Take notes, class!
Take notes, class!
We've had this thread at least 4 times in the past day, so I'll be the first to say ((((((berg)))))) to get it out of the way.
These folks are absolutely delusional.
>raise hands
>what sites do you think are to the left of those sites?
>what sites do you think are to the right of those site?
>can you put those sites on a scale so we can see if those moderate sites are in the middle of your answers?
Please tell me you called that bullshit out OP.
I remember my teacher doing the same thing. Sent me to DN.se. Always wondered why DN never reported on big events that kept happening for years and just reported on weird stuff. Realized later it was run by a kike censoring pretty much everything.
People like this should never be in any position of responsibility.
BUMP. And give us your professor's contact information.
>alt-left peaceful protester not peacefully fucking up their own cucks
Moderate levels of reality
>look to the left
First thing I noticed.
It must be fake.
It has to be.
there was a thread with this shit yesterday
May as well say huffpo is moderate
i would straight out leave the room there's noting to learn here
it's just all propaganda
Huffpo is too alt-right to be included in this list of moderates
Who is this guy - details?
Also fuck this guy. I'm a secondary history teacher at an all boys school. I tell them to listen to Peterson and other alt-lighters.
Also what sort of nigarised school do you go to where the teacher doesn't ware a suit and they still use chalk?
>open salon to see how moderate is it today
>Can Disney fix its broken “Princess Culture”?
>close tab
politico is pretty moderate
Must be since it is never posted here.
Peterson would be surprised to know that he is Alt-Right.
>that dude taking notes
why is he even taking that class, whatever it is, if he's just going to naively eat that shit up?
>teacher doesn't ware a suit
Trust me that isn't law or business school
Harley any uni professors wear suits
Read this wrong. Still he's "classic British liberal". Is that alt-lite?
Kids on here think there are four political positions: cuckservative, alt-right, alt-lite, and the far left. They cannot conceive of reasonable positions outside of their given CIA branding.
Cant into shekels goys