I know this question is asked a lot but can someone recommend me some Sup Forums movies? normal Hollywood shit just makes me mad now
I know this question is asked a lot but can someone recommend me some Sup Forums movies...
Bubba Ho Tep(Bruce Cambell)?
Mr Mom
Ms Doubtfire
Jungle Fever
thanks, added to list
>Ms Doubtfire
What you want are old movies, movies that pre-date the PC cancer.
Have you seen all the classics? Now is a good time to go back and watch them. God willing soon we will all put our houses in order and the film industry will be much improved as a result
true, but i think i did
The heroes are all white, the villian is a black climate change activist, and the heroes end up killing a likeness of Obama and a bunch of other liberal elites, whom the villian previously refers to as "the chosen people"
I really like Verhoeven movies and he recently made one called Elle which was entertaining af.
Check out the Criterion Collection. Go back and watch the all the old works of directors like Kurosawa, Godard, Scorsese, Welles and Bergman if you haven't already
Postal. The only good video game movie ever made, and the only thing decent to ever come out of Uwe Boll.
Try some Disney movies, you little snowflake.
Repo: The Genetic Opera
Sling Blade
Troll 2
wow. the trailer for it sucks.
Tobacco Road, 1941
Rampage was good. Hell, all of his movies have high entertainment value.
Daddy's Worst Nightmare
The mythica series of movies. It's like dungeons and dragons on tape kind of. Very fun and cool looking at times. Super cringe other times.
Pure Kino.
fuck i gotta watch this shit again, watching this movie made me so happy
Come and see, and that movie with the guy on the kfc commercial that did that ww2 movie, it was pruddy good.
>There Will be Blood (my favorite movie)
> The Mummy (1999)
>All Quiet on the Eastern Front (either 1930 or 1979)
>Den brysomme mannen
Lately I saw some drama films...some more entertaining than others but they are all good
"The Hunt" (Dinamarca)
"El secreto de sus ojos" (Argentina)
"Perfetti sconosciuti" (Italy)
"I Origins" (USA)
"Detachment" (USA)
Brazil (1985)
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)
The Zero Theorem (2013)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
Also this.
Elite club/illuminati hires a nazi-dwarf
Schindler's List
The Pianist
Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Watch "The Thing" 1981 with Kurt Russel. Best movie ever.
They Live
Fight Club
12 Angry Men 1957 version
The machinist
The Circle (Net Flix)
The Blood of Heros (Since you got the Howard pic up)
Conan the Barbarian
Gangs of New York (Bill the butcher is an amazing character)
There will be blood
S'all I can think of right now I'll post more if they pop into my head.
Mud is literaly a cuck
Hobo with a Shotgun.
Demolition Man.
Straw Dogs.
Eyes Wide Shut
The Man from Earth
Oooo. Oh. watch Grand Terino (Clint Eastwood)
Yah, these are good too.
Taxi Driver
Yeah, that's totally not normal hollywood shit making op mad as hell.
80's hong kong movies are cool
Still a better lovestory than Mud.
verhoeven got brainwashed, just like carpenter
What you really want to watch is "ichi the killer"
Boss Nigger
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS
This, 30-50s Disney was god tier.
Verhoeven always was a salon leftist
i agree. i think disney is fine if you stick with stuff from before the 90's. and even then it only drops off a cliff at like hercules.
that said 30's-50's disney and studio ghibli stuff is probably stuff i'd let my kid watch
good shit, thanks
>"what should I read?"
>"what should I watch?"
High Noon
The Magnificent Seven (original of course not stupid remake)
3:10 to Yuma (see above)
King Kong (see above)
Gone with the Wind
Citizen Kane
Touch of Evil
The Maltese Falcon
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
All About Eve
Just watch the classics. They are classics for a reason.
If you INSIST on watching newer movies:
Watch non-pozzed directors.
Kubrick & Scorsese are two obvious names.
Watch everything by both of them.
Peter Weir is another pretty decent director. Witness is one of the most overlooked films of the 80s.
The Hunt for Red October & Master and Commander are both decent-ish with no annoying women and (almost) no annoying poz.
No Man's Land (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
A movie about the enclosed German army at Stalingrad without any political nonsense.
>A Scanner Darkly
Probably the best adaptation I've ever seen. About an undercover agent among a group of drug users who has increasing trouble seperating his agent and undercover identity.
A film with Rutger Hauer about a victorious Nazi Germany, and how he and another person stumble upon evidence of the Holocaust in hte 80's (I think) and attempt to uncover the crime.
>Africa Adiou
An Italian documentary made right after the decolonisation. Widely panned as "racist" by ultraleftist cronies like Ebert. Stunningly honest, and incredibly depressing. Has the only footage of the Zanzibar genocide, where the blacks killed the muslims because they (that is, their ancestors) used to be the slave owners in the past. A genocide no-one EVER mentions, for some reason...
>The Tribe That Hides From Man
Another documentary, from 1970, about a Brazilian anthropologist who attempts to find and relocate and uncontacted Amazonian tribe. The most frank look at tribal life I've ever seen, and devoid from leftist primitive socialism nonsense. In the jungle, only the killer has the right to not be killed.
>Goodbye Lenin
German dark comedy about a guy who's mother went into coma the night before the Berlin wall fell, and when she wakes up he tries to make it look like the DDR still exists because he believes the shock might kill her.
Movies are degenerate, read books instead.
Books are degenerate, listen to stories told at the campfire instead.
>Africa Adiou
Good choice, very powerful stuff
Intelligible conversations are degenerate, click click.
Listening to stories is degenerate.
TELL the stories.
Pop whistle grrrr
A Scanner Darkly is indeed very unfairly overlooked. Not sure why.
12 Angry Men is sanctimonious liberal crap
Shouldn't you be in school?
I'm planning on raising my kid on Studio Ghibli as a substitute for later disney.
>Sup Forums
Can you show me some white Argentinians ?
In what way is the pursuit of truth "liberal"?
Disturbing ambient paranoia mixed in with what we'd describe as Deep State wet work these days. Is the hero insane or is this really happening to him? Contains a recreation of real Tavistock brainwashing sessions.
Even the best old movies (Clint Eastwood classics) are egalitarian based with the main villain always being those further Right. The protagonist is always the moral/righteous fighting the portrayed statist who overvalue "overrated foolish values" such as tradition, loyalty and discipline.
Movies are for fags. Over time it's only gotten gayer.
Africa Addio, italian documentary about african in the 60s. No punches pulled.
Parallax View
They Live
The Trial
you will not regret it
Largely correct - Clint Eastwood movies are a weird mixture.
Eastwood's onscreen persona is itself usually right-wing (and that was at the heart of the appeal, so they couldn't change it) but it was often put in a leftist-friendly context.
So he's usually seen as a maverick character but who still works to support the system and never actually challenges any of its core beliefs.
Joanathan Bowden among others has commented on this.
Altered states
dont forget the bad guys had to have their own "disabled" person
Apocalypse now
>"The, h-horror. The, horror."
The Edge.
Fastest Indian.
A lot of classic European movies are really good but I am not sure if you are into subtitles or classic movies.
A Boy And His Dog
Post World War IV. Is fucking redpilled as fuck! Its also about how the root of all evil is women and how they will drive a wedge between you amd your best friend.
Obviously the "pursuit of truth" is not in itself liberal, and can't in itself really be criticized
But this is just the persuasive wrapping-paper for the core liberal messages.
What happens in the film?
a) a Mexican is accused of a crime, and everyone assumes he did it
b) we look at the evidence and find it's utterly laughable
c) why, then, did everyone accept it so unthinkingly?
d) they're RACIST and BIGOTED!
So -- you mean, WHITE PEOPLE are RACIST and BIGOTED against MEXICANS?
That's right, comrade! Look at Lee J Cobb. Bad relationships with his children and father... and he grows up to be a sadist and takes it out on innocent ethnic minorities!
That's a microcosm of the whole oppressive white race, right there!
These are the important subtextual messages.
Why so many Americans have the crazy beliefs they do?
Because of half a century of films like this.
My nigga
Videodrome, in honor of /our guy/ James Woods
You're right, OP. Hollywood blockbusters are typical shit. To get real film, acting, writing, directing, go the indie route.
Off the top of my head:
Manuscripts Will Burn
Time Crimes
The One I Love
The Man from Earth (really makes you think)
Safety Not Guaranteed
Lars and the Real Girl (for all neckbeards)
Let the Right One In (Swedish version)
Right at Your Door
It Follows
First read the novella it's based on, by Harlan Ellison. Classic SF tale.
Im going to be shitface honest with you. There are unironically a few ver good animes that are not influenced by global agendas. Esspecially the older classic ones.
Three Days of the Condor is good for this kind of stuff.
Also, Marathon Man.
How they will *try* to drive a wedge...
But there's ways to put a stop to their lascivious thot schemes
Also there's a scene where the leftist villains use their mind control device to incite a false flag amongst a group of right wing religious radicals.
I read that as TRUMP OF THE WALL, I would watch it.
Parallax View
3 Days of Condor
Marathon Man
are all from same stable of left-wing Jewish paranoia.
The villains are always cartoonish semitic caricatures of Muh Evil WASP
Could include many others
>Der Sieg des Glaubens
>Triumph des Willens
>Hans Westmar - Einer von vielen
Also pretty much any episode of Die Deutsche Wochenschau
Now THERE'S a title with some trolling potential
this has to become a thing
and it will
I love me some movies.
-deer hunter
-the hospital 1971
Okay so in the hospital it is in the 70s, it's a mystery comedy and has a lot of white actors and it was pure gold really. It all takes place while a bunch of hippies and nigger's are crying about "muh rights, TAKE CARE OF ME WHITEY" the whole time and squatting a building and shit and it gets out of control. 'SPOILER' at the end the head doctors like "fine, take care of all the patients and you get to run the hospital I quit"
Then they all like stammer around and leave staying angry and protesting.
-fabulous baker boys
-used cars
(Anything with kurt russel Is gold)
American splendor, the story of some screech weasel jew that Robert crumb drew comics for played by Paul jewivoni. It was good.
The origional judge dredd.
Harley davidson and the Marlboro man
Showdown in little Tokyo
Heavy metal
Fritz the cat, basically culture identity poisoned cat runs around experiencing the 70s hanging with crows and smoking reefer trying to get laid and making his superior intellect as a poet and thinker solidified by finding meaning in this world and war between crows pigs and the government ensues like the black panther riots. There's a red pilled biker rabbit on speed planning on blowing up a power plant to ensue chaos with some lizard dyke.
Hey good lookin- new York gang cartoon
Heavy traffic
For those of you out there with kids the young Indiana Jones is something to look at. Indiana Jones in ww1 going on adventures. Idk it was pretty good from what I remember
Elite Squad - Badass police rekt the shit out of druggies
Das Boot
Stalingrad (1993)
/pol tier, not /retard tier.
Siege of Jadotville on Netflix is bretty gud.
>Irish go as peacekeeping force to Africa.
>Indian poos fuck up.
>UN fucks up.
>One company guns down thousands of nigs and doesn't lose a single man.
>Surrenders only because the (((UN))) was going to let them die to cover their tracks.
>Paints Africa and the UN as the shithole they really are.
Blade Runner is hot garbage. Not only a shitty movie, it's blue pilled as fuck.
If you like The Hospital you would probably like the other Paddy Chayevsky stuff.
Network is most famous of course.
He's ok if you like super-fast-talking high-verbal-IQ jewishness.
Basically Aron Sorkin just stole his whole act.
It''s ok for what it is.
Sadly, what it is isn't worth much.
Cross of Iron
that and any Peckinpah movie
Do Mongoloids dream of electric bananas?
Captain America: The winter soldier
Conspiracy Theory
The Patriot
Lord of the Rings
The keep
Germans during ww2 are assigned to protect a village as it is a strategic point in the war.
Turns out there's a temple that belongs to some goddamn aliens.