What's up with video games being associated with right wing politics over the last few years, even though conservatives tried banning them in the 90s and 2000s?
What's up with video games being associated with right wing politics over the last few years...
Other urls found in this thread:
>conservatards want vidya b& cause muh violence and muh boobies (and some religion shit)
>libtards want vidya b& cause muh violence and muh boobies (and some oppression shit)
Both of these political alignments have their pants-on-head retarded people who also yell the loudest.
Tl; dr
2000s kids first turned 18 in 2011. Them being as young as they are, pretty world and the idea of internet revolution from older millennials can easily manipulate them.
They aren't, now fuck off back to Sup Forums.
progressives now want to ban them that's why.
Left Wing is the new Right Wing.
There is no argument for left wing politics besides my fees fees now fuck off commie
>somebody took the time to make that picture
>another Sup Forums tries to bait Sup Forums into a 450 replies omitted episode
how butthurt do you have to be to make that image
all of those games are GOAT, circlejerk or not, except maybe automata
Power shifted. Liberals who want to ban vidya are more influential than conservatives that want to ban it.
Either way it's just a standard distraction from economic and geopolitical issues that no politician wants to seriously discuss.
Here's the original.
Right wing tried to ruin video games in the past
Left wing is trying to in the present
Players want good games, so they distance themselves from those currently trying to ruin games
>implying it's not the other way around
It's an edit. Could be done in like 2 minutes.
>even though conservatives tried banning them in the 90s and 2000s?
Because now it's the left who wants to ban them. Simple really
what's considered right wing now was fairly moderate then, and what's considered left wing now was total clownworld insanity then
paper mario is shit
Just like your parents, yet you don't rebel against parents your whole life for not liking videogames. Hell you probably don't even like them anymore.
>I-I'm totally not butthurt I got called out guize!!
>two of the biggest board on here are not populated by the same persons
Now that's a strange fact!
Politics in games usually shit the bed but basically the left became authoritarian under Obama, so instead of demands of games having to meet the standards of Conservative Christians, now games have to meet the standards of Liberal Socialists who have ridiculous diversity quotas
>Implying left wing politics isnt morally wrong
Enjoy having your money stolen by the lazy through the government
Fuck off to neogaf or Sup Forums, commies and nazis need to leave our vidya alone.
Needs work, see me after class
Political spectrum got fucked up, if you stayed in the center for 20 years you're not in the center anymore. It's why classic liberals on the internet get called right wing hate preachers.
Video games.
everything has shifted to the left
whats the top right corner supposed to be?
>Enjoying wellmade games is wrong because others enjoy them eswell
This man is correct
Left wing is currently the more pushy and dogmatic ideology.
Conteporary left wing is increasingly radical. That means that they label everything that does not fit their strict ideological purpose as a political enemy.
That means everything that is not left-wing must be right wing agenda.
This is the kind of narrative they push through jounralism and cultural analysis. And of course, increasing the tension and frequency of political attacks produced a counter-reaction, equally as stupid, equally as poorly constructed, but aiming in the opposite direction. These reactionaries embraced the left-wing narrative, basically going "well if you think non-ideological games are right wing, then you should have what you asked for, let dance" and pushing the idea that games SHOULD be right wing. Thus snowballing the whole situation.
It's a product of an increasingly disfunctional political and philosophical discourse and the fact that western societies, US in particular, are becoming dangerous societies locked in serious (and fundamentally wrong) ideological war. And it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. Get used to it.
pol got triggered by the tranny meme and everyone else got lumped in with them
Because sjws aren't satisfied with destroying something good.
Almost every new multiplayer game i play now has some sort of sjws propaganda. Either some character is fucking trans or gay or bi or someshit. or there's a horde of fucking psycho people trying to shove their beliefs down your throat.
And the the devs want to shove their "this character is gay" "this character is genderless" bullshit down your throat and then tons of people get pissed about it because a majority of the population doesn't give a fuck about it not until you start shoving down their fucking throat and attempt to force them to fucking conform with it.
Modern left is not about class anymore.
based kazakhstani women
>fork hand
uhh text machine broke
Except liberalism is much more popular. Just look how many people they got to march against free speech
I'm not lol, you have issues my friend
Oh cmon what nigga in his right mind didn't enjoy Texhnolyze
>This kills the BBC cuck
>and pushing the idea that games SHOULD be right wing.
Who ever pushed that?
What the hell is a right-wing game?
A civilization game where taking in the unwashed hordes hurts your nation?
That's the point of the chart.
alt right really is fucking annoying
so what if there are niggers and women in ww2 game, you're not forced to play as them
I didn't draw it.
Picking the sneering imperialist perk in fallout new vegas is the best shit ever though
It wasn't conservatives who tried to ban video games. It was authoritarians.
It's also authoritarians who want to ban them today.
Basically they are still largely seen as children's toys so it's difficult for them to get the same freedom as film or literature. Eventually video games are going to end up bland and uninteresting just like the comic book industry.
In short, extremists are fucking retarded and ruin everything, regardless of their political leanings.
I betting that Rightism will become the new norm eventually, which will inevitably lead to places like Sup Forums advocating for the censorship of games that don't fit their world view.
I don't think anyone enjoyed Texhnolyze. We remember and admire it because the trauma of the events in the story are burned into our souls for the rest of our lives
What's that on bottom right?
People here waste their time making A LOT dumber pics than that newfag
relating to the government or the public affairs of a country.
theres nothing wrong with vidya being political
heck its been this way for decades
Your 'both sides are shit' attitude is allowing one particular side to win. Evil has and always will rely on good honest people to stay silent.
I'm still amazed at that.
>Media reports it as a nazi event
>It's not actually a nazi event
>It's a guy running for senate against Elizabeth Warren
the push from the left right now is exactly what happened in the Weimar republic which then led to the rise of nazis, we're in for a wild ride
Fuck this world. I want to go to a universe where female sexuality isn't primarily and profoundly narcissistic and women actually like men and the male body. Why the fuck did I have to be born as a straight guy? Why couldn't I have been born gay or female? 2/3 chance to have been born in a good position for sex, and it didn't fucking happen.
>using the term 'newfag' unironically
>implying singling out one instance negates singling out other instances
>implying you're not butthurt as fuck that people are calling out your retarded image
Welcome to NHK
Fuck Authoritarians.
I have a dream.
I want to shoot guns safely in the comfort of my land with a backstop, while kindly stopping when i'm asked about the noise. I want to smoke a joint after a long day in the comfort of my home while watching a movie, never before driving or before work. I want to occasionally click on a snuff video, or play a videogame with terrible violence or sexual themes. I want to engage in good online discussion, and sometimes I want to post absolute bullshit like racist jokes or political conspiracy's while being nice to minorities in real life.
I just want to be left alone, where is my political party?.
isn't this guy a black skinned Indian on top of that ?
a #realindian not a #fakeindian
We just need Liberty Prime.
Yup, but again its irrelevant because the authoritarian left has stopped caring about facts entirely and will say anything and everything to justify violence. Some guy got stabbed over his haircut because they think it made him look like a nazi (which it didnt)
this triggers the Sup Forumstard
>Who ever pushed that?
Have you been around the announcement of Far Cry 5 and Wolfenstein New Colossus?
>What the hell is a right-wing game?
I don't think the alt-right has a very clear idea of how things should actually be. After all, they are pure reactionaries. So it seems to me they mostly go "what the left say, but OPPOSITE!"
>In short, extremists are fucking retarded and ruin everything,
Yep. A lesson we have seen thousand times through out history, yet somehow we still keep failing to learn.
>I betting that Rightism will become the new norm eventually,
I'm not sure of that though. Not world-wide universally. I am afraid that especially in America, the left is entrenched really, really deep.
That is true, and deeply worrisome, but as I said above: I don't think that is going to really happen in the US at least. In fact, the situation in US is far more reminding of the situation in pre-revolutionary Russia: the radical leftists having near unlimited control over education and intellectual elites.
>implying they ain't glorified kids toys
>implying Fraction's Hawkeye isn't a masterpiece
haha Sup Forums btfo xD
They won in 2016 though. Which still seems to make people like you really salty
>calling both sides shit is now staying silent
there's more than two sides retard, I'm not gonna pick between nazis and commies
ey fuk u mang tatami galaxy is the shit
Except for the fact that Trump won the presidency?
Seriously, how delusional are leftists
Liberal, social progressive and gamer since 1998.
Neo fascists are just very loud. That's why it seems there are so many of them.
>I'm not gonna pick between nazis and commies
Nazis are objectively the lesser evil between those two though. That's not even a contest
The irony also being the Confederate America was democrat.
>Fraction's Hawkeye isn't a masterpiece
I haven't read it so it very well could be but that doesn't mean the medium it's in isn't held back by an unnecessarily strong regulation which is clearly a barrier to total creativity. I'm not saying nothing can ever shine, I'm saying everything is held back.
>lost in Interwar Germany and Poland
>lost in Spain
>lost against Trump
For those who are interested in these kinds of things (before the thread gets pruned): I strongly recommend looking up Jonathan Haidt, american social psychologist doing a pretty damn good job commenting and explaining what exactly is going on with US politics from an academic standpoint.
He introduces a pretty interesting terminological distinction, pointing out that the one dimensional spectrum of politics should really be described in two dimensions:
Right vs. Left, and liberal vs. illiberal as two very distinct qualities.
>They won in 2016 though.
Only on a technicality, and with lots of help from Russia. The popular vote proves that they're actually outnumbered and don't represent the majority of people.
You are very brave.
That's exactly what a nazi would say.
I'm still laughing that these people think anyone rallies behind the fucking FBM Frog.
Do they refuse to drink milk now too?
>Ebony outside of Africa
Why aren't white people allowed to have a ethno state?
>well go back to europe then
Non-argument seeing as europe also isn't allowed to be white.
>tfw you will never be this delusional
feels good man
>Only on a technicality, and with lots of help from Russia.
fucking Sup Forums mods
Rare flags
Hello Sup Forums you fuck bois.
Reminder you are bunch of retards sucking lefty cocks.
Hell you are worse than reddit at this point.
>no flags
>no IDs
what the fuck
>pszczek pszczek
You're just mad we were the catalyst that made a trump presidency happen.
I bet you don't even wanna kill all non-whites, you fucking pansy
I-I'm not a cuck