Now that the dust has settled

Now that the dust has settled.

What's your opinion on the (very high) age of consent?

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15 year olds are going to fuck with each other so its kinda useless

the AOC should be raise to 150 years.
then all sex will be rape by definition, in both directions.
it will blow the feminists out of the park.

I don't want my teen daughter fucking, but alas that just ain't going to happen, so 16 seems like a good compromise.

that old?

>I don't want my teen daughter fucking

why not?

It's not that high here. 14 under certain conditions and totally legal with 16 IIRC

Any higher than that is kinda stupid though. That's the point where they sexually mature and their brains get flooded with hormones that tell them to fuck. Making it illegal won't stop them from doing it anyway.

Try talking to ANY adolescent, they're fucking morons! They haven't the mental or emotional ability to be responsible! Let them be!

Is fine as it is. Pedophiles should be gassed.


it should be 20

12 or 13. Puberty

Cuts off the disgusting child-fucking and removes all the BS high school "child porn" cases when a girl sends a titty pic to her boyfriend at 15. The cases are useless outrage. Same goes for teacher fucking cases - let community deal with such egregious behaviour not the courts.

is 15 high? Is it 18 in the states? Or 21 like you prudes are with alcohol?

Should be abolished. It only exists to empower older women and restrict their biggest competition, younger girls.

he does not want grandchildren perhaps. Strange I know.

I feel this way talking to everyone

oh I agree. However if two 15 year olds have sex I have no problem with it.

Spot on


I met a 19 year old girl recently who just lost her virginity and she's borderline retarded (Saudi/Somali btw) and immature. At least she's getting BLEACHED.

Put it this way; no matter how old that chick is, I would.

>Now that the dust has settled.
No, it didn't.

It definitely empowers older women. If the legal and culturally accepted age was lowered to 14, every normal man would try to get a ~16 year old girl

should be lowered to 6

Are you only mad because people always use jailbait pics of girls from your country?

marry her off faggot

wtf is the point of wasting money on her; your sons are your legacy


I've looked up studies to determine what the ideal age is. When men look at pictures regardless of age the ideal age is a 17 year old girl, which is below age of consent in many countries. Strange that.

The average age of marriage in England from the age of Elizabeth to the Victorian era was about twenty-five for both sexes.

Tacitus says the same thing of the ancient Germans in his "Germania."

If a woman had sexual relations of any kind outside of marriage in before times, she was shunned by society, as, for example, you may see by reading the book Pride and Prejudice, where, after the character Lydia runs away with a soldier, she is considered as good as ruined unless she marries him.

The conclusion therefore is that paedophilia, or even ephebophilia, has never been normal in Western civilization. In the comparatively fewer cases where a man (say) in his twenties did have relations with (say) a fifteen-year-old, it was only legitimately done in a marriage contracted with the consent of the parents; whereas the people who incessantly make threads of this kind are advocating that older men should be able freely to seduce and use young girls with impunity. It is simple paedophile and ephebophile propaganda, and antithetical to everything decent and good.

who gives a shit?

a man is supposed to replace the role of her father with added p in the v

girls are dumb as fuck but they definitely know an attractive guy when they see one. let the bitches pick a dude and dad can do the quality control.

It's not too high, people just have no impulse control these days.

What if we got rid of age of consent laws and make consent only legal between married couples?

only in clapistan

this. ban fornication; father has to sign off on the marriage.

It isn't pedophila if the girl consents

I think this would be the best system.

It has the highest chance of encourage lifelong monogamous relationships and true love