Burning Mein Kampf

I decided that I'm going to burn my copy of Mein Kampf tomorrow morning during the eclipse in my fire pit.

After C.Ville I'm convinced that this board is actually a hateful place that doesn't plan on separating from the 1488 ideology.

Don't get me wrong, Hitler had a couple of good ideas, but white nationalism is wrong.

All of this hatred is wrong.

I'm not any better than a black man or jew or any man just because I'm white.

I'm going to piss on the ashes.

Lol how much are they paying you to do this? Charlottesville was amazing! People are finally waking up to our cause. Wake up and see that your overlords don't want you to be happy. They want a race-less, cultureless, dull society which only consumes their products and doesn't question the narrative they're fed by the mainstream media. Being a centrist won't help you. We will all suffer the same fate. Sage this shit

did you miss the part where a girl was run over and killed? She was a human being with a family who loves her. And the nazi flags?

It almost looks like she took her nipples out of her bra

Please don't come back to this board. Why do plebbit faggots have to come here and post retarded shit.

I'm not getting paid.

I've used Sup Forums since 2013 and this past week showed me how truly evil some of you can be here.

MORE people are waking up to how horrible white nationalism is, even Sup Forums.

>Human being
Try again

Pool's cosed, nigra, due to AIDS.

>I'm not any better than a black man or jew or any man just because I'm white.
You should've used an ugly pic if you were going to make that statement.
She's clearly better than blacks, jews and the rest, and yes, it's because she's white.

She died under the weight of her fat, the car had nothing to do with her death.

>I've used Sup Forums since 2013
Yeah sure faggot

sure, get the premium edition, looks much better

I've been using Sup Forums since 2008.
The pool being closed was a joke.

This isn't a joke anymore.

pussy stinks

Good for you OP.
I hope that you feel the same way about the Koran and burn it too.


Benis in bagina

Pool closings largely predated 2008.

There's lots of vile people on here and in white nationalism but there's people on the other side that perform actual genocide instead of just shitposting on the net. To ignore both and try to peacefully leave is like sticking your head in sand.

too obvious of a shill. it's not even fun. sage

This. Thank you. This stupid bitch wouldn't have died if she could have controlled her morbid eating addiction. She might have been able to get out of the way if she wasn't so fucking huge!

>This isn't a joke anymore.
Yes it is

I'm not saying either side is right.

You're both wrong.

Jesus Christ is the answer I'm fairly certain.


She should not have joined a terrorist organization then stood in the middle of the road in a mob that attacks vehicles as they are peacefully trying to pass on the road.

Who fucking cares?

We did literally nothing wrong.

wtf I love roosh now

The whole movement will look as cringe worthy as gamergate was in a few years.

Ever heard of choosing the lesser of two evils when you have no other option? I guess you can just go back to sticking your head in the sand and ignoring reality I guess.

>implying we did anything wrong

>Jesus Christ is the answer I'm fairly certain.
Wrong. Gnostic Fascism is the answer.

>calling this fat thing a human

most people here do not carry around Nazi flags irl to public gatherings. People who do that are communists leading the opposition

Please this entire site is filled with brain dead retards. I haven't gotten on here on any kind of a basis since I was 14. back then I thought there were smart people, but I was probably wrong because I was 14 and retarded. 26 now oldfag as fuck. Bounced on my boy's dick to this for hours. eat a nigger dick.


too easy

lol newfag chinkm00t disabled triforce a long time ago

God that's foul. S

>After C.Ville I'm convinced that this board is actually a hateful place that doesn't plan on separating from the 1488 ideology.
Hey, must've been here a while to be talking all that hot shit. I can't believe you take your Sup Forums ideology with you in public.
There's a reason they are called normies outside of this website. Simply because they can't handle the bantz. Some people are unstable yes, but we aren't concerned with that. Darwinian theory and all that.

But you'd know that if you've been here longer than last summer.

Have another, I hope this fat cunt suffered.

White nationalism is not wrong. Burn the book little boy, no one cares. You were the weak cuck that took the MSM narrative that white nationalism = nazism. Live in your weak world as a timid boy.



>white nationalism is wrong

Fuck off then

Hate cannot be destroyed. It is born new every day in the human heart. Hope your little ceremony makes you feel better, though.

>I like pissing away money
Well the only thing we can be sure of is that OP is not in fact a jew.

>I'm not any better than a black man or jew or any man just because I'm white.

Empirically statistically wrong.

The diabetus rex consumed everything in her path and everyone scattered in front of her as she waddled from one food source to another. She thus mistakenly thought herself to be the apex predator whose rule was beyond contestation.
...but little did she know that a challenger was on the horizon.

So you want to see that girl BLACKED? Because that's what you're basically saying. And why are you conflating nationalism with supremacy? Do you think the Asians in Asia or the negroes in Africa sit around going oh my god this is so evil, I can't believe my own race populates a part of the planet. The reason we think it's bad it's b/c the Jews are constantly after us.

lol do it fgt

>I'm not any better than a black man or jew or any man just because I'm white.
Then you must be one shitty white.
Even the slowest and most dense whites I know are still geniuses compared to the average black over here.

White nationalism is nothing but the family system extended to a macro scale. Your family takes precedence over all others. This does not mean you hate all other families. I will however hate those who want to harm my family in any way.
Europeans are my genetic family. We share culture, history and traditions. What is good and benificial for them will be good for me, my family my culture and people.

This is my hierarchy.
(Note: all white liberals are automatically relegated to nigger status and are by default excluded from any of these groups. Their ideology harms everything and everyone I value.)

1) Close family members. Children, spouse, parents, siblings (might include close friends).
2) Extended family and friends
3) Afrikaners. My people who all share a language, culture and history.
4) Other white South Africans
5) Other ethnic Europeans
I do not give a shit about the rest and they can look after their own interrests as long as they don't fuck with any of the above.

So let me get this straight. You own a copy of mein kampf and you were just fine with it til some shitposting gave you an epiphany.

You probably shouldn't have political opinions at all.

You dont have a copy of Men Kampf
You never cared
You still don't care
You're bait is weak

Or you could be a white nationalist without using swastikas.


no, his statement is correct he just doesnt understand the argument. people need to learn the difference between individuals and groups, i dont see why its so hard

>my copy of Mein Kampf
Why would you even have a copy?

>when you unironically actually read Mein Kampf and know about his deep hatred of jews but some car accident changes your worldview

Nazi have mothers too.

Once a Nazi always a Nazi.
Up against the wall, fascist scum.

>A Family who loves her.
Yes most white women who have loving families wind up being 350lb whale antifascists who engage in beastiality with blacks. I say this with all seriousness, Kys I'm ashamed to breathe the same air with a person as retarded as you.

good goy
thank you for choosing the right pill

Stupid fucking Jew burn yourself.

Hey don't equate fascist with edgy nazis you faggot.

I am glad that the goys are finally learning that there can be only one chosen people.

i hope you like saying that because your going to be saying it a lot

>hurr durr le hitler hadn't all races meme
>becoming a literal book burner because ideas frighten you
Make sure you kys after as well

>Hitler was a racist meme
Nationalism is one of the only things Hitler had right honestly and it had nothing to do with skin color or hate. Many of Hitler's allies weren't white or German. I'm saying this as someone who actually cares about historical accuracy and honesty, something that's been absent from Western education to make us seem morally superior to our enemies. When really we weren't much better in the actions we took and IMHO the end result of the war for Eastern Europe was way worse than it would of been if Hitler defeated the Communists.

What made you think the board was separating from 1488 ideology? You tard

You're doing God's work

Yeah, unfortunately everyone seems to think that the two are one and the same.

Congrats on the realization. Nationalism is sperg-tier barbarism.

good. Mein Kampf is autist tier shit lecture anyway

> Hitler had a couple of good ideas
Not anything remarkable, no.

Cool blog

No one cares








>Reddit formatting
kys, you should have never been here in the first place faggot

Burning Mein Kampf is up to you.

I don't know about the rest what you are talking about.

Why is Elle Reeve trying to resuscitate?

I can personally attest to the deep-rooted xenophobia and racism in Germans and those of German descent. It's not just a stereotype. They have nothing but seething hatred for the foreign. They make it very clear that they do not care one bit how well you assimilate or speak the language, only if and when you'll leave. When faced with facts or even just a plead for normal human decency, they will delve deep into irrational and self-destructive behavior to protect their cognitive bias. Including violence. Hitler was no different. You are all sick. You should be put down.

>but there's people on the other side that perform actual genocide

False dichotomy.
You are on the same side as them.

Right-wing nationalism will never happen. The world is becoming more progressive.

>against white nationalism
>owns a copy of Mein Kampf
Ayy lmao. Have a reply.

>diabetes rex

more importantly who is that qt

>A genocide
Thats odd, because I look around each day and I don't see white people being shoved into death camps and gas chambers, must be well hidden amirite? Fuck off with this white genocide shit, there is no such thing

Why didn't you get this sad when a socialist Bernie bro murdered congressman?

Nigger, we e-books now. You burning any book doesn't do shot anymore except exacerbate that global warming shit you're so worried about. I have over 14,000 books on my laptop and I can have as many copies of Mein Kampf copied and sent to everyone on the internet before your book finishes becoming ash.

>she was human being
She could have passed as several.

>The pool being closed was a joke
Obviously, you havent seen tje exploding van.

>implying you have one...

>implying you ever read one...

Does nationalism = supremacy? How did that happen?

here is your (you) ... great post 10/10

...and who was the big raid in 2008?

White nationalism and national socialism are as flawed and failed as communism and Marxism.
This is an indisputable fact.
Non-whites are not going anywhere, and socialism, in any form, is utter shit.

>After C.Ville I'm convinced that this board is actually a hateful place that doesn't plan on separating from the 1488 ideology.
You have to be one of the worst shills out there. No Sup Forumsack ever would think like that. If this man's boss is seeing this, please fire him. He is useless. Waste of shekels

Hope you're enjoying your cucked country, Sven.

of course, which is why you can't go around braining or killing people for their political beliefs. No matter how shitty they may be they're still human beings with families. Both parties were at fault at the rally but the boy who ran her over is the worst offender. People shouldn't have been attacking his car either, but it doesn't excuse lethally running people down

Digits confirm that your gonna hang, traitor