Redpill for white germanic brits

Why don't you want to learn Icelandic language?

As the most relevant to Old English this language can be awesome to build a new identity and separate from the main english culture.

Of course, not "convet in language". Just learn it as L2 and as the cultural language, you may not understand this, but in ex-USSR some people think in Russian, but their cultural language is Ukrainian.

Also it's 2017 and every educated man should be able to speak a foreign language.

What do you think?

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I'm in the process of learning Russian, so I am concentrating on that.

It's cold and far away from everything in Iceland.

Iceland is a pussified version of Sweden only immune to racial pollution because of her geography.

И кaк ycпeхи, тoвapищ?


Why would you spend time learning something that will bring you no actual value? Think efficiency, if you have time to spend, spend it wisely.

I've been learning Russian too. Someone has to translate when they start threatening us with nuclear annihilation.

It will make a new identity. But there is the problem - I'm not sure that there are a lot of songs in Icelandic.

I have a roots from region of Russia where was west slav tribes and I'm learning Polish.

You may call this autism, but it's a way to stay uncucked.

Welsh is a bit closer to home, Gaellic too as well as a few dying regional languages. Good shout though.

I think Frisian is the closest to old English, but I've been learning Latin.

Welsh and Gaelic deserve to die out.

Frisian is the closest living language to old English

That's cool but OP said Germanic so I don't think it fits his criteria.

I mean if person obiviously celtic - Welsh and etc, if germanic - Icelandic.

Is it autism? Or way to stay uncucked?

Its closer to old norse but whatever

>Why don't you want to learn Icelandic language?


Sorry mate, still on the extremely basic stuff. I haven't been at it for long. :(


Wanting to learn a new language is never autistic, unless its a real language and not some shit like Klingon or Elvish

Blyatttttt ))))))))))

Icelandic people don't like you, Alexander.

*unless its not a real language

Iceland is just as culturally cucked as Sweden. An single African refugee infected 23 icelandic women with HIV in one year.

Iceland's only saving grace is that niggers and mudslimes can't swim, but it wouldn't shock me if they start airlifting them in.

They will start airlifting them in once Germanic people take Op's advice and start investing in Iceland.

Also I'm pretty sure you're confusing Old English for Old Norse, OP.

Icelandic is not very closely related to Old English.

>As the most relevant to Old English
no that would be Frisian, in the Netherlands

>As the most relevant to Old English
I'm learning Old English right now, no particular reason why, I'm just bored.

wew, what the fuck? and here I thought I'd move to iceland if shit got too bad here

>An single African refugee infected 23 icelandic women with HIV in one year.

So you think regionalism won't solve the problem of cucking?

>not just learning Old English instead

you forgot to mention that iceland is considered the most feminist country in the world as well

What's life in Russia like, Ivan?

Icelandic is pretty far from old English.

If someone wanted to learn a language for some identitarian reason they're better off learning Frisian like I said, or Dutch, or even German if they can get past the ridiculous grammar

My negro.

Half Icelander half Swede here, I can tell you that Iceland is much more hostile to shitskins than Swedes in general. Only the capital suffers from cultural marxist syndrome, and not even that much from what I could tell when I was there last time

Because it's 300,000 people on a useless piece of rock in the freezing mid-Atlantic.

No thanks.

Are things in Iceland as bad as they are in the rest of Europe or are you protected from it somewhat?

I think us Brits and the yanks are so far up our own fucking arses, the percentage of kids who fluently speak a second language is probably like 0.5% (Muslim kids excluded).

Thats what happens when your language becomes the lingua franca of the world. It greatly lowers the incentive for one to learn another language. Of course learning a new language is good and should be encouraged in children, but its way less prudent for English speakers.

If Klingon becomes the lingua franca of the world in 2200 I wouldn't expect any different from people with that as their primary language.

privet tovarisch, I know at least 10 words.

>Named after a budget supermarket

Look, you fucking English speaking natives need to stop deprecating yourself and your people over this ridiculous "muh second language" standard, perpetuated by idiots. A language is a tool for communication. You were born in a country that uses the current lingua franca. That's it, done. You learn tools to better yourself and your life, and if you don't need or want the tool, you don't learn it. There's only so much time in a fucking day; I'm not going to sink in hours of my life learning to fly, just because of some arrogant flight engineers. Other groups flock to English over the reverse since it's more in their interest to do so. It's not like there is some world-curious, internationalist clique gene that is inherent among Swedes, or Russians, or whatever, and didn't make its way to anglos. There is nothing inherently smug of a fucking limey a burger to want to live in their own country and speak their own language. Sinking in hundreds of hours, up to thousands depending on the language, to acquire a tool of communication that is not inherently necessary to the survival and well-being of a person or its nation doesn't deserve a "should", and only a head-in-the-sky asinine fuck would think this standard needs to be extrapolated from being monolingual. This is ridiculousness is the reason everyone is put into Spanish and French classes, and nobody learns anything.

So you're left with people that just have an interest in learning languages, or have a personal goal of maybe living in a country or location were that location is spoken. That is completely reasonable. To expand this to an entire population is absolute impractical, time wasting drivel that is usually perpetuated by cucky anglophones who buy into the ESL twats that parrot these ideas either out of sheer narcissism, or another passive aggressive whack at an English dominated world. I could physically overpower and dominate both groups with just one arm.