Eyes in the sky crash next to an open field..
>Charlottesville isn't adding up pol
How often do helicopters actually go down?
Anything to do with VSEP?
What did they see?
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They saw the dodge didn't have white stripes So they had to be killed.
>CIA, Soros, or both?
Unreal that (((They))) have the ability to literally take down a helicopter. I wonder who else was in the buildings where the footage cuts out after (((he))) backs up.
>If the wings move faster than the fuselage it's a helicopter and should be avoided at all costs.
When I was in flight school all the helicopter pilots/students were fucking nuts. I don't trust a single one of them. I don't trust the physics behind helicopters either. Bunch of Commie shit if you ask me. Stick with Airplanes.
Helicopters are to airplanes what monocycles are to cycles.
I mean, I don't know what a mono-cycle is but maybe that's because they suck like helicopters.
a no-brainer, but still: where in the hell are those tasked with enforcing law and order when it comes to Soros? Serious question. Were he "removed" from the equation, we would see significant changes at the street level. We would also be able to focus on those around him. Yet, he moves unmolested, despite Corporate-level sedition
>Where's the black box?
I don't think they'd send up two officers in a vehicle "that sucks"
White nationalists probably shot them down we're still waiting on the facts tragedy
>White nationalists hiding in the woods, with guns
No reports of shots fired. No one arrested in connection. No other heli malfunction. Facts don't have loose ends.
They were simply bad pilots, or were too distracted to remember the basics.
A helicopter can't hover in the same spot or the blades will eventually create a localized low pressure wash and the prop will lose the ability to generate meaningful lift.
Even fucking TV news chopper crews can get this right, but the cops couldn't.
>What did they see?
Brennan Gilmore led unconstitutional treasonous CIA operation on American soil?
I don't believe that narrative. If they were bad pilots they wouldn't have been in the sky that day.
>. If they were bad pilots they wouldn't have been in the sky that day.
Unfortunately that isn't how reality works. There are only so many pilots to go around, and a bad pilot is still a few notches above someone with no training.
Okay then name 5 other helicopter crashes by state troopers in the past 5 years. I think one user error per year is fair right?
Thats completely fallacious logic.
Antifa shined lasers at it and brought the chopper down.
Anonymous5 already DAMN TOLD US WHAT HAPPENED:
The chopper saw the whole CIA/State Department/DNC "switch" of the pro driver (don't even debate it, all the pics we found absolutely show that the James Fields "not wearing prescription glasses while driving" was not the ORIGINAL DRIVER - who looked like a mix btw Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jason Bourne with his muscular face/jawline.
The two state troopers saw that the "switch" happened and the NG (National Guard) which was under the control of the governor/mayor took out the chopper. They didn't show barely any pictures. We didn't get how they shot it down but I bet it was either EMP weapon or a drone.
and TODAY: Alex Jones made that hotel video where he said he got information that the chopper was taken out. So Anonymous5 (bless his 120 year old soul) is CORRECT.
Yes, they were murdered.
Yes, they were martyrs for the truth.
And yes, they were true patriots.
We need to MEME THIS TRUTH to the public - those state troopers were like killed by the Zionist Luciferians like the 3,000 in the Twin Towers on 9/11.
Let's pray that our meme war of this MURDER will reach the American Public.
Here's Anon5's explanation:
P.S. Today, Punished Trump will become a Legend.
I really fucking hate this board.
Listening to the radio on Saturday the short news snips you hear was saying that a funeral was being held for one of the officers. It stated that their helicopter crashed after it was assigned to capture aerial video footage of the protest. It stated that the cause of the crash is unknown at this time. The question remains, what did they actually see that they weren't supposed to?