From the Russian textbook on anthropology:
>Caucasoids are the most numerous race on Earth (About 40% of the world's population)
From the Russian textbook on anthropology:
>Caucasoids are the most numerous race on Earth (About 40% of the world's population)
Other urls found in this thread:
lul not for long!
Includes Indians.
Ausniggers not included
>tfw Middle East is the most handsome
Where can I find a bf from there?
Hahaha shut up nigger
You'll all kill each other in no time
In a rapefugee camp hans
t. never seen an actual west african or north indian
>they all look like the images on Sup Forums guys
I like the North India guy the most. He's white, but adorable.
choose one
North, north indian. North India is mountainous and Nordics have less melanine because they need to get a vitamine D from the sunlight. Just like in North Europe or North America. Even the black Africans are whiter in the North Africa.
Turks should be darker
Well done good job hiding your flags faggots
Not a very good textbook if all they're doing to show caucasoid skulls is having a copy pasted cartoon of the same character with different skin tones and not even labeling them to proper phenotype
"white people" want to exclude other people from the caucasian category, but the truth is you snow niggers are spread trough most of the world including India and America
only white people in the indian subcontinent are the kalash people, they are probably ancestors of the army of alexander the great
Jews can be an ethno-cultural/ethno-religious groups but when it's applied to Europeans suddenly it's "Lol no according to my specific interpretation your group doesn't exists and you're all niggers xD"
weird all those skulls look caucasian
the africans skulls look larger than europeans and asians
>horn of africa
Most white people don't even use the term Caucasian and refer only to white Europeans as whites. The rest of the world does too.
Arabs and North Africans, Turks and Eurasian inbred. None of them consider themselves whites.
Hey, is that the bald guy from Brazzers? You know, the one who made post-modernist philosophy a thing.
Because we are master race.
Hindus invented the modern decimal system and the concept of zero, Arabs - astronomy and medicine, Persians - galvanic, etc.
The first city appeared on the territory of Turkey 14.000 years ago!
>but muh western civilization
No, you fool, Western civilization is just a piece of the Great Caucasian Civilization.
Honestly, the Eastern Asians do not lag behind in the race of civilizations, but 70% of the world's inventions are the inventions of the Great Caucasian Civilization.
this tbqh
>tfw no Proto-Indo-European gf
Whites used to live across Asia;
>The MA-1 mitochondrial genome belongs to haplogroup U, which has also been found at high frequency among Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic European hunter-gatherers10–12, and the Y chromosome of MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eurasians and near the root of most Native American lineages5
>Gene flow from the MA-1 lineage into Native American ancestors could explain why several crania from the First Americans have been reported as bearing morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of east Asians
>Furthermore, we estimate that 14 to 38% of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from this ancient population
>Acknowledging the low depth of coverage, we determined the most likely phylogenetic affiliation of the MA-1 Y chromosome to a basal lineage of haplogroup R
Both R and I - the big European haplogroups - came from F, which has it's origin in southeast Asia;
>Like haplogroup C, haplogroup F therefore appears to have an origin in the south—in particular, in Melanesia
As well, there are reports of redheaded giants from the Paiutes of north America, called the Si-Te-Cah;
>"Si-Te-Cah" literally means “tule-eaters” in the language of the Paiute Indians. Tule is a fibrous water plant. In order to escape harassment from the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cahs were said to have lived on rafts made of tule on the lake.
>According to the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were a red-haired band of cannibalistic giants
And Mayan art at Calakmul, which has been inhabited since 1000BC, depicts white people being served by brown people;
This sounds like what James Churchward wrote about;
>Churchward gave a vivid description of Mu as the home of an advanced civilization, the Naacal, which flourished between 50,000 and 12,000 years ago, was dominated by a “white race",[8]:48 and was "superior in many respects to our own".[8]:17 At the time of its demise, about 12,000 years ago, Mu had 64,000,000 inhabitants and many large cities, and colonies on the other continents
Several other pigmentation-related genes can be used to test the 'Mu-origin theory of Indo-europeans;'
GPR143-(rs62635018, A allele; rs62635019, G allele; rs62635025, T allele; rs137852296, A allele; rs62635038, A allele) = Nystagmus, Ocular albinism;
>Congenital nystagmus among the Red-skins of the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
Interestingly, an MC1R mutation would prevent black-brown EU-melanin synthesis, not red-yellow PHEO-melanin synthesis. A well-pigmented person with good pheo-melanin production would appear very, truly red or yellow. Some of these New Guineans even have 'reddish white' or 'white' hair, and skin of a 'nearly reddish white.' Some of their eyes are 'very light,' and along with nystagmus provides a positive diagnosis of a GPR143 mutation leading to red, blue or brown eyes.
EDAR370A(C allele) = Thick hair folicles, smaller breasts, more eccrine glands;
>supporting a scenario in which the 370A allele was driven to high frequency in East Asians and Native Americans by positive selection (Figure 1). Two Central/South Asia populations, the Uygur and the Hazara, have intermediate frequencies of 370A (0.44 and 0.5, respectively), in agreement with their close genetic relationship to East Asians [30], [31]. The 370A allele is also found at low frequency in Melanesia (0.12)
This entails that long, straight, flowing hair probably emerged in Melanesia. Haplogroups J and R1a are both common among the Uygurs, along with light hair and skin. Both haplogroups came from Melanesia, so it's indisputable that EDAR370A came from Mu - some Mutians had flowing hair.
ASIP-(T allele) = Pale skin;
>Table 1: Allele Frequencies by Population
>ASIP - Island Melanesian - 0.52
SLC24A5-(A allele) = Pale skin;
>rs1426654 A is overwelmingly predominant among Turks and Hazara, and exists among Australian aboriginees, Fijians, Han, Japanese, Micronesians, Kyrgys and Uyghurs
This low level among haplogroup C-dominant peoples (Australian aboriginees, Mongolians, Japanese,) suggests that the genes responsible for light pigmentation emerged after the CT haplogroup, and only in haplogroup F. Yet, it's existance within these diverse populations suggests that it was common to a population that spanned the pacific - on the other hand, the A allele of rs1426654 is absent among Bantu speakers, and occurs at low rates among other southern African populations. It's presence at elevated levels among the San suggests a very recent (30kYBP) genetic interaction between them and the white races.
>She also discusses the reddish hair, pointing out that hair pigment is not stable after death and that various factors such as temperature, soil, etc. can turn ancient very dark hair rusty red or orange.
still tho, indians aren't white
Mediterraneans aren't white
I completely agree with both of you. Indo-Aryans/North Indians are white and so are both Jews and Arabs. But Jews and Arabs suck. Indo-Europeans are where it's at. Most achievements, discoveries and inventions are from Indo-Europeans, followed by Chinese people and Japanese people. Chinese people, Japanese people, Thai people, Korean people, Tibetan people and Mongolian people are honorary whites and honorary Aryans. Caucasoid is the best race, followed by mongoloid. Fuck the negroid race.
>Zdravko Colic and the Pooper
This is significant, because Boskops man - known from finds in South Africa - had a very large skull, a very gracile build, and a childlike face. Even though some have argued that Boskops was just part of a larger, non-macrocephalous population, this doesn't disprove the features of Boskops - in fact, it's supported by the fact that 10% of San display an R1b haplogroup;
>pp8 - Khomani San - R1b1b2a1a: 10% (2)
We know that Mu colonized Eurasia starting around 50,000BC, because Y-haplogroups GHIJK-HIJK-IJK are abscent from modern men or ancient remains, I and R1b1 Y-haplogroups are found among living Australians, and mt-haplogroups H-U-V are found in ancient Australian remains. Curiously, native Australians, northern Europeans and north-west native Americans have the highest concentrations of A-type blood;
We find concentrations in;
Norway = 40%
Portugal = 39%
Finnland = 38%
Turkey = 37%
Germany = 37%
Sweden = 37%
Denmark = 37%
Switzerland - 37%
Y-Haplogroup I1 is common in all these countries - specifically in Baltic Germany and Scandinavia, where A+ blood reaches it's highest concentrations. In the countries where O+ blood is least common (Finland and Switzerland) I1 is common, and A+ is the most common bloodtype. In fact, I1 and A+ blood are the only commonalities between Finland and Switzerland. Thus;
Bloodtype A+ = Y-Haplogroup I1.
Han master race fuckers
Astronautics, modern astronomy, modern chemistry and geometry, radioactivity, radio communication, alternating current, rocket engineering, seismology ...
Now, get in the helicopter, commie scum
Those faces were coloured by someone who has seen none of those groups himself.
Communism FUCK YEAH! Amirite?
Some things you need to keep in mind is that there are dark-skinned Indo-Aryans/North Indians and light-skinned Dravidians/South Indians. Not only that, but there is LESS street-shitting in South India than there is in North India. Also, there are less Muslims in South India and even the Muslims that ARE in South India are chill as fuck. South India and its people are based as fuck.
t. Sikh
That's some divide-and-conquer bullshit considering that South Europeans (i.e. Romans and Greeks) invented Western Civilisation. Fuck off, kike.
The report that the Si-Te-Cah had red hair is entirely oral, to the best of my knowledge. The museum used to hold a skull, but gave that back to the Indians.
Why did the Paiutes say they had red hair?
I am an educated person and I believe only fact. Despite all my desires, I can't honestly say that native Americans are much different from whites, genetically. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Indians are purer whites than Europeans.
While R1b may seem more attractive as the candidate Y-haplogroup for A+ due to Portugal, an R1b-centered nativity for A+ wouldn't explain how Norway has the highest concentration of A+. R1b-U105 is common in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, but critically abscent from Turkey and without strong concentrations in Finland, Portugal, the Carpathian basin and Switzerland. R1b-U152 lacks any concentration in Finland, but does concentrate in Portugal and Germany - but not, critically, in Baltic Germany.
I1 is concentrated in all regions, but abscent from modern Australian aboriginees - supposedly. Y Haplogroups I and R1b1, supposedly from admixture, are found among native Australians;
>Previous analysis of AuR mtDNA11,12 showed that 37 individuals are likely to have ancient Australian maternal origin with deep-rooting mtDNA lineages (haplogroups M42a and b, P4b and S1a), with one mtDNA of probable European origin (haplogroup U5).
>However, five of these Y chromosomes clearly fall into European haplogroups (R1b1 and I)
This is what I ask pol but they never ask.
why are some caucasian populations white while others like persians, palestinians, berbers, kurds, even arabs are not white.
turkey was once considered part of the roman empire.
>not posting the original
I haplogroup are disgusting subhuman niggers who need to be purged
literally worse than somali
>In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Indians are purer whites than Europeans.
Probably only Kashmiris and Nepalis are purer whites than Europeans due to their geographic isolation.
Too many, the eradication of the caucazoids must commence until only the Europzoid exists.
Anybody consider that as a society we're getting entirely to close to the truth about the preflood/iceage civilization and all this push for migration and mixing is being done to destroy all the genetic evidence?
No, it's me. Bitch.
what did you mean by this? :thinko:
ITT we wuz Hwhite and shieet
I completely agree with you. The red parts of this map used to be land. Daily reminder that sea levels around the world were 400 feet lower just before the end of the last Ice Age.
Near the end of the last Ice Age 12,800 years ago, a giant comet that had entered the Solar System from deep space thousands of years earlier, broke into multiple fragments. Some of these fragments struck Earth, causing a global cataclysm unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. At least eight of the fragments hit the North American ice cap, while further fragments hit the Northern European ice cap. The impacts, from comet fragments a mile wide approaching at more than 60,000 miles an hour, generated huge amounts of heat which instantly liquidised millions of square kilometres of ice, destabilising Earth's crust and causing the global flood that is remembered in myths all around the world.
A second series of impacts, equally devastating, causing further cataclysmic flooding, occurred 11,600 years ago, the exact date that Plato gives for the destruction and submergence of Atlantis. The evidence for all of this shows beyond reasonable doubt that a civilisation at least as technologically advanced as 19th-century England at the onset of the Industrial Revolution (if not more) that flourished during the last Ice Age was destroyed in the global cataclysms between 12,800 years ago and 11,600 years ago.
A distant memory and a warning to the future - for the comet that wrought such destruction in remote antiquity may not be done with us yet.
This, I never expected an American to post this, good post
What a faggot
Top lel
>humans are a species with amnesia
Teach me how to awaken my siddhis, Rajendra.
sorry cupcake but somalis and ethiopians are white. Facial aesthetics don't lie
Graham Hancock is mah nigga for life!
Somalis and Ethiopians aren't white, but they are caucasoid.
funny how somalias and the horn of africans are the only blacks I remember that built shit that looks like european castles and ancient christian stone churches.
If it is Russian why is it in English?
Practice whatever kind of yoga appeals to you
Same, I've seen him irl too didn't approach him though
What are your arguments? Never seen a Somali Caucasoid?
>The evidence for all of this shows beyond reasonable doubt that a civilisation at least as technologically advanced as 19th-century England at the onset of the Industrial Revolution
It's interesting to think about how much coastline has been lost over the course of the last few millennia and what sort of sites and artifacts could be lost as a result, but this is simply not true.
Wow /leftypol literally edits our memes and makes them shitty
The notion that R1b or I might be native to Australia is bolstered by the fact that basal R1b1 (If the R1b1 is basal and not a subclade) is extremely rare in Eurasia, and by the presence of 'European' mtDNA haplogroups in ancient Australian remains;
>The haplogroups observed for WLH4 were S2 and V3c
>The haplogroups observed for WLH3a were H15a1, U5a, and H1. WLH3b showed haplogroups H40b, H1, and H3
If S, H, V, U, R1b and I were all native to Australia, then Europe appears to be a truncated version of Australian mtDNA and Y diversity, and Australia appears to be a gene pool where H, V, U, R1b and I went extinct. This would also explain why type A blood is common in Australian natives;
If Y-haplogroup I was present in ancient Australia and migrated to Europe, this would explain the geographic distribution of bloodtype A - R1b is also present in north America, where type A blood is also found at high frequency. Since Y-haplogroup I is upstream of R1b1, this implies that the last common ancestor of I and R possessed 'Europoid' characteristics - this would explain Mungo man's gracility. That ancestor is IJK, and since Y-haplogroups G and H are present in populations with Europoid characteristics, the last common ancestor of G, H and IJK had to have Europoid characteristics - Y-haplogroup GHIJK.
The Veddas are probably some of the whitest people on Earth. Lots of Y-haplogroup F and J, and mtDNA-haplogroups R and U.
>but this is simply not true.
Yes it is. Shill elsewhere.
Not even 1% white nigger
>Practice whatever kind of yoga appeals to you
Thanks, Based Indian!
>Same, I've seen him irl too didn't approach him though
Cool. I'd love to meet Graham Hancock someday.
Nice strawman. I never said he is white.
"White" is a colour.
Caucasoid is a race.
It's all a coincidence lad
Caucasoid is a skull shape.
Vimanas are real.
nigger, I'm brown as fuck and I'm a cholo.
I'm not white, but I'm caucasoid.
read a book.
Ay ay we wuz cucaussoids nosmsayin?
Wait is he saying the rakshas are Hwhite
In the strata, we find many iridium anomalies. The logic is that meterorites contain iridium, and when they burn up they cause the anomaly - but the Tunguska event didn't leave an iridium anomaly.
Nuclear blasts do leave one, however.
Coincidently, GHIJK, the descendent of F, has never been found in any living male or any remains. F came out of Africa 70,000 years ago, and the absence of GHIJK implies that all it's descendents outbred it, everywhere on the planet. The geographic spread of bloodtype A+ probably displays the spread of the Europoid phenotype by around 50,000 years ago. This is also the strongest evidence that bloodtype A+ is associated with Y-haplogroups R1b1 and I, and mt-haplogroups H, S, V and U.
If Thoth arrived in Egypt 16,000 years ago, it implies that he did so as a refugee from the global Mutian empire which collapsed following the deluge. Yet, Plato records that the Atlantians invaded around 9,360BC - 4,640 years later. As well, Ammianus Marcellinus cites Timagenes when he claims that the Gauls came from "islands and lands beyond the Rhine" - which could mean Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia or perhaps Iceland. It could also mean that the Gauls came from the south, up along the west African coast - which is covered with R1b individuals. As well, the Celts believed themselves to be descended from the Dioscorti - a pair of twins who came up out of the ocean.
The Motala remains seem to be exactly what we're looking for - pale skinned, with light eyes and light hair that has 'Asian' texture. They also belong to Y-haplogroup I and mt-haplogroup U;
>all Motala individuals have the U5 or U2 haplogroups, typical of hunter-gatherers
>five Motala individuals are male (SI5) and belong to Y-chromosome haplogroup I, suggesting that this was common in pre-agricultural Europeans
>Motala12, likely had blue or intermediate-colored eyes (>75%
Blame the arabs for that
now imagne putting these three images together and removing all color so that only the outline remains. You're asked to guess which are white and which are black Pic related would most likely be your first guess as being a blackie
Wtf am I reading, youre amerindian.
The one on the far left looks ugly as shit wtf
Is this what they meant by white nationalism? Not that their ideologies are retarded, but their faces as well
Hisss...Black helicopters are on their way.
not only*
Jesus don't do that again.
This is an amerindian.
I don't look like an amerindian, but a mestizo.
>In the strata, we find many iridium anomalies. The logic is that meterorites contain iridium, and when they burn up they cause the anomaly - but the Tunguska event didn't leave an iridium anomaly. Nuclear blasts do leave one, however.
The Mahabharata (an ancient Indian epic poem) describes a war fought with weapons called 'astras'. The most powerful astra is the Brahmastra, which I have no doubt was/is a nuclear weapon. Brahmastras are nuclear weapons that are even more advanced than modern nuclear weapons, because the Mahabharata describes a Brahmastra that can 'lock on' to a specific target and then completely destroy ONLY that specific target but NOTHING that surrounds it. I think that such a weapon is today known as a 'phase weapon'. A Brahmastra was actually sent into the womb of a pregnant woman to kill the baby inside it, but the baby survived. There's even an astra that causes people to go to sleep. Not only that, but there are irradiated places in India, which suggests that astras might have been used in those locations. Also, there are ancient Indian writings that describe vimanas that use mercury as a fuel source and we know today that mercury is a legit fuel source.
Not only they wuz but they actually are you dumb retard. That doesn't mean they're white neither that they are our brothers. That simply mean that they share more ancestries with indo-europeans, who also happen to be caucasians, than congoids for instance.
Learn some basic anthropology and stfu.
Then how are you caucaszoid retard Amerindian negroid.
No they dont you retard, their skull is purely negroid.
Amerindians are MONGOLOID, you fucking idiot.