>Joss Whedon's ex-wife reveals he holds misogynistic, alt-right views; was physically abuse during their marriage
Are the Jews taking down another successful white male for not adhering to their proscribed (((agenda)))?
>Joss Whedon's ex-wife reveals he holds misogynistic, alt-right views; was physically abuse during their marriage
Are the Jews taking down another successful white male for not adhering to their proscribed (((agenda)))?
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Baka means weeping in hebrew. Funny shit.
When you say "alt right" do you mean generally alt right/deep reactionary views or just racist stuff?
She's just trying to get more of his shit in the divorce. The eternal roastie.
Joss Whedon made this video, so i dont think he hold any ´´alt right views`` youtube.com
Not really. Mire like ruin him so he will never be successful after she takes everything. Ensures he is a broke pennyless loser, never will get hired except McDonalds.
Regardless, we should publicly embrace Joss now to completely ruin this faggot forever.
All you will do is give him another shot at virtue signaling where he can publicly show he is not a nazi.
>has open nigger rape fantasies
>expect him to be a decent person
For a hebrew you are pretty retarded.
Well, wasn't it obvious?
Let's be real here, this guy basically put his fetish in his work. It wasn't Tarantino style obvious, but it was pretty close. And anyone who says dumb shit like "He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better" is lying through his teeth, or stupid. Or both. Might not even know they are lying, because they want to feel good about themselves, but that is straight up horseshit.
Everything this guy says sounds like fedora-core nice guy nonsense. Any man who says he doesn't lust after women is either gay, a castrate, stressed and broken to the point of mental illness, or lying. I'm putting my money on the latter. Possibly, it's that lying to himself that made it possible for him to have many affairs. Probably told himself he was just being a nice guy even when balls deep in a fan.
In short, he's a bit of a weak man. And I find it funny that these feminists still use his weakness as an excuse to pick him apart. For everything they claim, these people will still dogpile wet blankets like him.
I don't think endlessly cheating on your wife is an alt-right attitude, aren't they all about traditional values? Maybe just everything bad is labelled alt-right.
זאת כ' לא דגושה יא' מפלצחרבן בוולמארט
מי לימד אותך לקרוא עברית?
The link gives me a 404 message and I can't find it anywhere else enventhough I looked for it. Is this website aussie only? Can anyone post another link/screenshot for me?
Your alphabet looks like shit.
What's his fetish?
Myself... :-)
Why are you calling him a faggot and saying we should ruin him? Joss Whedon is basically the leader of the Alt Right at this point. I'd rank him higher than Spencer.
Hot young nubile retards
seriously who?
Why wouldd I care about that beta cuck looking guy?
What? This guy was the original white guilt cuckmeister? He's done nothing but shill for the far left since 2005.
So, either Churchill was right and he's run out of people to throw at the crocodile, or it was all just a faddish marketing gimmick all along?
Feet, jailbait, and "strong women" being dominated.
Anything that's wholly by his hand has those in them. His feminist attitudes seem very fabricated, almost as a counterpoint to the fact that he knows he has unfeminist desires.
He's not in any way alt-right. He's just a horndog who used feminism as a cover. He's still a leftist shill.
לא לימדת את עצמך מספיק טוב, שמנדריק
That makes sense.
>strong women being dominated
Post the link lads
Faggot didn't read the article before posting it.
>Hey everyone read this!
>Did you?
>Readings for fags
What's the one with that chubby chick with the "I'm angry at daddy" haircut getting visciously throatfucked and had dudes buttholes stuck in her face while she insists that she's a feminist I often wonder what the fuck she got out of that. Did she need money for heroin or something?
הפרצוף שלי כאשר
This sort of behavior is typical in divorces where there's a fortune/child custody at stake.
>Joss Whedon not being the ultimate blupilled nu-male
With the way women act, I can only conclude that they are a different species.
This man supported this bitch for deaces, and she just casually turns around and defames him like it meant nothing.
Frigid bitch.
לך תזדיין
Isnt this dude a mo? Could have sworn it being a big deal during the buffy days that he was a mo.
He is a feminist liberal piece of crap.