Should we disassociate the Natsoc and White Nationalism from the Swastika and other Nazi imagery? Personally for the time being I would say it is more beneficence to recruiting normies as (((they))) have demonizsed the Swastika beyond the belief which makes it harder to get more people on our side. I love the Swastika and everything but I don't think its getting us anywhere anytime soon. What do you guys think?
Abandon the Swastika
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Yes tired of you NatSoc niggers causing shit that makes us all look bad. We want slaves, not gas chambers you idiots.
You have to normalize swastika. Wear swastika in everything. Tag it in your jacket. Put a few bumper stickers on your car. Buy a swastika hoodie (pm me). When you do this hard enough people will realise that its pretty normal
Nazis are still socialists. Why would anyone in their right mind be a socialist?
Why would anybody in their right mind be a capitalist zionist jew cock sucker?
checked and this
Yes please. Between Hillary fans being satanist witches and you faggots larping as nazis, it's fucking impossible to enjoy being edgy.
Not a natsoc fag, but yes... get rid of all the Nazi symbolism. You guys ruin everything you touch with that shit.
Capitalism does not blend well with nationalism. Capitalism is actually the predecessor of globalism, or as Adolf put it, "Internationalism".
Internationalism is not the same as globalism.
I'd be amenable to gas under the right circumstances, ovens too. It really depends on the right ingredients though, doesn't it.
It's the exact same shit under a different name you doormat-head.
Yes, instead of the swastika we should use other European pagan symbols. Like the ones they used for SS divisions.
What separates national socialism from communism?
Serious question. I've always been libertarian in my adult life, but never accepted the open borders nonsense of libertarians in the US. I'm interested.
Uhh no
Internationalism=like minded regimes should cooperate with each other
Globalism=all of humanity is part of a world global community
we must also abandon the crosshair, the 14 and other WN symbols
it must all be new desu
>you doormat-head.
I'm guessing this is an insult that is lost in translation. Yes it's insulting, but not nearly enough. Shit-for-brains is a personal favorite of mine, mental-midget if you don't like the vulgarity.
Yes abandon it all and let jews be leaders what could go wrong, be a good goy now
You will never out distance the swastika. You will never be able to adopt another symbol that
WILL NOT get the racist treatment by the Jewish press. Everything will be compared to
National Socialism. The Jews don't just have 25% or 50% of the media. They control and set the
normie narrative. No matter how far away you get from national socialism they will drag you back
to it. Ask you hollowcost questions ad nausium. What did you think of the dead jews? and so on
in interviews.
If you try and water down the message as many groups have- you lose your political
clout. You become like all the rest. More of what we don't need. We need to utilize the people who
are already awake. Use that fanatical core who already understand. Who are ready but waiting for
proper leadership. Break away communities. Safe Area's for Whites to be Whites to work for White
advancement unapologetically- With a simple set of goals any white person can understand and need.
1. End property tax. If you buy a home it is yours. You can't be property taxed out of it.
2. End home modification permits. If you choose to build additional structures on your lot that stay well behind
the property line that is your business and nobody else's. This is the genesis of the White community.
3. End mandatory school enrollment for white children. No more common core. No more jewish multiculturalism.
White children will learn to be motivated, to have endurance, good work ethics and they will be happy for it.
This is the core of the break away community.
Do you know why National Socialism sticks? Because it is ardently anti-jewish. NS says I know
what you are. NS says we will have a future without you. NS is unapologetic. Utterly Masculine. Anti-Feminist.
Pro Ethnic Nationalism. Pro Traditional Family unit. It also has militancy. The left (jews) are afraid of it.
National Socialism is not being properly utilized.
Libertarianism is a self eroding philosophy. It creates it own problems which then obviously be circumvented with rules and regulation. If the latter does not occur, it's no better than anarchy.
Surely we can't take away the 14 words, it literally just saying we must continue our race and there is objectively nothing wrong with that, it can be applied to all races. So anyone who disagrees with it is a fucking (((cunt)))
Mental lilliput is much more refined.
It's a skinhead reference.
Would be funny to see just how many leftists would even notice that. Can you imagine the headlines? "White Nationalists claiming Wiccan culture", "Nazis co-opting Plastic Paddy legacy, possible link between Aryan Brotherhood and Australia", "Ancient Bulgarian tribesmen no longer allowed to worship publically after archaeologists unearth frog-swastika, possibly NAZI TIME TRAVEL CONFIRMED"...
Regardless though
How would one even go about doing that? Anything that gets identified as non-leftist will still have swastikas all over it by the time it sees the light of MSM reporting. Right now Antifa is hunting people down and the argument is about changing labels; I for one would say "fuck that, go whole hog and carve a few into libtard faces" while there is still a chance for Americans. But you're probably correct insofar as the least popular movement of all time would probably not become any more popular.
I'm coming to realize this, but it still doesn't answer my question vis a vis communism vs natsoc
You had best be a literal ubermensch super-chad with that post.
Yes. It's too tainted unfortunately
The main difference is that nazism denies marxist class warfare.
In May 1872 Gobineau was appointed the French minister to Sweden. After arriving in Stockholm, Gobineau wrote to his sister Caroline: "This is the pure race of the North—that of the masters", calling the Swedes "the purest branch of the Germanic race". In contrast to France, Gobineau was impressed with the lack of social conflict in Sweden, writing to Dragoumis: "There is no class hatred. The nobility lives on friendly terms with the middle class and with the people at large".
I like it. It'll fly over the heads of the intended targets, but what doesn't?
Never heard it. Norway regional reference?
European in general?
No. It is our strength. Watch this it will help you understand why we fly this flag.
use this symbol.
with a white star at top.
a waving american flag or red/white stripe
and make the 30 50 to represent the 50 states.
it'll look sweet.
and there you go.
you have successfully re-branded.
And then we imported jews as a humanitarian move in WWII...
Might do this tell me if it's any good
So NatSoc relies on racial purity for implementing governmental control without the class warfare necessary with communism?
looks gay nigger
Ah I see. Well if you break down the words of the term National Socialism.
Or socialize, definition:
make (someone) behave in a way that is acceptable to their society.
>and Nationalism:
a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
I suppose one could say that it is a way to socialize the people to become Nationalistic towards their Nation (their own people). It doesn't necessarily have anything to with Communism, or (((Socialism))).
At least that is how I see things.
See, once a country has undergone the (((multicultural transformation))) it can no longer be considered a Nation in any sense of the word.
>L-lets succumb to political correctness, guyz. That is the only way we will bring our degenerate ideology to the normies, by sprinkling it fashy haircuts and polo shirts.
You aren't fighting PC culture, you hateful little maggots aren't even that edgy - You fully participate in contemporary contemporary "PC" language by replacing racism with "racial realism", genocide with "peaceful ethnic cleansing" ... etc But a fascist is a totalitarian, no matter how he tries to spin it, and while I support you right to free speech, bare in mind that if you ever were to act on your beliefs, that is, try to impose a white nationalist rule over this country - I SWEAR YOUR FUCKING HEADS WILL END UP ON A STICK.
In communism all enterprises had to be worker owned and managed by a mandatory formed union.
Private property was limited to personal housing basically.
noun: nation; plural noun: nations
a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
>common descent
This is especially key.
Never. It causes way too much butthurt in lefties and fair weather nationalists like OP to just be abandoned.
It was fine until the 1970s when the Social Democrats switched to minority pandering due to the failing Swedish manufacturing industry the current Alliansen parties were always globalists though hell even Vänster Partiet prior to the Warsaw Pact incursion into Czechoslovakia were Stalinists who couldn't stop raving about cosmopolitans.
Not really most Communist regimes had switched to various forms of National Communism by the 1960s
>Should we disassociate the white nationalist movement from the time-soiled imagery associated with what the normies think are literally Hitler?
FTFY, and no fucking shit.
The Swastika is not an evil symbol and it is almost impossible to disassociate it with National Socialism. It would actually be an insult to everyone who has ever fought and died for NS.
>You had best be a literal ubermensch super-chad
I had a Goebbels quote that gave more meaning to the Ubermensch, but i don't have it on hand.
National Socialism was also about rolling back Jewish degeneracy and Moral decay. About trying to
curb the self imposed hedonism you get in a jewish run society. National Socialism is about trying to
bring back a virtuous society. Morality. Good work ethnic. Wholesomeness. Joy.
Your using the Chad talk. The supposed Alpha male. There is no such animal. Every man, even a great
man will have moments of weakness. Depression/sadness and misery. Life is a roller coaster. It's hard
for the tall as well as the short. I could be every bit as ugly and vertically impoverished as the most inbred
Englishman. Yet I could still be a morally upstanding virtuous person and could try and hopefully succeed in
inspiring others.
You have the /fit level of vanity. Men who act like feminine women. Obsessed with looks and status. This
is a conversation you shouldn't be reading let alone involved in.
>See, once a country has undergone the (((multicultural transformation))) it can no longer be considered a Nation in any sense of the word.
How would NatSoc be possible in any western nation now, then, without genocide or mass deportations based on race?
That's just unrealistic in my mind. I'm willing to agree that a culturally, and to a slightly lesser extent, racially homogenous society is more stable and preferable, but I don't think I could support the steps necessary to achieve that in our current situation.
Correct also Vänsterpartiet was called Vänsterpartiet Kommunisterna until not long ago
Abandon it for IRL things and serious propaganda until we get the ethnostate. If Goebbels were alive today the first thing he would do is disassociate the AR from Natsoc imagery because of how much it works in favor of the enemy now.
Make national socialism something esoteric, something that you discuss in private with your closest friends. Keep it on the chans, not IRL
>Should we disassociate the Natsoc and White Nationalism from the Swastika and other Nazi imagery?
sage this is you take the bait.
>Personally for the time being I would say it is more beneficence to recruiting normies
Why do we want to recruit people who are triggered by swastikas? Serious question. Why do we want to recruit sheeple and lemmings? Is it because you think numbers = victory? What about when all those normies turn us into civic nationalists, and merge us with the normalfag parties that already exists, and anything new or different we once represented is lost? Also, what have you thought of to prevent such co-optation from occurring -- my guess is, probably nothing, just like when the so-called "alt-right" began.
Do you consider civic natsoc to be theoretically possible?
the point is it's history, there's literally nothing with the 88 either my friend
but they can both be used against us, the 14 has ties to the klan and racism
so we should be a year behind the alt lite
>Oy Vey!!! You goyim abandon your flag!!!
>Oy Vey!!! Our army of Communist sympathizing Anti-Fa will fly the Commie flags held high!!!
Really makes you think.
>Keep it on the chans, not IRL
Absolutely good advice there.
Accept the people that are already citizens as our nation. Helicopters are probably inevitable for commies.
you're 100% right and it's the only chance for whites to survive, but Sup Forums won't agree with you because hitler and the swastika are what makes them feel warm
Everyone ITT nervous about "the bad PR and being labeled Nazi" is just a coward. I know it doesn't seem as plain and simple as that, but if you're afraid of the normies frothing at the mouth and demanding your blood when the media tells them you're a bunch of "Nazis", then you're completely misunderstanding how anti-leftist movements succeed. We don't win by the same methods or standards as leftist "mass movements", but since that's all you've ever known, growing up in leftist dominated instutitons and cultures, few of you all can think outside that box. My advice is to read 'Mein Kampf' and 'For my Legionaries'.
>replying to australia
Oh wow, gee, who knew that associating yourselves with people who led their country into war and killed tons of people was a bad thing. Who woulda thunk'd it
Nazi/Hitler/Svastika imagery is powerful and provocative. It's meant to offend! It's a visual "FUCK YOU NIGGER/KIKE" For Neo-Nazis.
I believe a true Nationalist Socialist or White Nationalist moment should use different imagery and disassociate with the thuggery of neo-nazism.
We need be more organised, strategical and use our ability to hold intellectual political conversations without mentioning shit that happened decades ago, without mentioning Hitler.
IMHO... Hitler was not "evil" and Mein Kampf is a fantastic read and offers a great insight inot what Hitler REALLY believed in. But we are never going to convert the general population into believing that! So let's keep the Hitler admiration to ourselves.
We need to go out and have more intellectual conversation with friends/family/co-workers and slowly redpill them instead of trying to force natsoc down people's throat with theses UniteTheRight rallies, we're just distancing ourselves further doing this!
>How would NatSoc be possible in any western nation now, then, without genocide or mass deportations based on race?
It is not possible. The country would have to interbreed within all the different types of people, a process which could take hundreds of years to stabilize. And then at the end of it the people would be reduced to the lowest common denominator. The damage is already done. Nothing short of genocide/mass deportation will fix it. Bulkanization and fragmentation of the affected country is the more realistically inevitable result.
> I don't think I could support the steps necessary to achieve that in our current situation.
That's why multiculturalism was part of their destructive plan. They don't want a strong nation(s). They want an infighting population which can never unite against them, as they rule over us. That way they can rule over the entire world.
China is the outlier in this situation which leads me to believe that they are involved in the destruction of other nations.
I don't know what that is.
What is capitalism precisely, compared to what proceeded it or compared to the natural state of things?
Why is the term capitalism even needed? People have always traded. I suppose it was often strictly limited at the will of monarchy. But we still limit it in some ways. So the term seems to mean soothing like; the greater, or greatest possible freedom of capitol use and movement.
Does anyone have a better or more concise plain-speaking definition?
its a sign of successful russian subversion. time to abandon Sup Forums i think, they are going to follow dugins lead with this gay "movement" until their purpose is served and they are liquidated
>should use different imagery and disassociate with the thuggery of neo-nazism
Implying the media is a fair, neutral "observer" and not a partisan opposition force, who will let you "dissociate" from negative imagery because of something you choose to do.
Why are so many of you so well trained to trust the media or your enemies to "play fair"?
I look forward to free helicopter rides of commies and other traitors of all stripes.
I'm just not sure that trying to push all potential anti-commies on those same choppers based on race is a good idea.
>They'll call us Nazis even if we aren't, so we may as well be Nazis! >They'll call us faggots even if we aren't, so we may as well suck each other's dick! Come on you morons, use your brain for a fucking second. Your goal is to convert as many people as you possibly can to your side. Normalfags, are programmed to SHUT IT DOWN internally as soon as they see a swastika. There are smart ways of handling things, and this is not one of them >But we can reclaim the swastika! To reclaim the swastika you would have to be more infamous and successful than Hitler was. Do you think you can do that? Do you think your movement will have a stronger association with the swastika than Hitler? No? Then what you are doing is purposefully dragging in Hitler to everything you do. Of course, practicality aside, the question to be asked is, why bother? Why bother reclaiming it? Why not just make your own symbol free of prior negative associations. Yes, they will call you a Nazi, but that doesn't MAKE you a Nazi. You do not earn the stigma unless you commit the actions. Unless you're responsible for the murder of millions, then their screeching is just rhetorical, not actual, and will not hold sway with anyone. BASIC FUCKING SHIT RETARDS.
I just looked it up. My answer is no. Civic nationalism goes hand in hand with the multicultural agenda, just given a fancy new name.
As I read the definition I could actually hear Justin Trudeau reading the definition for me.
Duginist subversion... on MY Sup Forums????
I agree with that. I think at least for America, we'd have best results with a brand of Civic National Socialism.
truth, checked
Got a storm boner... Beating it... Whew I feel naughty
Yes and we should all be moderate and based, I cannot tell if this is concerned trolling or are you genuinely retarded
Another thing. What is the definition of Fascism?
Sup Forums seems to conflate it with NatSoc. But I've heard differing opinions. It seems that Mussolini had a more pure form of "Fascism" and the Nazis were largely lumped into the label because of surface similarities, and association. It seems as though Fascism has a bit of a fuzzy definition.
What's cleanest definition of Fascism you have?
To elaborate, I mean we should expand our definition of a nation to mean America/Americans and not just "whites."
>pm me
Civic nationalism is unironically communism
Yes. Your optics are a hundred times more important than your message.
I really don't think we're ever going to be able to eliminate all colored people from the States.
Something I made up just now I guess. But what I meant was something like a natsoc economic system combined with civic nationalism. Let's say socialism requires class conflict and natsoc basically replaces that with ethnic conflict, is there anything that doesn't inherently require conflict? I guess that's what I'm saying.
More like 14 is riding on 88's shoulders while 88 sprays 6,000,000 with bug spray.
Read the Doctrine of Fascism.
Depends on the regime North Korea and Ceausescu's Romania were ethnic nationalists.
you are never going to normalize the swastika you fucking moron. Its nothing but lead weight at this point. Ditch that shit and think smart or get use to looking at brown children in your family.
the better option is to set up another organisation like the alt right that uses memes and such to ease the normies into relpilling
You cannot control the imagery: the media and the FBI have been controlling it since the days of COINTELPRO. You can bend over backwards to make sure no one shows up to your rallies with a swastika or wearing Klan regalia, and the FBI or some lone whacko will show up anyway, and every MSM agent with a camera in a 200 km radius will swarm that guy and he'll be the front page photo around the world, just like syrian ambulance boy was. You could have brought 1 million men, fit and lean, dressed in khaki pants and white polo shirts, clean-cut and orderly, and the one wino they paid $150 bucks to after handing him a Swaztika flag, will become your "PR problem". Until all of you get this through your skulls, and stop judging success by what the MSM imagery is, you're all going to be at a psychological and strategic disadvantage. Also, stop thinking that "recruiting the most normies = success", because the majority of normies are mentally enslaved to the Mainstream Media. You don't actually want a majority of your members in your movement to be people like that; they're a deadly liability. Go for higher quality first, increased numbers second: the former has a multiplying effect on the latter given enough time. People follow strength and quality above all things.
Well it's either we re-invent ourselves as a more intellectual movement.
Or.... you're absolutely correct - no matter how we conduct ourselves they'll always find a way to paint us a's thugs .... in this case then we go balls out as said
If we are never going to be able to change the thuggish image we have then we simply stick to it, one up ourselves and wear the swastika blatantly out in publics in droves of natsoc supporters.
So either we
>doubledown : reinvent ourselves and improve our image problem
>double up: intensify our current image, be bolder and more ruthless than ever but still drop redpill's.
Either way, we cannot remain as we are because we are fuckin losing so hard. Either re-evaluate and re-invent or go all out with our 1488 balls out.
Which is why bulkanization occurs, has occurred already, and will only become more intense.. Eventually the USA will fragment into separate countries. To prevent this would require civil war. To go along with it will also lead to civil war. This is why borders exist, and have always existed.
After Charlotsville and listening to a number of alt-right thinkers explaining why it's not helpful, I do think it should be banned. The swastikas and KKK guys at UtR were likely shills.
I honestly like this post.
I suspect that you guys will have to simply succeed through living the best example of what you believe. Eighty years of brainwashing cannot easily be overcome--probably not at all--at least not through words. But if you all stick to your guns (so to speak, lol) and live what you believe, and make sure that is seen, don't hide yourselves away, there will always be those who will want to be like you.
>is there anything that doesn't inherently require conflict?
Not a thing in this world.
i just want to go back to shitposting about current events
Thank you. That's a great point.
Problem is, we are all pawns in the scheme. Not just whites like me, but all of us. If we go to war on one another along racial lines, we will be playing right into (((their))) plans. But if it is forced on me, I know my side, but first and foremost, I will know my true targets in that case. And it won't be my darker-skinned neighbors, unless they obviously side wrong.
no wonder hitler rose to power
the man had a way with words
if i wasn't immune to all forms of propaganda i would be killing commies right now