Be austrailian

>be austrailian
>everything trying to kill you
>go on vacation to spain

too soon

A fucking chink

ricemixers deserves no less.


>media saying he was missing for days
>mother and father "searching" for him
>video released moments after attack showed him dead on the street

They didn't understand the need for the wall.

sorry but that kid isn't australian it's a chink invader and I'm glad it's dead

another race traitor gone

That was confirmed to be a hoax. The spanish policed said no one was ever missing.

Hapas are white and so are white asians, white roastie cunt.

That's why I stay at home... indoors!

That kid doesn't look like an Aussie or a Brit. Black slanted eyes like a devil child.

Beta cuck detected

End your life already.


The kid is clearly Asian.

Holy fuck

what did the boy mean by this?

holy shit my sides
thanks user

>Xiaoung was born in Australia
>Xiaoung is australian

How is that any different from the descendants of prisoners who call themselves Australians from moving there?

A nation is a common culture not magic dirt or a constitution.

I see the Aussie bants' hating on the chinks hard. So which is worse?
>Chinks (and half Chinks)
>Abbos (and half Abbos)


they killed a fucking hapa. i'm not sure i should be sad or happy. at least they put the boy out of his misery

Chang my friend

I love the Asian rageposts.

That kid clearly isn't Australian

One drop rule. White genes are recessive, and mixing with Asians just makes more Asians

Asians aren't bad, they hate niggers and Muslims and they're IQ is often higher than that of whites
your grandchildren will be hapas

half chink half abo