Would you take a muslim refugees in your home if they looked like this?

Would you take a muslim refugees in your home if they looked like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


And a Virgin.. Yes.

Only to bleach her.

How do you know what they looks like if they wear tent?


No, i would want to fuck her obviously but you take one of these and you got a dozen of these.

Nope. She was probably married at nine and her husband will take her spot and leave her in Syria to be sold off.

>face is completely revealed
>how do you know what they look like
of course a retarded pole would say something so stupid.

Would you drink bleach if it tasted like cola?

As long as they aren't wearing a Burka then i'm perfectly comfortable. Sneaky ninjas...

fuck no i dont roll with black pussy and god lovers

Absolutely... SIKE

No. I wouldn't take anyone into my home. It's MY fucking home.


>refugees never look like that.

>Seeing one pic with one muslim girl
Assuming every muslim women show their face
>Not knowing what burqa is


what does attractiveness have to do with anything

the people who would take in qualified or attractive people but reject others are not really against immigration, they only want to select

the orthodox position here is to reject all immigration, since the country is a concept based on blood not uni degrees or tits




Only if they were women, Yazidi, or Sikh.

She is attractive but I don't want Islam in my home.

Only if she was the only refugee I had to take in AND she agreed to be my loli slave

No, but here's what I would do: I would not start a civil war in their country and fund insane jihadists as part of a sinister plot to block a Shi'a pipeline for my Sunni allies and permit my Jewish allies to annex land that her government had not formally ceded in treaty.

But that's just me and not my elected and appointed officials.

Is that so, my dear Saudi?

BTW is OP pic girl actually a muslim? Looks Caucasian to me, mustn't be muslim and it mustn't be hijab.
...So this thread could be masterbait.


NO, fuck off

He never said that girl was a muslim, only if you would take a muslim refugee that LOOKED like her.

I can understand your suffering.

Yes, I don't blame the women for Islam.

I see at least 20 or so each day that wish to enforce Shari'a law. And the sjw's defend them as always.

>I don't blame the women for Islam.
Except, they are the one who keep giving birth to these savages.


No. Muslim women are as toxic as their male counterparts once they are allowed to breathe air.

Muslim isn't a race but many are Arabs.

Only on the condition if she converted to Christianity. Then i would fuck her good.

No, but I would fuck them in the ass. Muslim girls love ass fucking. Way more than any other type of girl I've fucked. My friends used to joke that one day I'd be able to find Bin Laden by digging through all these Muslim girls' tunnels


Isn't adultery a thing?

Is that all you've got?

Yes, or if they can cook massive asian feasts.

Look like what? A muslims? Lol.
Definitely not. We all have to work and pay bills; contribute something to the well-being of others in the household vs their destruction. I would take in US military active personnel before I ever take in a refugee from a 3rd world country.

You do enough damage to yourselves for me to need to do anymore than point out your cuckoldery.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>damage to yourselves
Don't worry about Canada. We're doing quite well.

Burka isnt that comon between muslims it is rare

Let's not forget: they don't want whites leaving. They want you to stay and suffer in pain; all the meanwhile, contributing your money to their needs.
>"Well, I'll just move to another countr..."
>"Hold it, you're not allowed, Nazi pig, you have to stay, die, and be a slave."

More like 50

i think it's only in saudi arabia isn't it?

It is not the current cucked Canadians I am worried about... it is your chink replacements.

"Canada prepares for an Asian future"

It's brilliant how Muslims in morocco are far more liberal than the ones in Europe

We like Asians. They're hard workers and never complain.

And afghanistan, in Egypt some women wear Nikab but it is still a minority , and Egypt now preparing to ban it

OP didn't mention a owner did he?

Regardless, sex before marriage is sinful.

Europeans doesnt get it, the refugees you take from boats are the trash of NA, no respectful north african would risk his live for a refugee statue, our countries arent that bad and If I want to travel I will travel legally and I did before


You clearly do not know Asians very well.


I'm from Canada where Asians are apparently everywhere and clearly you're not. You simply don't know what you're talking about. I wish whites would work harder but they all collect welfare and complain about immigrants.

Like Europe you are in for a surprise.

I am going to enjoy you becoming aware of your mistake just like Europe is now discovering... too late.

Get ready for when they no longer feel like Asians in Canada.

What the fuck does that even mean

Shes Chechen and thats a hijab. Thanks for confirming that we are indeed white.

Whites moving out is "racist."
Whites moving in is "racist."
That's because anti-"racist" is just a code word for anti-white.

>just like Europe is now discovering
Do you even know the difference between refugees and immigrants? Europe is being invaded. Canada not so much.

not only that I would let her met my moma and put a ring on it.


No photoshop this time

definitely not

only if she honks on bobo

She is probably worse than all of them.
A beautiful woman can literally do whatever she wants, with whomever she wants. And they are very aware of this fact.
The woman in OPs pic is likely more dangerous than the most radical, extreme imam you can conjure up.

If she has her hymen I'd marry her

Another Jew thread.

30 times before lunch. Damn that's brutal. I hope lunch was good

yes but she has to walk around nude all day and let me bukkake her at will.


My grandmother has nicer hands than she does

Nope, cos crazy is in the family.

> Been in this situation with a muslim girl. Punched her cherry. Nearly killed her brother

fuck u Dimitri, all refugees are male

why do people keep posting that pic where people burn the flag in Bangladesh? It's not in Sweden, it's in Bangladesh when they were angry over Lars Vilks drawing Muhammed

>half Syrian / half Polish mongrel
racemixing good?

no, kill it with fire, before it has a chance to spawn

Yes if she would covert to an indic religion, have you seen Pakistani girls it would be quite a waste to kill them

as long as they don't dress like bee keepers

>Would you take a muslim refugees in your home if they looked like this?
If they were 100% european blooded and all women of fertile breeding age fit for romanian stallions to take them?



Give her the squirt
Make her convert

Yes I want 5 and I'm out for the booty mateyyyy grrrrrr

Only if it were a naked handcuffed tied virgin. I would have my way with it then send it off to the oven.