Do Sup Forums believes in evolution? Why many people here are wasting time believing in leftist stupidity like this?
Do Sup Forums believes in evolution? Why many people here are wasting time believing in leftist stupidity like this?
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You and your shitty English make it pretty hard to believe in evolution.
You can't be both Sup Forumsack and believe in evoluton.
This is a Christian board.
Of course not.
I don't believe in table turning either, 19th century science is terribly flawed.
> Where are millions of these (the between species)?
They are in Africa and in Brazil, there are millions of them, are you blind?
You can have both intelligent design and evolution. ie. God created humans and we have evolved somewhat based on our diet, environment, genetics, etc; which explains vestiges like the appendix. It isn't an all or nothing proposition.
You must be one of the Between Species OP
Answer your pic related, they are in Africa.
lol this is a board about getting to the truth. far from being a religious one.
Jesus is the Truth. You don't need any other one.
Unfortunately it is not just a skin or aesthetic problem
Not an argument
KYS if you unironically don't believe in evolution
Of course we do, the "sonic hedge" gene that forms your fingers is literally identical to the same gene in fish and every other animal.
we are just a more complex combination of genes than most other life forms, the genes themselves are the same.
but, it is at the same time hard to believe that evolution happens 100% randomly. I feel like there is some hidden force guiding it.
>Another inbred Christweenie thread
Could also argue that evolution is part of a grand plan for creation. I never understood how people see evolution as incompatible with God, same goes for the big bang.
Neither theories disprove God but merely show us how things came about (if they are to be believed).
Santa Claus for adults doesn't actually exist.
This is basically the Muslim position
They are in middle east and Africa.
Skin color is the smallest racial difference.
Intermixing with other subspecies results in intermediate hybrids with no national identity
Can you imagine how fucked up white societies would be if we still had all of those evolutionary stages currently present?
We'd have people advocating for literal, undeniable subhumans being granted full rights.
holy shit i just got it
the reason there arent millions of those
is because
oh dear god put that away
Homo erectus Neanderthal etc etc
You anti-evolution retards are worse than shitlibs. KYS
The aliens activated our genes, like almonds.
all primates are equally evolved... they all evolved from more simple forms.
The church believes in evolution but nice try ((OP))
There aren't any of the first or the middle anymore. There's billions of the last one.
The first isn't a monkey. That's what you idiots fail to understand. It's an ape ancestor that is a common ancestor to both modern apes and Humans. Monkeys ya see now, and Humans BOTH evolved from the 1st one. The middle are all what happened to get to Human, and they all died out making us. Some are still alive in abbos and niggers.
anyway i think we can all agree that religion was invented by the jews to get us all to behave
Skin color is the only difference mate, don't you see? This man is totally white.
>The aliens activated our genes, like almonds.
who activated the aliens genes you stupid fuck? Super aliens?
Humans didn't evolve from chimpanzees, you absolute utter fucking imbecile.
Chimpanzees and humans had a common ancestor.
You see the difference? Its like saying you came out of your grandfather's ass, when in reality it was your mother's ass, you fucking moron.
i love it when niggers try to michael jackson their way out of being niggers
Race is a social construct you stupid goys!! give up your white women to your fellow african primates *cough humans.
People have evolution rammed down their throats as the basis for all the rest of the propaganda they are forced to believe.
Monkey business becomes acceptable if you've been forced to take the evolution pill suppository.
Sure. Sounds good to me, retard.
I completely agree with you. I believe that evolution is true, but that evolution is guided by a conscious, intelligent field underlying the entire universe (you can call this field 'God', if you want) which cranks out life anywhere and everywhere. Also, humans are BILLIONS of years old and are NOT NATIVE to Earth. Start watching this video from 10:27 (ignore the whole 2012 thing, because Wilcock is still right about how evolution really works):
There you go. Evolution is correct, but (((Darwinian evolution))) is false. Evolution is never random.
(OP) probably had american education
The assertion that we came from chimps is wrong, the arrow pointing to the monkey saying there are millions of those is incorrect. In reality the previous versions got out-competed by their more successful offspring and as such disappeared, one gene at a time.
Its absurd how bad education must be in the USA for people to not get this.
it's like a reverse version of all that "diverse" fanart.
I dont even get the image
I know its bait but there arent millions of the back one, theyre like the middle ones and dead
yes white women, these are your equal and if you think differently, you are a racist bourgeois
yes white men, interbreed with these beautiful african queens, if you think they are less beautiful you are a racist.
Evolution is the reason that races exist. Races diverged and evolved separately.
This is one fact about evolution that liberals conveniently ignore, but deep down they know it's true.
Why are you committing so hard to this horrible strawman?
Bet there are the between spices the technical term for them is negros.
we must mix the white woman with the black man, so that a new mongrel peasantry arises that us jews can rul- *Cough* I mean to combat racism and white supremacy.
Actually, you come from your mother's vagina
(((Who))) indeed
whats the point of having such huge nostrils in scandinavia (or even here on the balkans)?
winters get fucking cold, you want be able to breath properly lol
niggers should stick to the places they were designed for (maybe USA too, the climate is good for them)
they live in chicago.
My eyesssssssssssss
>believes in evolution
Look at this big aryan bull. He's totally white. Race is only skin deep.
>some hidden force guiding it
Yeah something like NATURAL SELECTION perhaps?
There are not millions of the monkeys in the pic, that specific species of monkey is dead. There are millions of other types of monkeys.
>Yeah something like NATURAL SELECTION perhaps?
maybe, but many lifeforms seem to complex for me to accept they were created by pure accidents.
for example birds. how long would it fucking take for an animal tu suddenly turn their fucking hands into huge wings, lower their bone density and weight and suddenly be able to fucking fly.
thats too many (((coincidences))) for my liking
what part of two fucking billion years is too hard for you?
We made Chihuahuas out of wolves in like nine thousand, and most of those nine thousand was about keeping the ones that didn't bit you for lulz
evolution proposes the idea that every organism has a common ancestor instead of them being created with their own unique traits
They didnt go from non-flying to fying overnight. The first winged dinosaurs weren't active fliers but used their wings to glide on strong winds.
At first it might simply start as a simple competition of which individual can jump the farthest. Either for getting away from predators, catching prey or impressing mates. Given enough time, such a competition could lead to a creature that glides. Given enough time, a gliding creature could develop stronger muscles to better guide itself while gliding. Given enougj time such a glider could extend its glide by flapping a few times. You see where im going with this.
>what part of two fucking billion years is too hard for you?
why the fuck would a huge hand animal which cant fly be able to reproduce in any environment lol
thats what I thought too at first, but you'd have to have to many changes at once for it to be feasible.
I somehow think that there is an mechanism with which you can transmit information to your offspring genes and modify them.
His eyes have thier own separate postcodes..
The Anunna gods are the missing link.
When they came down from the "Heavens" and mixed their DNA with ours.
Why would you need a lot of changes at the same time? Why cant you have a few changes over the span of hunsreds of thousands of years?
>why the fuck would a huge hand animal which cant fly be able to reproduce in any environment lol
because you don't need to be perfect at dodging predator claws or parasite eggs, all you need is doing that well enough.
there are flying fish out there.
they propel themselves in short burst, break the waterline, spread their very big fins and glide the everloving fuck outta wherever they were.
why? Because even tiny jump above water jeopardizes anything predator wants to do, including making you a dinner. If you went further into past you'd probably see flying fishes with smaller fins and shorter jumps, up to the very point where the original flying fish did a tiny weeny jump and yet didn't die. Starting a new chapter in eternal race between eaters and eaten, where those who jump were much more hassle than those who didn't
my point still stands though. there is research that proves that parent circumstances can influence genes of their children.
who knows what else is there that we havent found out yet
What? You mean the passing of genes through DNA? Through which the parents individual make-up of genes is passed to its offspring? Yes thats a real thing. The changes occur due to slight variations in the genetic code, called a mutation.
yeah, poisoned and damaged DNA and RNA are fucked up and will fuck up offspring, more news at 5pm
I sincerely hope humans are just cattle for a space species and white people end up with nice office jobs while the niggers are left to regular slave shit because we bread out all the weak in their race.
Evolution is full of forks, not a linear path.
Some might find success being bigger, some might find success being smaller.
Some might find success creating the wheel and some others might find it doing rap music.
I've seen some research which shows that if your grandparents suffered hunger, you're more likely to develop diabetes.
Thats not really a direct connection there.
>be american
>get shot
>over time the american creature develops more and more layers of protective fat
>survival of the thickest in action
>over time the entire population evolves to solve the getting shot problem
>still refuse to teach evolution in schools
>gramps used to walk days without food
>now he's paranoid about food
>the behaviour is passed down in form of conscious and unconscious tics through yo momma to you
that's literally culture creation
>picture is not of a bacteria
whatever though, you probably didn't even graduate high school.
Thats paranoid behavior being passed on. Anyway, diabetes isnt hereditary. Its also not very beneficial, meaning you dont have a better chance of survival while suffering from diabetes. Although in our society it makes little difference in the chances of procreational success. Humans have eliminated many factors of natural selection by taking care of diseases, wounds, social outcasts, bad behavioral traits. If you put things in a more natural setting, individuals with diabetes would simply die out because of the stronger natural pressure on them. Thats how you end up with well adapted creatures in any given environment.
>Be from Eastern Europe
>Deal with decades of Heroin and centuries of Vodka
>Die in the streets from a overdose or in the state of vomitose in the middle of the the night during −25 °C weather
>Over time your average slav develops more and more tolerance to both alcohol and drugs increasing their desire and consumption.
>Over time entire population keeps doing harder and harder drugs to evolve the dying in the street problem
>Still manages to walk up bright and early for Sunday morning mass after a night of convulsons on the floor.
>whatever though, you probably didn't even graduate high school.
I actually didn't as i opted out for a GED instead (id rather take 4 tests then be bored to death).
maybe you develop diabetes, because your body adapts to process sugar more effectively, expecting that you wont have enough food at hands.
Or maybe because you simply eat too much of it, driven by a culture of eating and fear of not having enough.
Man, for a people with 50cm thick skin, you sure are easy to get insulted and spit venom.
You need more evolution methinks.
If you guys want to know the real reason it's because those species occupy a very similar niche to humans. They were out competed and replaced by our species for this reason. The same can't be said for chimpanzees. Besides, there are far more extinct species, of all families, than extant ones, so this makes perfect sense.
>You need more evolution methinks.
I probably do since i have a bigger pecker then stomach fat even thou by slavic standards id be a cow. (anything about 150 in slavland is fat).
The intelligence agencies should read this one.