Places you can't be white

#1 : Howard University, Washington DC

Other urls found in this thread:

Also kill all niggers

Sup Forums needs to be nicer to white girls.
At the end of the day they are on the same side.
As the non-whites become more vicious towards them someone needs to welcome them with open arms.





Which group are they talking about, the trumpkins or those bitchy slags?

places where you cant have big muscles
#1 : Sweden

Sup Forums welcomes white girls
Highest IQ and most beautiful combo on earth

Race is a social construct

The Trumpkins.

let's get their funding cut

Jesus Christ America really is cucked beyond repair.

holy shit

KEK the comments

>Maybe the girls should enlighten themselves by attending the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Of course, they can wear their red swastika baseball caps because this is the land of the free no matter who you insult.

Oy vey! Someone is being a victim and no one mentioned the anti semitic goyim! It's annuduh shoah!

Surely that has to be a record for Godwin's law surfacing!


*sniff* *sniff* of yeah baby I like your dirty asshole.
Umm yeah. Just like that, spread those butthole.
*sniff* *sniff* yeah this feels so good.

Bitch just wanted an excuse to touch his "unnatural attractive biceps"

this is actually kind of funny though. Big guy starts hitting on female police officer, she brings him in and forces him to piss in cup. You never know he could have been acting like a cunt. that said, women shouldn't be allowed to be cops.

>tryna be problematic
What is this? Some African language?

more like the skank had a powertrip and wanted to show the big man that she can and will fuck with him

Is her name written in kike runes?

Only in India.

I hope these people will encounter real Neo-Nazis one day

highest iq is jewish women
most beautiful is asian women
the only thing white women win at is destroying their own civilization and race

based kike

Just when you thought the left couldn't be anymore offended at nothing, a black jew appears. (inb4 black, jew, transgender, fat, cripple)

It was pretty quick desu

>Dressed Like Whores
Out out out

>highest iq is jewish women
as much as people meme about it, ashkenazi jews are white

>most beautiful are asian women
You weebs are embarrassing. Even arab women are hotter than asians.

>most beautiful is asian women
Topkek you're too weak too seduce an arian Goddess so you play easy mode

yeah this is why employers don't take college seriously anymore.

>Unusually large muscles

i thought weebs preferred 2d women

>based kike
^Alt-Right Christian

Sup Forums are cunts about white women. I keep explaining that it's possible to have a good wife and happy family like I do but the neet force is too strong

>Alt-Right Christian on Sup Forums
>Your flag

Marilyn von Savant is not a Jew but good job trying to perpetuate the muh Jewish IQ myth, kike cunt.

No one is in awe of a bunch of lying kikes.

his muscles look natural to me

How dare those whities invade black safe space. The restraint showed by HU students is truly amazing. Imaging a few black teens showing up at a KKK rally.

umm no sweetie... there is testosterone in his blood which is illegal in sweden

#2: Europe (self explanatory)

basically slavs larping as sandniggers

this sort of corruption and nonsense reminds me of luxembourg

please reply "oy vey!"

Haha yeah and good on you for addressing the main issue at the end of your post. That's the whole reason any of that fuckery happened in the first place.

Is this becoming the new normal ? Getting fired from University because you're white ?

>"a*erican" "poster"

holy fuck the whole world is going insane


Uncle Hotep Chimed in

Things that frighten the nigger:
>16 year old white girls
>MAGA hats

im german and i cannot see any of the American arguments being wrong ... hmmmmm ...

That's just pure jealousy.


society is a racial construct


>be american
>support your current president
>get fucked
Truly land of the free

What's weird is that any black dude I know would've rolled up to those girls and started macking on them. HU full of faggots or something?

>86% black college

that sounds like a quality school to receive an education

Say it out loud...

Tbqh senpai

I'll welcome them with loaded nuts

He is a big guy

Did this fucker just tell us to be nice???

This is not a designated sniffing street, move along pervert pajeet

No. They chose their side. I'm not going to accept them back simply because they've been rejected.

>girls outfit
I thought it was a brothel.

It's true tho
Nobody hates niggers more than gays
because they're so dirty unsophisticated and criminal

what a slut

>beat they asses or forever hold your piece

What did it mean by this?

>Sup Forums is one person
Most people on here have no problem with white women and are not complete spastic numales.

heh clever.

That guy looks just Muslim enough to at least lie about being Muslim and win a bazzillion dollars in Swedish cuck court

Oy vey , that bitch doesn't cover her tracks.
Chaim we need to shut it down.

One can only assume, the offended person(s) should perform violent acts on them (the "offenders") or stop merely talking about how offended they are.


you guys arent as transparent as you think

Disagree wholeheartedly. Asian women have flat faces and look like they basically got smacked with a shovel. But if you like that kind of thing...

Weak yt eyes can handle the eclipse

It really is. everyone here including myself needs to die a horrible painful death. Not a fucking thing here worth defending.

by his name it i assume he is balkan diaspora

a lot of gay white men are secretly conservative/nationalist but keep their tongues shut about it

it means "Jews of Germany" and thus they are more Germanic because of mixing with the natives than Slavs. Ashkenazi are a mutt race of old Semitic genes watered down through generations by different European genes, mainly Germanic ones.

Explain. I've always thought Luxembourg to be a well-run city state like Singapore.

someone hasn't been drinking the tap water

haha comon now west Slav

I'm a liberal because I don't trust traitors? What kind of ass backwards logic is that?

What did they do? Is wearing a Trump cap officially considered racist?

You're not allowed to use juice in Sweden?

Fucking hell, even in Britain you're allowed, that's retarded.

Did you even read the article? They were just visiting the uni they didn't attend it.

OK, what's yt? Kids are always talking a new code these days

Virgin spotted

Lol i actually read that in his voice.

Say it aloud. Each letter.

Maybe we could be 'human' instead?

Get with the times you filthy racist.

>Sup Forums needs to be nicer to white girls


they caused most of this bullshit and either submit to us or be cast aside

Damn, is that the reading level they're at? Common core doing work

Do average Israelis hate the scheming kike elite?

Are you, dare I say it, /our/ guys?