US President Donald Trump's strategy for Afghanistan is expected to deploy around 4,000 US troops

How you enjoying Trump's ((((((America first)))))) foreign policy?

I told you guys, the moment Flynn was out it was clear that Trump is a fully integrated part of the "swamp." Sup Forums called me a shill for it. Now, with every new thing the orange kike does I am proven right.

fuck (((politics))) my nigga it's a rigged game just get your tiki torches and go to the streets

He was part of the swamp from day one, the second he ran for the white house. Why do you think this alt-right psy ops came out of nowhere and preach pro-Israel bullshit? Richer Spencer and David Duke are FBI agents working for the interests of (((((((them)))))))).


Idk about the alt-right stuff, but I am now pretty sure that Trump was a deep state plant all along. His actions wouldn't make sense otherwise, what with him making highly controversial foreign policy statements during the campaign, only to give up on those positions without even trying to fight. The media coverage he received is highly suspicious as well, in retrospect, as he didn't receive the "Ron Paul treatment" of simply being ignored and marginalized, but instead got a symphony of hysterical screeching from all the controlled media outlets.

And who benefits from his presidency? The ZOG deep state. By the time of the election, the US had already lost the war in Syria. Now, with the Russia bullshit, instead of shamefully having to admit defeat they can spin it into a convenient stab-in-the-back myth - We could've destroyed Syria, but the Russian puppet Drumpf colluded with the enemy!

He is the perfect "two minutes hate" figure and embodies everything the neomarxist narrative vilifies - a white, straight, blond, masculine successful businessman. His failed presidency will ruin the Republican party forever and move the US closer to an oligarchic-collectivist one-party state than both of Obama's terms.

drumpf is a good goy

why cant you be a good goy too,pol?


Monday tonight

I'm aware
Sure is a lot of pre-shilling going on for an announcement that is only speculation at this point

if it's not above 20k then Idc

>Sure is a lot of pre-shilling going on for an announcement that is only speculation at this point

Can't wait for him to announce it user.

You sound desperate

>You sound desperate

What will you say when he says 4,000 US troops to go to Afghanistan tonight?

I'll screencap your posts if you like.

Dun do it prezdident

I'll say wow the CIA sure loves it's hold on the opium trade
But it's going to be a way more interesting announcement than that. Cap this

is everyone in this thread fucking retarded or what? Afghanistan is a shit show because Obama pulled most of our troops out before they could finish the job. now we can either A) go back and finish the job or B) let it turn into a terrorist breeding ground


>when the audience for your shitty cartoons is so braindead you have to slap labels on fucking everything

How was bannon le islamophobic fascist xD

These Israel firsters want to send American boys to kill Muslims, he never wanted that.

>go back and finish the job

for the oil and mineral companies.