This is how America should be.
This is how America should be
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What does it imply, white nationalists and black nationalists should cooperate because they have the same agenda?
it is like that
you pic literally happened a few days ago
Secessionists & Black Nationalists have teamed up
Unfortunately black people don't have their own intelligentsia anymore. When they did this was a common opinion.
Actually white conservatives also don't have their own intelligentsia either.
you just mad because we styling on you
yeah dude nothing says upstanding citizen like some faggy beta with a beard and some low life nigger, both with tattoos and carrying guns
>dumb violent identity politics niggers working together
sounds right desu
>see LARP flag
>ignore post entirely
doesn't mean we can't make it back to that again one day. I think using antifa to red pill BLM is a great idea, won't get them all but it's already waking up some.
white people defending black lives matters. The epitome of cuckery
Someone post the pic of George Lincoln Rockwell at the Black Panther rally.
As soon as I turn my back to the nigger I'll get stabbed or shot.
One thing ANTIFA has in common with NAZIS is they both hate Israel and Jews... Pic Not related
>white people defending black lives matters. The epitome of cuckery
Not knowing the history of the ACTUAL Civil Rights movement, before it was subverted by Jews and they murdered the leaders off.
Niggers should go back to Africa, but they won't because white people have better shit.
>One thing ANTIFA has in common with NAZIS is they both hate Israel and Jews... Pic Not related
So do Black Nationalists.
White Nationalist and Black Nationalist will inevitably become enemies, they're both following, their species intrest, evolution which leads to one species having to dominate or perpetual conflict between the two.
what enemy do these two have in common? Thoroughly confused
Fine with this, we've been divided for so long and what did we all get?
Liberal World Order
>shit economy thanks to establishment rent seeking
>tons of corruption at all levels
>proliferation of sexual degeneracy across the board including pedophilia and the normalization of the mentally ill
Fuck Soros and his Hegelian engineering.
>Rolling for doubles, that fucker dies this year!
>Both fat
Honeslty if Trump wants to heal the racial divide he should just make Vermont a white only state and Louisiana a black only state and tell everyone to shut the fuck up
why U mad bro?
is it because we totally blocked you shit?
Back to Africa you smelly coon
>own a continent 3x size of the us
>need a slice of the us
at some point niggers must realize they are the problem
Mexicans are literally ethnically cleansing east LA. Immigrants displace blacks in jobs everywhere they go. Cities with democratic electoral monopolies have the worst black slums, highest penalties for crimes and most contentious relationships with cops. White liberals gate their communities and shut down any attempts for housing and school district reforms that place their interest in conflict. Black populations are declining in cities across the country because their is more opportunity for steady employment in the fucking south. And lets not get into welfare destroying the family unit and who runs the and propagates the violent culture in the media.
And they are still solid dems. When will black people "wake-up"? I wouldn't put all my chips in that pot,
And then Obama happend.
>doubles and Soros dies this year
Kek bless you!
Blacks are property or should live freely in Africa
This if you insist of having them in your society nothing short of colonisation will work.
Are you fucking stupid? You must be stupid.
Louisiana user here. You're lost you're marbles if you think Louisiana should be relegated to the monkeys.
this is the worst case scenario and the reason they pedal all this racism bullshit. if blacks and whites united globalists would be fucked
to late "Son of The South"
(pssst. I found a pic of your mom, user)
hmmmm, wonder who's behind this post.
True dat, brother.
Mexicans pushing blacks outta their jobs would only make Skid Row bigger, them blacks still breed like dogs compared to huwyte americans.
If ya wanna get technical, slavery was a crime that never should've happened.
So since you're imagining ideal scenarios, America "should" be without black people in it.
Your white genocide plan is brilliant.
Make all the white join this retarded cause, throw it on the mud and get shot by the national guard, thus exterminating a shitload of whites in the process.
>This is how America should be.
If you want the white race wiped off the map sure.
Might as well prep the bull to fuck your wife while you watch
Why do blacks feel proud of being live sex toys? It's degrading at best.
Not really. Blacks statistically have the highest abortion rates in the country. Their population has stayed pretty level.
this is some high-level redpill
you are an idiot.. THE CONSTITUTION HAS PROVISIONS FOR OWNING SALVERY.. ITS ACTUALLY STILL LEGAL CONSTITUTIONALLY SPEAKING.. Study the constitution before speaking about it, lazy blueshill..
Oh, I've heard some of the fuckin' yankees here float that before, along with giving the bluegums Mississippi , Arkansas, and Alabama as well. They can go to hell, and if they cross my path, I'm gonna punch their ticket .
Cool. We separate after, though.
We've got to show blacks that it's really the Jews that are running the show.
Not really. Fertility rates are down to sub-replacement levels for blacks too. Problem for blacks since, they are 12% of the population and have such hire rates of mixing and cultural bias for lighter features.
Black nationalists have the same narrative as whites for gradualist genocide.
>being for wiping out nations and races
fuck off
You really want to start this pissing contest?
Never count on niggers to do anything but disappoint you. They don't have the cognitive capability to think for themselves and thus the education system has conditioned them that white people are the enemy no matter what. Not that they wouldn't blame us anyway but the libs have cranked it up to rabid levels.
No, it shouldn't sweetie. Niggers will hang on DOTR.
high. Im an ass.
>A FUCKING LEAF trying to shift attention to other flags
Why would a person wearing a shirt of malcolm x be fist bumping a man wearing a flag memorializing a pro-black slavery movement?
Class warfare is what the """elite""" want. Your pic related is exactly that. It's the pivot that kicks off the revolution and puts the antifa college shits against the wall. It's part of the plan, and you're buying into it.
national guard aint shot us yet, and we totally blocked your shit at every turn. statues going down as south as Texas itself. we are arming, and we have troops in Rojava doing war apprenticeship just waiting to bring the war home if need be. so suck our workers blood red cock mothafucka cuz we coming for your shit, toothbrush and all
yea c'mon whit bois
fucks wrong wit u?
lets do this thing and fuck dem antifa muh fukkas up!
lol aren't blacks genetically already like 20-30% white on average, due to getting raped by owners in the past?
Feels like they would disappear soon, but somehow their shit culture is dominant in pleb mass media.
I'm gonna tell you what your future is gonna be in two words, faggot :
Buzzard Chow.
I love how white "genocide" only work if white cannot get enough of the black cock. I thought white women didn't fuck black guys though?
You brought them here. You reap what you sow, fuckface.
>Edgy teens LARPing
Is this supposed to a parody? I could take out 2 of those skeletons with my hands
The National Guard shot you back at Kent State.
This is why commies always lose wars.
You need industrial might and strong logistical supply lines to win wars nigger, not a bunch of autists who want to LARP as Spetznaz or YPG
It implies that there has been a constant propaganda push by the media to keep people distracted and fighting each other, instead of seeing the true, absolute corruption of government.
Compare this pathetic commie show of force to American military industrial complex might
If that's the case then it's counterproductive. Both Alt-Right and Antifa hate the deep-state, so the more people join each side, the more people hate the deep-state.
jews faggot
mothafuck the Vietnamese took you with a bowl of rice and a pair of running shoes. besides, more then half the country is with us, trump voters included, you dont believe me ? watch this if you dare
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Sorry billy, that tired assed lie just ain't gonna cut it anymore. Why don't your northern white nigger ass come down here and try to kick me off my land ? It's gonna suck to be you if you are stupid enough to try , you get my drift,billy ?
>southerner calling me a nigger
You're calling me blueshill for saying that ideally there should be no blacks in America?
I don't like to generalize, so I've split up my post into two answers, what I'd actually say and what I think from time to time:
It's already that way. If I respect you, I'd happily cover your ass.
Stop being ~15% of the population committing ~60% of the crime*.
>buying into this meme
Everybody get's BURGER'd in the end commie.
Something tells me an old man slurped the foreskin off your bloody infantile penis...?
>cnn com/travel/article/mcdonalds-opens-in-vietnam/index.html
pinnacle of western civilization huh?
no wander that you loosing the streets, its a dying culture, who in his right mind will go to civil war over a big mac?
Thanks based Norwegian. I would archive them myself but I sincerely doubt that the larping commie is going to click on any of the links anyway.
Stop committing crime, stop lying about cops, and stop blaming wypipo for all your ills and this can be a reality.
>Both fat
Well it is american nationalism.
Wtf Natan what are you doing here my dude?
>invade Vietnam trying to achieve your wartime goals
>stay there and lose a large amount of money
>leave without achieving your goals
>claim victory
>later start doing business with Vietnam
>claim double victory
>or larping
>we killed some dudes
But wars aren't fought for corpses, corpses are quite cheap and readily available.
There were objectives, and these objectives were not accomplished. This is called a defeat.
I completely agree with you. We need to unite against the Jews, the common enemy of ALL OF US.
I wish with all my heart that image was in any way accurate. White nationalism bolstered by tribalist black patriotism would form a god-tier bulwark against commie kike subversion.
The dream country is ~85% white, 5% Asian/Latino (for waifus and Bunda,) and 10% redpilled black.
not when you're a brainwashed dipshit alt-left scumfuck who hates the US and its constitution.
they create chaos so they can claim the system is broken then try to usurp the government like the useful idiots they are. once they are done with that they'll be useless idiots and starve like every socialist government does to their people.
>Lose every major battle of a war
>Lose significantly more people, both as a raw statistic and as a percentage of your population
>Country becomes the poorest in the region
>Generations of genetically deformed freaks as a result of enemy chemical defoliants
>Civilians still dying as a result of enemy ordinance to this day
>Have to rely on the anti-war sentiments of the civilian populace of your enemy's country to """win"""
>All in the name of not adopting our economic policies
and then the best part
>Wind up adopting our economic policies anyway
>Get forcefed Big Macs and forced into laborious industrial work
>"B-but we won"
Turn your fucking proxy off gook.
I want based black to kill antifa
>go to war
>lose war
>pretend you won
>get shot
Wars are fought over objectives.
You failed to complete your objective.
You lost that war.
I don't get why its so hard for americans to admit this simple and easily observable fact.
>but it cost them to beat us!
Yes, it was a costly victory for the Vietnamese.
stop making us into a bureaucratic-avant-garde substituting-the-bourgeoisie re-presenting the proletarians.
we do not re-present
there is NOONE underneath the mask
we are the sovereign nothing
we turn the anonymity to which this society doomed us back against itself