How is this allowed? It's basically promoting the drug culture of the 60s all over again.
Rick and Morty psychedelic/occult symbolism
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Oh I get it, he's gay.
Oh i get it. Right side up triangle is male. And upside down triangle is another man and never the female it actually represents. Mmkay
More that he feels he has male and female characteristics and the whole attacked by Morty thing. Definitely about closet homosexuality, nothing wrong with being gay, everything wrong with being disingenuous about it.
That was some pretty entry level symbolism.
This. The symbolism is pretty typical. level one fruity occult bullshit. Still disturbing to watch though. Who the hell watches this show? You younger kids missed out on good television.
lol fucking retard its occult symbolism.
How is a cartoon allowed?
>Who let OP near a computer again?
dude psychedelics lmao
That's the whole point you fucking mong. It's satirizing the "whoa so trippy" stuff.
>How is this allowed?
To make people like you feel uncomfortable. So you will post about it like it means something. You know they get off to things called ratings right? Those get generated by fucbois like you paying attention to shit like that.
So you are telling me that young mediocre writers make sensationalist,subversive garbage just to get shock ratings? Can't believe it.
It's an edgy cartoon, its too absurd for the viewer to take the propaganda seriously in their subconscious. Rick and Morty is one rarest examples of a good show in today's time so shut your mouth, you cuck. Just enjoy it for what it is, an absurdity.
You're a pleb.
>watching Rick and Morty
You belong to the commie website starting with red
Baphomet, the duality, Adam and Eve, The eye of god, the pyramid, tree of life
>nothing wrong with being gay
Um, sorry sweetie, you're going to roast in hell.
dude its a fucking cartoon on adult swim.
all their other shit is just as obscene/edgy, why do people shit on rick and morty so much?
Go back to bed grandpa
cause it is edgy to shit on it
It's about Phoenicians not Egyptians (copiers )
>male and female characteristics
No, it's basically saying he's half of his mother and half of his father, all the way back to when one of his ancestors was an elk or something who got eaten alive by a lion to when he was a snail just laying in the grass.
not him but the artstyle is garbage and the show is super full of itself
>good television
kek blupilled stupid burger as usual. televised jew was black magic all along. it's practically a fucking black mirror showing you visions
>reddit and memey
*burp* everyone dies morty fuck da police and parents *burp*
don't forget this
literally the definiton of putting crap past the radar, the depicted homosexual sex
it was a good sequence tho, it reminded me of superjail!
rick and morty is fun. all cartoons are leftist tho. doesnt bother me as long as its not constant.
here's one from the simpsons thats pretty relevant to today tho
holy shit was that on the actual show.
also it is obviously good to expose the public to psychedelic drugs. people who knowingly and willingly take them experience enormous benefits. educate yourself.
This. This is occult. The farting cloud song was more superficial psychedelic portrayal.
I didn't see any tree of life, only chakras.
The triangles are alchemical symbols for the elements of fire and water.
The figures are in black and white, so yes, a general expression of opposites, but it doesn't seem to be tied to anything like sex.
I'm such a fucking neophyte. Did those opposites resonate with a doorway which was an experience or a transition?
I also didn't get those many-eyed Rick shapes.
Pretty funny that Rick's standing under a Star of David after that Israel thing in the last episode.
They could have spent 5 minutes browsing /x/ to get enough material to put that together. Just pandering, and its the kind of pandering keeps me watching because the rest of my life is shit of far greater cringe value than this show could ever accomplish.
Reminds me of the trippy sequences in Altered States