start.

ask kim

We do a pile on like south park said we would in these circumstances? Also i liked the joke near end of latest season with old man sending the first text message saying he sent his friend a dick pic and called him a fag

Yea power grid out. But... considering the fact that we have just been confirmed to start war games on NK until the end of August... and all of those war games are based off of computer simulations which can have their data corrupted or completely EMPed during solar flares... not looking good at all that so many things are aligning.

For up to a decade if Carrington-tier. Large cities would turn into war zones, millions would die.

>If it erupts we'll have 8 minutes to react and about 1-4 days before the particles hit us.
..Doesn't that mean we'll have 1-4 days to react? I'm confused

>up to a decade
Jesus christ really? I remember I got really into these end-of-world type scenarios when I was younger and solar flares did seem the worst

>point right at us
What do you mean?
Are you referring to the picture? :D

If you are, im going to assume youre stupid as fuck...or have no education.

Do you think the eruption from the sun comes in a straight line? :D
Do you assume that the center of that picture is pointed at the earth? :D

>murican education at work here :DDD

Good thing I have my tinfoil hat on. I was blocking the Zeta Reticuli rays trying to turn me into a leftist but it will help with this too.

I started reading about this thinking you were a cunt because they'd have to issue advance warnings pretty much everywhere to stand a chance for tech to survive this.

>On July 23, 2012 a "Carrington-class" solar superstorm (solar flare, coronal mass ejection, solar EMP) was observed; its trajectory missed Earth in orbit. Information about these observations was first shared publicly by NASA on April 28, 2014

That makes me doubt we'd know beforehand.

Yes, it depends on a lot of conditions. Flares will reach earth later. Strong enough CMEs will reach earth a lot faster at 60-90% speed of light.

Highly dependent on how much energy is released.

"Flares and CMEs have different effects at Earth as well. The energy from a flare can disrupt the area of the atmosphere through which radio waves travel. This can lead to degradation and, at worst, temporary blackouts in navigation and communications signals."

Yes. Because this was measured at Boulder, Colorado 5 minutes ago.

Right now the solar flare is not pointed at RoF/USA right now because earth is rotating.

Best pull your logic shit elsewhere. School you go.

that's normal though

hmm good connection

Holy fuck finally some real shit no larping
This is big

Basically I just finished work and I'm get thing drunk. On a scale of Sup Forums-10 how much is this a thing?

Who the fuck cares I'm just gonna keep drinking m8.

Ill put this one here, im pretty sure you dont understand it, but hey, someone else will.

And ill answer my own questions.

1. The picture of the sun is taken from a side, so if the coronal hole is in the middle, it is not pointing towards earth.

2. The ejection from a coronal hole does not travel straight line, space is 3D, where both sun and earth travels quite fast.

Science is fun, you should pic up some childrens book about sun and read it! :D

M classes are not that uncommon. Although 3 days ago many astrologists predicted the sun was going to enter its quiet period. Nope instead we got a few M classes.

In my amateur unprofessional opinion, the chart is looking awfully like previous X class flares.

>because earth is rotating
Oh god... :D
That is like the least thing here that affects the coronal ejections path... :D

But hey, keep wishing DOOM, it might save you from your white trash life :DDD

No such thing as solar flares, earth is not around space. It's flat.

Haha Fin bro BTFO!! Told you were totally fucked! Now go get some edumacation xD



It would need to be an X20+ for use to be anally anguished.

Wake me up when the real Darkening happens.

Earth is not flat, retard. KYS Kiwi

Holy shit, 5 mins ago!
Thats fast!

I can take same picture even faster, by clicking on a web page that shows SUN!

Isnt that fun! Here, take a look!

I'm in the process my sharting friend. I suggest you live long and prosper, while the sun still shines.

They wouldn't dare warn people anyways.

If it's a massive one we're all dead anyways.
If not then they set off world wide panic/riots.

>Such a gay larp
>8 mins to react
>aimed at ring of fire

93 million miles away spinning thousand miles per hour. OMG ring of fire direct hit. Do you have any shame?

THE ROD AND THE RING WILL STRIKE!!! the rod could be the beam of the solar flare hitting earth and the ring is the eclipse...

Carrington was like X30+

All recent activity has been shit tier.

>It's flat.
Much like your IQ level.

Thanks smart ass.

I guess you'd also know about the three M classes that already affected our satellites too right these last two days right?

Opps, I guess it wasn't 2671 that caused it right?

the moon will protect the usa

I'm getting the feeling that it ain't happening.

epic bantz, are you canadian by chance?


first: your link is utterly bullshit

Second: yes i know, i have monitoring systems available in a bit better spots than you, and i was actually building one of those.

third: there is no danger from sun at the moment.


I feel you're confusing coronal hole with sunspot. There is an active sunspot with magnatisim that may lead to a flare. But, for unknown reasons, sunspots have been "shutting down" once they arrive on the earth facing side of the Sun. Flaring potential is low. An Earth directed CME is even lower. There is currently no coronal hole facing earth. The planet is currently i a very slight geomagnetic storm.

Really? Got a satellite in space?

I don't get why you're larping this bruh. Really dont.

> But, for unknown reasons, sunspots have been "shutting down" once they arrive on the earth facing side of the Sun.

Any thoughts on why this could be?

Everyone has access to satellites, but you guys have no access to finnish measuring devices.

Eat that, nigger

It's been a very long time since an earth facing X class flare. The Sun is heading into a minimum period. Currently the Sun is less energetic towards Earth. Over a week ago , a sin spot group erupted on the far side of he sun with a flare and CME that would have wiped out all power grids and electronics. But, the spot decayed and became quiet once facing Earth.

Because this is Sup Forums, not /x/

go fuck yourself nigger

>>and i was actually building one of those.

Please use one of those to measure your own stupidity.

t. the flare and eclipse alignment allows ayys to travel to us

>Any thoughts on why this could be?

Weak magnetic field from the Earth perhaps. We're in the middle of a pole flip.

from what i can see we got an m1.1 coming our way the NOAA is putting out messages for it and some of the space autist sites have it as well. Not the end of the world or even massive but dat timing

I'm betting you don't even know what the photo is saying either...

If it"s pointed right at us now it the particles won't hit us in 1-4 days because the earth will be farther along in it's orbit. The flare needs to be facing where the earth will be in space in 1-4 days.

Yes, it says your mom was raped by a nigger and you were born from arsehole.

Depends on what particles are released. A flare wont hit us until then. If a spontaneous CME gets ejected that's an entirely different story.

Ok I see you've given up, fun while it lasted pal!

>the same celestial body that is responsible for keeping us alive randomly emits end-of-the-world-tier disturbances
>eventually we will be in the path of one of these solar deathburps
>but until then, the sun is our best friend
>right up to the point when it decides to kill us all
God is a troll. He created everything simply to troll us.

No. Earth facing quiet is a term coined by a cool dude on jewtube that does a daily rundown of space activities. He's also put out a lot of great info on learning about the sun. Look up suspicious 0bservers. Answers a lot of these question.

the scary thing is we have no idea what is going on on the dark side of the sun

Although it is "aimed" at us. Or rather it has a higher chance of hitting Earth, the direction of the particles being released also have to be towards Earth for it to hit. But yea... that timing especially when everyone was reporting the end of a lot of activity for this solar minimal cycle.

Any Suspicious Observer Anons?

Naah, i just hope USA will get destroyed by EMP and Nkoreans will take you all as slaves.

shill jumps to calling everyone a nigger real quick

>God is a troll. He created everything simply to troll us.

Previously these massive flares at best upped cancer rates for a generation. No infrastructure for them to damage. Carrington event if it were to happen now would lead to a new Global Depression, and possibly World War.

He created it for signs, we're literally in the end times now, Repent and turn back towards him.

I can call you a faggot too, since youre such a whiny bitch.

There's a dark side? Like where the moon doesn't shine at it?

Looks like another M class is starting.

Earth's magnetic shield has been weakening, an X2/3 could fuck some shit up

Ur funny



I thought you guys just slid seth rich threads? How's the coffee at your wifi spot, shill?

Trying to get above C

ooh, did i get under your skin? :D
That was easy, i bet you roadrage and beat your dog in misery. :D

Not a energetic blast. It's crawling up slowly.



Looks like it plateaued.

last post before the apocalypse
i love you guys

praise bog

Anyone have a link to live data for the Schumann Resonance Frequency?

When? Can't this wait until September when I fly back to my home country?

Yeah, I just don't think the sun has it out for the earth right now. We're heading into a minimum that may be close to what the Maunders observed. Basicallly, we're fucked.

Short of a foreblast looks likes its over.

GG OP. Got me all hot and bothered.

time to put the swimmers on haul out the barbie from the old shed :^)

If it doesn't reach high C or low M class i'd actually be more worried.

Take a look at the HDI images.

Earth facing quiet is a thing. The word is in for a change. This is why the political game is so fucked right now. The ones in charge know the planet will begin cooling from this new minimum. No one will accept it as a natural cycle, someone has to take the blame. Sidenote, during these big minimums, volcanic activity increases. Watch out for Yellowstone.

3 consecutive digits for truth, solar flares eradicate NORTH KOREA

You have to look at the magnetics of the spot. Once polarities start mixing, then there is increased chance of flare. I can't find the picture now, but I'm guessing it's decaying and magnetism is becoming benign

Suspicious Observers?


can a motherfucker give a quick rundown on this LARP

Go on...

Why does the Finn lie?