I've never been particularly interested in 9/11 but for some reason lately I keep wondering who was behind it. I have so many questions left unanswered even though I've watched every 9/11 video and documentary I still don't understand how our national security was this bad
Anyone else been thinking about this lately
Other urls found in this thread:
Israel did 9/11
How do I stop thinking about 11/9?
You wanna elaborate or....?
How did Israelis convince 19 saudis to die for Israel
no planes
That post would actually be funny if you took that meme flag off
You know very well who did it.
Sounds familiar? Just switch Cuba for Middle East
Did you expect an Australian? Sorry.
This White House memo gives the background.
>you know very well who did it
>posts some obscure conspiracy theory with dubious narratives
You alright there ahmed?
Check em
The answer is mossad and the proof is the art student photos
The proof is in plain sight, people refuse to touch it/
The Bush family and everyone associated with them.
The simplest answer is the only credible answer. Nobody else could have done it. Nobody else could have covered up that they did it. Nobody else profited from it in the way bush and Chaney did.
It was them and everyone knows it.
The CIA was saying for sometime that there was going to be an attack.
Detecting abnormal trading activities in option markets
>Marc Chesney a,⁎, Remo Crameri b, Loriano Mancini c (2015)
>Nearly all the detected abnormal trades can be associated to one of the following three event categories:merger and acquisition (M&A) announcements, six transactions; quarterly financial/earnings related statements, 14 transactions; and the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 13 transactions.
What is this?
This is kind of true. From what I understand the FBI and CIA weren't allowed to share information that probably would have helped in preventing the attack.
Even then stuff like this makes you wonder...
The Israeli "art experiment"
A guy here is dress in black and the window is removed. This is like 1 week before 9/11.
Are they Mossad bomb experts?
>proof is the art student photos
link please
Idk, there is a Japanese guy with all of them. I don't have any on my current harddrive
What's in the boxes ;^)
a force beyond our comprehension
Supposedly blasting caps?Not sure if it's because of the BB-18 label or just the location of them...
best link i can find right now trying find original photos
Woah what the fuck??? Read this picture, from the "Art experiment"
Arrow to blackened building
>Depression Inside
>Amazement Outside!
That japanese guy posted on Sup Forums? He's the guy with all the weird picutures??
It's not like whoever did 9/11 was a goody two-shoes so that they need to "convince" some people to do their dirty work. They could have manipulated, deceived, forced, kidnapped, or basically put evidence that convicts them and make them disappear.
Funny thing, the FBI's main lead was a bag left behind in the airport by one of hijackers. It contained documents with the hijackers' names, assignments and al-Qaeda connections. How convenient.
That's one shitty terrorist who needed to take documents with him to commit his act. kek.
You can't see how our nation has been subverted by the jews, who owned the towers and media and the ties between bush oil and jewish hate of those in greater israel
>fill with Wonder
some mossad tier code shit
Make of this what you will.
>FBI's main lead was a bag left behind in the airport by one of hijackers
Yeah that was placed there so they can give something for the media to push to millions of confused paranoid individuals.
9/11 was an action of the deep state with a lot of private interests. So many things happened because of that event that wouldnt happen otherwise, a lot of people go rich and the US had a scapegoat to smear its agenda, ie the patriot act.
Honestly so many people know the truth, but know if it was publicized it would create chaos, 17 years so far already of extreme political decisions, based on that lie.
damn stratfor can make some fine intel
im starting to think that muslim terrorism isnt real
mostly just false flagging
Hmm the domestic terrorism in europe is real, not sure what you mean, possibly the lie that americans are under constant threat from muslims? because that isnt true
ask for infrared pictures of the towers , ask for the blueprints of the buildings , ask for the alloy of the steel beams , ask if a member of the Bush family had access to the towers as a "maintanance" team . and by the way : on french TV the architects of the towers said : " of course we had a potential terror threat on our minds , as the PLO ( arab terror group ) was active in the early `70s ) therefore the building society decided to re-enforce the towers to the best faisable standard ( 747 full with cargo + fuel could hit the towers without causing a catastrophic damage ( towers would not collaps ) . check math , physics and plausibility
wtc7 is enough proof, yet people are still in denial
Yasser Arafat looked like he was going to cry on 9/11. That should tell you all you need to know.
No, extremism is real but also cultivated by CIA, Mossad through Wahhabism support. This involves the control of the drug market for black-ops as well, which includes false flags.
>insinuating hand of ZOG
Mate, you're not in Iran, be careful :(
I have never seen an infra red picture of the burning towers and I was searching for infra red pictures since 9/11 . no result untill now . by the way : any police helicpter , any army or navy helicpoter , any news agency has access to high end infra red cameras - ok - not a single infra red picture of the burning towers ? nowhere on the web - not a single one ?? amazing . I wonder why the us authorities where not able to deliver at least some IR cameras for the fire fighters - don`t they have infra red cameras at the us army ? no IR camera on board of any combat helicopter ? . no IR camera in New York at 9/11 ??? not a single one ? . strange ( and yes : one of my mates in ny had such a camera on 9/11 , he worked for a company insulating houses with rockwool ; and yes , he made more than 400 pictures of these towers . he died on 9/11 , his IR camera and the photos have been stolen , I had threatening phonecalls during years and years . DO NOT ASK FOR THESE PICTURES
Look up collateral damage 9/11 pdf
I linked to it here
shut up kike shyster
Nah, not really. The years following 9/11 outed america as the hive of jewry in the west. 9/11 should have been 100x worse.
Are you still trying to figure out who did it? Why bother with the physics? Everything is out there and known, the media just won't say a word and most people I know just feel uncomfortable questioning it.
> who was behind 9/11
muzzie jihadists.
Protip: behind every muzzie "movement" is the same tired marxism as the soviets, but instead of "The Party" you get "The Clerics"
seriously, every fucking sandland shithole is SOCIALIST before it is muzzie, even the "kingdoms" because when you get right down to it, marxism is simply feudalism with different titles for the aristocracy
marxism, sunni islam and shiaa islam all have the same shit in common:
> authoritarian top down control of the economy, the press, the people and natural resources
> single party and/or family rule
> suppression of all dissent
> exportation of their ideology to nearby lands to destabilize fledgling capitalist markets and liberty
> control of speech, religion(or lack thereof) and even thought
> indoctrination of the youth into their batshit crazy ideology
> when they cant convince their marks to buy their ideology, they resort to violence
> when their ideology is questioned, they lie about it's fundamental principles
> once they gain control of an area, there is no way out
> adherents are invariably either completely ignorant of basic principles of the ideology, or they lie their asses off to conceal how batshit crazy it is
> promises that if you submit now, and becoming a slave of their ideology, eventually in some distant future , they will usher you into paradise with free shit, hot bitches and all the booze you can drink
> paradise never appears.
> always with the goddamned beards
do the math.
marxism is the threat, whether it is run by atheists or phony priests
Mossad agents were caught on 9/11 with a truck full of explosives only to be deported back to Israel after failing lie detector tests. The largest spy-ring of Israelis were also caught following the events (check Israeli art students)
The planes that hit the towers were drones, they were traveling at speeds that exceeded the VMO for the model of planes of the flights that left the airports. If the planes that hit the towers were really 767s they would have fallen apart in mid air at the speeds listed in the 9/11 commission report. What most likely happened is the 19 saudis pretended to hijack the planes while the (((pilots))) routed the planes to a military air base where they could intimidate the people into recording the phone calls (look up cee cee lyles 9/11 call for an example of a phone call that was obviously made under duress) that were supposedly placed on the planes mid flight, then they slaughtered everyone on board after they had all the fake evidence they needed
Paging Jap shitlord
Good goy, muzzies were behind it. Let's not look further than the end of ones nose for the truth.
If you can be bothered to do any research beyond elamentary level you will find a whole myriad of answers.
Reading the .pdf linked here will give you some of those answers.
If you cant be bothered to read at least watch this but the document goes into more detail if it piques your interest
> musta been da jewz!
> even the titanic was sunk by an (((iceberg)))
> no documents to support wild claim
sounds legit
> da planez was moving 2 fast
they were well within the tolerances of the aircraft in question
flight 11 (the first to hit, on the north tower) was well below the rated max level flight speed at 465 mph (max rated level flight speed at max takeoff weight is 530 mph)
the second plane exceed the maximum level flight speed rating of a 767 by 60 mph, or, ~12% which is hardly excessive considering the plane was in a dive with a pilot who had no intention of making a safe landing
Troofers never change, they always make bullshit claims with the kind of delusional self-certainty found only among very small children, drunks and the retarded
>with the kind of delusional self-certainty found only among very small children, drunks and the retarded
Should be the Sup Forums mission statement. Also eteam.
> Du sum rezerchez!
> only Troofer approved sources allowed
> shitty vidya on the jootubes must be authoritative!
> loose change is so factual, thats why it has been re-cut 7 times, each time with new claims, slightly changed to refute engineers, scientists and serious investigators who debunked their previous version's batshit crazy claims
jet fuel CAN melt steel beams, there was no jewish trickery involved, osama bin laden admitted he ran the operation, the perps were mostly saudis and all were wahhabists, and there really were planes, not drones magically disguised as planes
>Also eteam
da fuq is that supposed to mean
also, not an argument
The planes could not have gone all the way through a building with nose intact, nose cone doesn't even survive a bird, but went through outer steel beams + core columns + more steel beams with zero loss of speed? No.
911, get
>whistles being blown to warn responders of a collapse from damaged buildings affected by the rubble from the twin towers
>for some reason there are whistles being blown right before the towers fell
really activates my almonds
Should have typed it e team. A great info pic is in this thread. Boom goes the dynamite.
Do people pay you for your lazy ad-hominem and strawman attacks or do you just suck cock for a living?
Obviously you haven't read or seen the info I linked to. The info I linked to is not the how but the why. I'll give you a clue by saying one reason for the 'why' is $240 billion in fraudulent US 10 year bonds. There are still people around who know the bank of new york cleared some of these bonds without the normal due dilligence checks being carried out. Stop distracting and start researching.
> planes couldnt go through building...
they didnt "go through the building" you cunt.
what came out the other side was DEBRIS
> some shit about the nose cone
youre fucking retarded.
> zero speed loss
numbnuts, google the methods by which the twin towers were constructed.
they were basically a big central core and cantilevered floors hanging out in empty space.
when an aluminum plane full of fuel hits it at 400+ mph, the plane will disintegrate (which they did) and the debris and fuel keep on moving OUT THE OTHER SIDE because liquids and a cloud of small bits can go right around the big central core, much like your moms lips wrap around my cock
once the beams (which were THE FUCKING FLOORS YOU DOLT) soften, they slump, collapse and drag the whole thing down like a house of cards when a spastic bumps the table
the twin towers did NOT have a rigid external skeleton like most skyscrapers. they were an experimental design which was rarely employed afterwards because it was shitty, expensive and difficult to maintain.
> Should have typed it e team
well that clears it up doesnt it.
(pic related)
da fuq is "e team" supposed to mean.
that makes no more sense than "also eteam"
use your words like a big boy.
>Troofers never change, they always make bullshit claims with the kind of delusional self-certainty found only among very small children, drunks and the retarded
I think truthers are a government spy op to cover up their failure to prevent 9/11, which was done by fanatical sand goons and no one else.
t.Damage control kikes
Explain this if only sandgoons are involved
Lurk more faggot
Why doesn't the public care what happened? It's so weird to me.
Strangely I was think about this today. When I saw them fall I knew things would never be the same again. I was right but did not expect how bad and just outright crazy. Feel sorry for the youngfags. They must think all this crazy is normal.
Yup. Retard would understand the reference to E-Team if he bothered to research it. Distract and demoralize tactics.
Skelleftea ser alt! Chrrrrr Joden!!!!!!
The truth is anti-semitic
Well they see it like black and white TV... Now that population is so high and internet access so high, they will need another 9/11 just to study how to improve Bluebeam
Pehlewan......Maax has all the tapes and wants to know how you are not your self.
> muh news footage from a day of chaos confusion and panic
> proof of sumthin
you deserve to be slapped.
the press has demonstrated that they cant get the news right even under the best of circumstances, and i am supposed to believe their breathless yammering on a day when even the experts, first responders and fire fighters are shitting their britches?
youre beyond delusional.
> luk ad dis shit i pozted!!
> it R Troofs!
if i read every line of bullshit Troofers shat out over the last 16 years i wouldnt have time left to tell you to fuck yourself
i SAW the second plane hit live
it was a motherfucking plane.
i HEARD osama claim responsibility
he actually said it.
the official story has a lot of holes because shitlords like you cant handle the truth of how intensely vulnerable we really are, so they whitewashed a ton of details
just like the "no wmds in iraq" bullshit, the grownups in charge concealed the facts of what they actually found because if you knew what was really happening, you would be hiding under your bed.
check your wikileaks.
literally hundreds of metric tons of wmds WERE found, and even more were smuggled out to parts unknown, in the hands of various jihadjis.
only the general incompetence of dust niggers has prevented them from staging even m ore devastating attacks.
if you knew how bad shit really was, you wouldnt need to bury your head in conspiracy theories. the reality would leave you scared shitless.
you should be THANKING the growups in charge of the shitshow for protecting you from the grim truths and letting you indulge in your juvenile fantasies
How do I forget the injustice? Why can't stop thinking about it?
It was an inside job
...how many docos have you actually watched
>you would be hiding under your bed
I think you are on to something
Sounds like when the truck of peace drivers always leave their passports
> U R a JOOO!!!!
fuck you.
> explain how the incompetent mainstream press who cant even get a story about a trump tweet right, on a slow news day failed miserably on a day that was a whirlwind of devastation and confusion
> really makes you think
> U dont no wut muh super seerit code werdz meen?
> lurk moar so i dont have to explain my nonsensical gibberish
suck my dick.
U shuld "research" every brainfart and mumbled catchphrase i shit out cuz i cant be arsed to use real werdz!!
i really dont care enough about what passes for thought in that shithouse full of rats resting on top of your neck.
if you cant use real words, you are irrelevant
> dust nigger insinuates that other dust niggers couldnt possibly be incompetent boobs and pathetic bunglers
> cant figure out why his entire region is a literal shitshow despite having a shitload of the most valuable resource on the planet
> B-b-but... they were successful!
even a retarded squirrel finds a nut now and then.
You ate all the aderall didn't you. Get out of here with your nonsense. What in the world is your point?
the official report is a lie and the reason why we went to war was not this but that the CIA said that Iraq had a nuclear program and if we went to war they would release the document that said this is the nuclear program and in that redacted document it does not show a nuclear program youtube.com
I can never get over how those buildings vanished into thin air. No building has ever collapsed like that from a plane crash.
They were struck by airplanes. Then, they were demolished. That is irrefutable. But after that, it gets even more fucked up.
We go and bomb Iraq for no reason. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed. And we're still occupying Afghanistan for no reason.
Then it gets worse. You find out Osama bin Laden was trained and funded by the CIA. Then he gets killed but his killers leave no evidence whatsoever. He just vanishes. How is that remotely possible?
I don't think the government was "behind" it. I think they were terrified. You've got to understand, during 9/11, people were scared. Nothing like that had ever happened before. So they probably went crazy and decided killing people randomly was the answer.
Something's all fucked up with 9/11. They were definitely demolished by experts - no question. But that alone is not enough. It is only one piece of a puzzle. It's like seeing a portion of a Bosch painting without seeing the whole thing.
Ahmed pls leave
Parts of the government were most definitely behind it. This doc is lengthy but well worth the watch
my point is simple.
Occam's Razor
> muzzies hate america
> muzzies have been attacking america since thomas jefferson was president (google the barbary wars faggot)
> muzzies shout "death to america" at every opportunity
> their bullshit magic book tells them they must destroy anyone who stands in their path to world domination
> america is the ONLY thing standing in their path (israel is really just a speedbump wiithout america's backing)
> muzzies have hijacked planes, boats, buses, trucks, cars, golf carts, kid's bicycles and tonka toys in an attempt to attack america, repeatedly
> the idea that muzzies might have actually succeeded in an attack is logical, considering how often they try it
> doesnt require a complex conspiracy, shaky science and a complete lack of understanding of the physical properties of object in motion to draw a conclusion
> EVERY expert agrees with me, from popular science magazine, to world recognized research institutions, to govt investigations
> only loony tunes frootloop chuckleheads on the interwebs espouse Troofer bullshit
> Troofer claims get wackier every time their shit is debunked
> official story has holes because you cant handle how fucked up the whole story is
> you cant even handle the whitewashed pre-chewed, soft serve pabllum oof the official story, so you make up nonsense, throw in some ignorant bulllshit and insert some star trek level nonsense techno-babble and call it a "theory" when your story doesnt even rise to the level of "a notion"
Troofers have constructed a fantasy world where everything is under control, and evil only succeeds when "THEY" allow it, because you feel safer with a boogeyman in your closet than the terrifying reality out here in the real world
I honestly 100% believe this. Truthers give the government waaaaaaayyyy to much credit. Truthers have no idea how incompetent the government really was back then
>be the federal reserve
>be able to print money from thin air
>completely uncontrolled by the government
>the only power you have is from the american dollar
>the only thing keeping the dollar worth something is saudi oil fields
>oil is only allowed to be sold in us dollars
>saddam changed to the euro just before the invasion
>iraq is a shia country
>the biggest oil countries are sunni
>mfw sunni muslims HATE Shias
>mfw i am now sunni's bitch
>I keep wondering who was behind it.
the usual suspects
why would they need to blow up the building right after they did some hi tech stock deals?
>why would they need to blow up the building right after they did some hi tech stock deals?
To destroy evidence of even more shady financial dealings. And to allow the clearance of certain bonds just coming to maturity without the normal checks being in place See