Poland has provided 200,000 Polish Greencards, 90% to Ukrainians, Russians and Bjelorussians, many with Polish language knowledge or Polish roots.
Germany is criticizing this "uncontrolled immigration" which could "overwhelm Germany".
Poland has provided 200,000 Polish Greencards, 90% to Ukrainians, Russians and Bjelorussians, many with Polish language knowledge or Polish roots.
Germany is criticizing this "uncontrolled immigration" which could "overwhelm Germany".
Other urls found in this thread:
now that's what you could call shitposting.
good job.
post the translated version.
Especially in the times of the refugee crisis, however, this could become a delicate issue. Because Poland wants the Karta to be used for controlled immigration, it could mean long-term uncontrolled immigration for Germany. How many cardholders it subsequently moves to Germany, the authorities can so far only speculate. At the request of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Karta Polaka could neither evaluate nor forecast any possible immigration numbers. A spokeswoman instead pointed to the Polish authorities.
The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, seems hardly to be disturbed by the fact that the cardholders could move further into the West: the law states "no right to investigate the motivation of an applicant". In any case, the receipt is not dependent on what an applicant wishes to use the card later.
Applicants should demonstrate Polish roots
In any case, Germany appears to be particularly attractive to Ukrainians. According to a Ukrainian study, Germany is currently the most popular destination for the country's emigrants. Last year, around 136,000 Ukrainians were already living in Germany.
Has prospects for the karta, who comes from a successor state of the Soviet Union, speaks a little Polish and has as many Polish ancestors as possible. How many people are entitled to claim because of their Polish roots, nobody knows exactly. "The estimated number moves between several hundred thousand and one million," says a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry.
what an unprofessional article.
Holders of "Karta Polaka" (Pole's card) are not granted citizenship. They have to go through the same process as anyone else (albeit it will probably be much easier since to get hold of the Card you are obliged to prove you know the Polish language, Polish language and traditions and one of your ancestors had to be Polish.). It's just a set of priviledges granted to people "belonging to the Polish nation" like being able to apply to university, set up a business and have the cost of obtaining a visa to Poland returned, access to healthcare in case of emergency and free of charge entry to all Polish museums.
A holder of Pole's card in Poland does not have the priviledges of a citizen of the European Union. If a holder emmigrated to say Germany he would have to go through the same process as he'd emmigrated straight from the country he currently holds citizenship for.
Is this some sort of knee-jerk reaction because it doesn't represent the truth at all, just a bunch of fearmongering.
This is day-to-day German media propaganda. They aren't shying away from making shit up as they go.
Basically, their message with this article is "look, the German government wants to protect Germans, but the evil Poles are letting in millions of unskilled migrants from the East".
Merkel is angry because Ukrainians are too white, that is all.
>Merkel is angry because Ukrainians are too white, that is all.
But but but... Ukrainians are not white. Look, look! A white person needs brown eyes, dark skin and needs to come from Africa! That is what the German government says.
>some Slavs who want to work for cheap are no good
>some niggers and Christian-hating muslims living off social benefits being a leech to the economy are perfectly welcomed
While I dislike western U*rainians, this is retarded.
Something not right here
Person on lower left selfie doesn't look Arab or African. WRONG PICTURE!
That's why she's not so happy.
basicly tones of poles immigrated to uk as last minute immigration beffore brexit
now polish government need more workers,
i know personaly 3 people in poland with small company and they say they struggle to find clasified workers (many workers with no classification tho)
basicaly poles go holand and uk , ucrainians going to poland
Why don't they want Ukrainian doctors and rocket engineers?
* "even tho i dislike ukrainians, i think it's retarded"
Because they have American rockets, and not Russian ones, d'oh
they dont wan't hight tier jobs to be taken from germans
they wond arabic childs to work in factories... that a plan .muslim kids wont get social benefits
and when parents dont have financial problems they dont care about kids education
skilled workers are not welkomen in germany
>Because they have American rockets, and not Russian ones, d'oh
Exactly. And Arabs from Syria and Iraq are best trained to use modern American weapons for obvious reasons.
>basicly tones of poles immigrated to uk as last minute immigration beffore brexit
and you read that in the sun or some other shithole tabloid right?
Why the fuck would anyone want to immigrant to Poland, isn't it usually the other way around?
>when you cross timelines
It's this bad in Ukraine. Plus we're relatively close and share more or less similar language.
>they wond arabic childs to work in factories..
There won't be any jobs in factories left, that illiterate arabic children can do.
Take a look at this:
Do you see a lot of manual workers? The only people left will be those that repair the machines. Something illiterates cannot do.
More or less this.
If they know English or German or French, they will travel West.
If they only know Ukrainian, they will mostly stay around Poland/Slovakia/Czech area, because it is easy to learn word differences.
Until they manage to create language districts in the West.
>take 2 million "refugees" (gibz hunters unable to control their urges with no verifiable useful skills) without any kind of screening
>complain about 200k migrants to another country who screens those people and issues a green card if fit
Hahaha, Günther.
>Why the fuck would anyone want to immigrant to Poland, isn't it usually the other way around?
Look at pic related and figure out why people from Bjelorussia and Ukraine and Moldova want to come to Poland... and from there move on to other Western countries such as Ireland, the UK or the Netherlands. You essentially have a factor of 10 to 20 going to Poland in the first step and then another factor 10 to 20 from Poland to the West in terms of wealth. You can increase your wealth by a factor of 400 statistically by doing that if you are 18 and in the Ukraine or Bjelorussia. It is an absolute no-brainer.
If I were living in Ukraine or Bjelorussia, I would look at my options and Poland was a good one. Austria and Germany too - depending on my level of education. UK and Netherlands and Ireland are very hard as a first step, but good options as a second step. America is basically impossible unless you do the first or second step.
Welt.de is Springer press. Springer press consider it their company's solitary purpose to defend the State of Israel, hence why they're even allowed to be journalists in the West. They are the same ones that always try to incite us against each other when our football teams play against each other, you might remember that whole affair with the inflammatory magazine covers back when the World Cup was held in Germany - both the Polish and German outlets were Springer assets.
Right now the idea is to make sure there's as little Eastern "incursion" as possible due to the well-known influence Eastern European immigrants have on pro-Communist idealism, which is the backbone of the pro-migration-movements here. Should the enemy succeed, we will see V4 politically isolated from the rest of Europe in time for the Muslim takeover of the West, which will provide the Israelis currently undermining Ukraine with a human shield against backlash from Westerners (or Muslims, as it were) while setting up your destruction in the subsequently-upcoming blood vengeance run on Russia.
it's funnny how a Slav/Ukrainian gets to represent Vikings on TV.
Pic related.
well i must agree
line 5 in paking site at pizza factory where i work puting 8pizzas in a box by itself
line 1-4 is like 4 people doing this
but eventualy same fate for those lines in 5 years
i know machine maintance is a future (thats why my brother lisened to me and hi study mehatronic now)
still , i think they want that untrained non germans workers to swing streets even tho in 40 years robots will do this
Didn't Hungary let in the 2 million "refugees"? Just asking. I remember that you were letting them all in, then transporting them to your borders with trains and buses and said you will never take them back even if Dublin III demands it.
You should have polish blood for polish "greencard"
Stalin moved a lot of Poles over there
Soviets deported a lot of Poles there during the WW2.
ukies and poles are pretty much the same genetically though
every former Soviet country is elligible and that includes the kazakhstan.
Here's a comment to that article linked by OP, actually most comments are pretty based, the Die Welt comment section is the wokest in Germany.
"In contrast to the totally uncontrolled Merkel immigration, there seems to be an identification process behind this. Who would have thought? The Poles are better bureaucrats than the Germans!!!"
>How many cardholders it subsequently moves to Germany, the authorities can so far only speculate
Only poles allowed or everyone from kazakhstan? And don't u have jus sanguine? Cant they just do like diaspora poles in the americas?
They have to speak Polish and prove they have Polish ancestry.
This map is misleading because in Belarus coast of living is 100% lower than in Germany. Of course they're poorer than Western and Northern Europeans but not that poor.
I have one of the most popular Polish last names. Does than count as having polish ancestry or i have to dig exact relative who migrated to Russia?
They do have a point there. Karta Polaka is too easy to get nowdays, and it often ends up in hands of people who's polish heritage is a little sketchy. Even still, one immigrant from Ukraine goes through more detailed control than a whole ship of niggers from Africa and Middle East.
Probably would have to dig.
Didn't Mutti Merkel who vigorously invited them to Germany? Had it been all up to Hungary, these people would have been airdropped back to Anatolia, that was the first safe country they entered after leaving Syria.
But remember, Wir schaffen das (ab)! [So sollte das Motto der Bundesregierung eigentlich heißen]
You have to prove that one of your parents, grandparents or BOTH great-grandparents were Poles otherwise no go.
The only other option is written confirmation from Russia's polish diaspora organization that you were engaded in activities on behalf of polish language, culture and polish minority in russia for at least 3 years.
>oy vey how dare they let white people inside europe shut it down
>i know personaly 3 people in poland with small company and they say they struggle to find clasified workers
"I am looking for someone to work for 10 zl. per hour"
"Why nobody wants this joooob??? We must import workforce!!!"
>This map is misleading because in Belarus coast of living is 100% lower than in Germany.
An iPhone 7 will still cost the same as in Germany. And that is the issue. The young generation wants an iPhone 7. In Belarus they cannot afford it, unless they are mafia or among the elites. In Poland they can afford it with a good job and in Germany they can afford it on gibmees.
wait so if you have polish heritage you can get a polish green card?
>Even still, one immigrant from Ukraine goes through more detailed control than a whole ship of niggers from Africa and Middle East.
Realistically, I would challenge that. We have huge bureaucracies and paperwork for the negroes and Arabs. It's just that all this paper is pushed while they are already here and on gibmees. That is the big difference on the paperwork front.
Of course the other is that the Ukrainians actually come to study and work.
Germany only love brown migrants kek
You severely underestimate how bad it is in Ukraine.
My friend's father has a workshop. One day an ukrainian ex-army mechanic came in asking for a job, showed pictures of his wife and children etc etc.
He said that he needs an errand boy but the best he can do is a minimal wage otherwise he has to look somewhere else. The feller started crying, thanked him and said he never expected to get this much in the first place.
Only if you live in former USSR.
REAL Polish ancestery, know polish language, and know polish culture.
>Didn't Mutti Merkel who vigorously invited them to Germany?
Yes, but not in June 2015. Look at the date when you stopped complying with the law.
>Had it been all up to Hungary, these people would have been airdropped back to Anatolia
But instead you just shuttled them to the Austrian border.
You are complicit in all of this. Just admit it already. If you had kept them in your camps, the stampede wouldn't have happened. Who wants to come to Europe to be fed with gulash in some Hungarian camp?
> It's just that all this paper is pushed while they are already here and on gibmees.
And what happens if the office worker decides that the african came illegally and is not a refugee.
You send the african home? Hahaha, no of course, you have zero power to do that.
lmao this
>The only other option is written confirmation from Russia's polish diaspora organization that you were engaded in activities on behalf of polish language, culture and polish minority in russia for at least 3 years.
And that is what most people do. You have an interview with the Polish consulate who asks about your knowledge on Poland. Of course the guy who asks you doesn't really care about your answers, but about your resume - if you look decent enough and smart enough, he will give you the card. If you look like a hobo and your records suggest you are, you don't get the card.
It is a sensible screening technique.
>Tfw richest of all Europeans
Jews of the north strike again,
can i show this map to imigration service?
will it work?
>And what happens if the office worker decides that the african came illegally and is not a refugee.
>You send the african home?
By the end of this year, Germany will have around half a million of rejected Africans and Middle Easterners who asked for asylum. Around half of them will just get some certificate from a doctor that they are sick (mentally) so they cannot be deported. Many will also claim that they still face violence in their home country - which is a valid argument against deportation, even if courts already decided in the asylum case that it is not the case. Then there are those who do not cooperate in the deportation proceedings, making it impossible to get the papers for the deportations. Some stay for "humanitarian reasons", typically because they can show they are going to school or getting an education or jobs training.
tldr - of the people we reject after all the paperwork, around 25% will actually be deported, 75% will still stay in Germany... unless the German government changes the existing laws and deportation practices.
>>Tfw richest of all Europeans
>Jews of the north strike again,
I heard this is because of house prices in Rejikivit. Houses cost a shitton there, no?
What kind of name is Jewgeni?
>around 25% will actually be deported,
More like 0.25%.
Germany has absolutely no power in current policy to deport anyone.
>be mad because Polen doesn't take migrants
>be mad because Polen takes migrants
Merkel yes
Well, it's not bad, if the German government later expressed its wish to welcome these people. Anyway, Merkel did a lot bigger damage to Germany and Europe with her Willkommenskultur than a few shuttle bus transports to the Austrian border. You cooked this up by electing this woman to chancellor, now you get to eat the dish.
(You) can even thank us for sealing our southern borders because it prevented an even bigger wave of "new Germans" coming in.
video and pic related
Fast forward to 0:53 in the Video, Austrian chancellor Ch. Kern (SPÖ) says:
Die Maßnahme, die Ungarn gesetzt haben, hat dazu geführt, dass die Zuwanderung nach Österreich auf ein niedriges Niveau gesunken ist [...] Das heißt im Klartext, dass sowohl Österreich, als auch Deutschland Nutznießer dieser ungarischen Politik sind, ob uns das gefällt oder nich"
Yes it's horrible, we're talking 126k€ to buy an apartment.
It's Eugene in Russian/Ukrainian, Eugeniusz in Polish.
Somewhat hypocritical. That 1 million migrant wave that Madame Merkel let in will all have German passports within a few years and be able to come here to the UK to fuck my country up unless Brexit occurs before then.
thank you
Ukrainians have a lot of Nordic blood from the people who travelled through the rivers there, probably more than the English.
Kiev has been name-dropped plenty of times in the sagas as "Kænugarðr", there was definitely movement of Norsemen there.
I lived in Poland and Ukraine. They're the same people. Amost all the Polish I met liked Ukrainians, the only ones who don't are lazys cunts who lost their job to hard working Ukrainian and old pols who are still butthurt over the war. Ukraine will turn out the be the best thing that happened to Poland.
I was realisitc, Czech. Why do come with 0.25% bullshit now?
Here are the numbers: Germany received 1.27 million asylum seekers since 1 January 2015. Thereof, Germany will grant around 55% asylum or subsidiary protection. 45% will be rejected in one form or another, which is between 500,000 and 600,000. Actually, most cases have already been decided and around 400,000 are in Germany currently which are bound for deportation.
Germany last year had 85,000 deportations and "voluntary departures". This year the numbers will be about the same, maybe lower, while around 200,000 will come in new.
So the 25% figure is pretty accurate and still very bad. If the figure were raised to 75%, the incentive for people to come to Germany illegally would massively drop. It is a bit like roulette - people dislike putting real money on "red or black", but still do it - if their chance is 3 in 4 to win, they do it for sure, if their chance is just 1 in 4, they probably keep their money.
>Merkel did a lot bigger damage to Germany and Europe with her Willkommenskultur than a few shuttle bus transports to the Austrian border.
Of course Merkel is the main culprit. But arranging transports for 1 million people isn't just "a few shuttle bus transports" but thousands of buses and trains.
>Germany is criticizing the Polish Green Card Program
It's because the Polish Green Card Program does not take enough syrian rapefugees
When was that? 2002?
Back then people liked Ukrainans becouse muh europe united.
Nowadays everyone hates them.
I don't negate that, but usually the conquerors/traders become the ruling elite, while the conquered masses keep their genetics, but often have to take a new language. AFAIK there is no evidence of massive Nordic migration and settlement in Ukraine.
It has been like this for years now, decades even.
At least we can console ourselves that it has been stated more-or-less explicitly now.
is it Nowak or Kowalski?
i think the germans need to stop voting for a woman whose name is a few letter away from shekel
Maybe they were just being polite since I was a foreigner but was with Ukrainians everyday and never had a problem. If the muslims hords begin to infest Poland like they have the rest of the world the attitude will change.
It was 12 months ago btw
yeah, Ukrainians like us becouse they want u to protect them whenever shit goes down.
Wtf does merkel actually truely just want a shitskin europe? Wtf bitch i thought white genocide was a meme
is it really an error to use it that way?
whats a good site to find monthly apartment leases?
>Germany is criticizing this "uncontrolled immigration" which could "overwhelm Germany".
>thought it was a meme
Are you fucking kidding me? It takes this? You kiwis are weird as shit
yeah, Ukraians like us now more than ever. But Poles are still angry about the east.
I dont see it much here. Its euro leaf and burgers in all the shit
>Slavs who want to work for cheap
But what about all the new prisons they will have to build?
whoa, for a second I thought that she's a nationalist, phew
Fuck off. Germany is now muslim land. Get over it.
whats the context of this?
tbf, your country should not give a single Pole's card to any JF. Poland for the Poles.
Apart from the Sudetenland.