Why is english so basic? Like literally its just stringing words together in a very primitive fashion...

Why is english so basic? Like literally its just stringing words together in a very primitive fashion, it's miles away from spanish's complexity.

Like what the fuck is the 's shit even? Its a cheap hack that completely butchers sentence structure, complex sentences have the musicality of diarrhea farts.

Why is this? Why is spanish, and even portuguese, maybe even FRENCH so much better and sophisticated than english?

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ever tried to count to 100 in french?
English is elegant, whilst the ones you mentioned are Africa tier

If they would be superior means of communication they would override english as the universal language.

english is the easiest to learn but the hardest to master

All Indo-cuck language are basic and retarded

>Why is english so basic?
How many feet in a mile? How many cups in a gallon?

O.P.... Is this news or politics?

There are many languages better than English, but none of them descend from Latin.

German is superior to English imo. However Spanish sounds fucking gay.

Lowest Common Denominator

Naucz się po polsku napierdalać ty mały kurwiu to wtedy pogadamy

German is backwards and retarded.

>He asks in English on an English speaking board

lol no the reason english is the universal language is because the british empire ruled the fucking planet and now the us economy rules the planet. Its the power language. It just as easily could have been french or even german though if history had gone differently.

Also the reason half of europe speak latin languages was probably because of the romans..
Power seems to dictate which language dominates.

What does that even mean? German allows for way more concepts to be expressed than English, allowing for more complex thoughts and reasoning. English even borrowed plenty of Germany words.

Also the language is much more structured.

Best grammar but lack of words.

nice meme.... but is it true?

English has about 4 times as many words as Spanish. I have to speak twice as much to get the same point across coherently in Spanish. Spanish is horrendously inferior to English, this isn't debatable.


Post flag you uncivilised cunt

english is a germanic not a latin language. It has many latin and greek words in it but it is not based on latin.

Germans sound like they're sick and are constantly trying to clear their throats of phlegm when they speak

>Its a cheap hack that completely butchers sentence structure, complex sentences have the musicality of diarrhea farts.

u'r sentanse strukture is sht m8 try hrder nxt time ya get me blud

That's unironically a perfect description of the sandnigger noise that is your prophet's "language".

not really. the reason english established itself as the international language is
>the British Empire
>the fact that it's piss easy to learn

English just absorbs all in it's path. Like a word in another language? Grab it. Can't find the right word? Make one up. Sure the rules are fucked, but it adapts fast.

its hard for people to get the intonation right

You'd know wouldn't you, Sven?

It's actually solely because of ww1 and the emerge of USA. Had Germany won ww1, German would dominate Europe and likely eventually take over in America aswell (at that point many German Americans still spoke German).

I know how it feels to be a brownskin since we culturally conquered all of you.

I think you confused it with Dutch

Serb is better language than all languages in the omniverse combined

this is true.


man!! there is a fucking dog HOWLING near my house!!


Being so insecure you have to insult something so mundane such as LANGUAGE. What's even more pathetic is that you typed it all in English.
>Let's play "Spot the retard"

I read somewhere that English has the most words which allows it to define things more with more complexity than other languages. If I remember right, English has 1.4 million distinct words where german comes in second with 850k. A lot of those german words are just conjoined existing words so their number isn't likely to be that high.

why do you cunts always say this..
Its full on not true. lol

Languages only purpose is to be understood and since it's so easy to grasp that is even better.

Complex languages are not necessary nor useful

>being this retarded

>so mundane

Language has actually been shown to be extremely important. These jungleniggers literally couldn't count because their language doesn't have words for anything but 1, 2 and many.

Easiest to learn easiest to master, still dumbest language.

You know people in other languages have retarded text speak, right?

yeah thats proabably true. English has a massive vocab.
Man i swear to god there is a fucking dog howling VERY loudly next to my house right now!!!

Disgustingly basic sometimes.
It has its eloquent, poetic side, it's just that nobody speaks it on a level where the variety would come forth, not even its native speakers.

>more complicated=better
What makes a language better is that it is simple. English is best because it's easy to learn and use.

your language will be stricken from the earth soon.. They are already grinding down your historical artifacts and your women are breeding with (sand)niggers. Soon they will start teaching arab in schools and make it illegal to speak Swedish because the language is inherently racist

No it doesnt

I honestly feel that the fluidity of the language represents its accomplishments as opposed to it's shortcomings. Think about it, if English seems to be just a bunch of words strung together, yet they still get the point across then I feel that that is a better ideal than going through a rigid process of rights and wrongs. Now that's not saying that there doesn't need to be some basic dramatic formula, but for the most part, as English is a rather flowery language there is a lot that can be done with it.

>Spanish is complex

It is said even by many Spaniards themselfs that the Spanish language is not very complex, nor is it difficuilt to learn it.

Try Polish

*Even if it's "the easiest to learn and hardest to master", it's still the most dumb language of them all.

>it's better to drive than to walk because it's easier
>it's better to eat mcdonalds than to cook yourself because it's easier
>it's better to watch tv than to read because it's easier
>it's better to not care about politics because it's easier

>These jungleniggers literally couldn't count because their language doesn't have words for anything but 1, 2 and many.
No, dipshit, their culture had no need for a complex numerical system. Of course some fucking tribe in South America wouldn't have a concept of Western numbers when asked. You know other cultures have had different counting systems than base10, right?

In history, simplicity of form always triumphs over complexity of function. Monotheism replaced Polytheism and so will Monolingualism replace Polylingualism.

So you're saying that English sucks because it is more efficient than Mexican?

>English sucks because it is more efficient than Mexican?
English is an incredibly inefficient language

Spanish is easy as fuck you dumb cunt. Every ESL/bilingual cunt i've come across says its difficult as fuck because there is no structure or rigidity like many other languages. Fuck off mate

Society is based on being able to communicate thoughts to others. The easier you can communicate those thoughts, the more your society will accomplish.

Thats interesting because im pretty sure spanish is the ugliest language out there and sounds as dirty as the skin of those who speak it.

On a related note, posting this reminded me how bewildering it is to a non-native speaker when a burger makes an its/it's than/then mistake. To Hungarians especially, there is just no room for such egregious errors in our linguistic circuits. There are some mistakes people tend to make that are based on "writing by hearing", but none of those have such a stark contrast between the meaning of the two variants.
Also there are barely any homophones in Hungarian, so it's more difficult to mishear.



Did you even bother to read the text? They conducted a pretty simple experiment where they filled a jar with marbles, one at a time. Then emptied the jar, one marble at a time and asked the tribespeople to say when it was empty. All failed.

It shows how a lack of language affects cognitive abilities. It's not a far stretch to assume that this will affect us on a higher level aswell. This might be one of the reasons that leftists try to destroy our language aswell.

What northern european language sounds like genuine puke? I tried watching a movie the other day and had to stop because the sounds they were making from their mouths was horrendous. It may have been finnish

So is Ebonics

>Like what the fuck is the 's shit even?

At least we did a moon landing in English

For anyone that has a developed brain and not a window licking retard, language is mundane. It's something that now comes naturally from years of practice. It does become important when it is your field of study or when learning a new language, and teaching others a language.

English is ok and is good to have a common language. But I read so many retards here saying that everybody MUST talk english and forget their languages that is funny. Maybe is because they are in some way isolated in their own Ameriburger view of the world.

Im sorry wong, i dont speak chinese.

Weird because i can listen to spanish and chinese people repeat the same things over and over because they cant understand eachother but i rarely see this in english.

Im sorry but english simply can't express the very complex thoughts other languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and French can, english is a language for retards and simpletons, it does provide simple communication in the way head nods and shakes do.

Its just completely lacking of any humanity and depth, its a language for mongrels.

It is als-o said that the limits of your language are the limits to your being, this would mean that english-only speakers are generally lower-iqed than normal people who can understand and speak actually complex and deep languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and French.

You don't understand my point. Language is the primary source of a culture. Once a language dies, the culture soon follows. This has been the case everytime throughout history. We also know now that language affects cognitive abilities, see the post you responded to.

Degenerating English into Ebonics will destroy your white anglo heritage.

>english language: 300 000 words
>spanish language: 30 000 words
>french language: 20 000 words


So your argument is invalid. The only language with a comparable depth of expression is Greek.

The amount of words doesn't matter, spanish works by intuitive word construction, in that way the word actually reveals its meaning by its shape, english is just a collection of grunts and farts that must be remembered, it doesn't mirror thinking in any way or shape

Best langue confirmed.

This has to be a joke right ?

>Did you even bother to read the text? They conducted a pretty simple experiment where they filled a jar with marbles, one at a time. Then emptied the jar, one marble at a time and asked the tribespeople to say when it was empty. All failed.
Why the fuck would they suddenly understand base10 if they had never any need for it in their culture? Are you retarded?

Derrrpppp. Ofc it does, If I conquer you and force you to integrate or die, how many non integrated people are left.

Im not sure how true this is... I understood everything you wrote and was able to pick up on how big of a cuckold you are by just your text alone.

Its actually fairly difficult for non-native speakers. You ever really looked at the language? Lots of it just straight up makes no sense.

All humans instinctively understand base 10 because of anatomy.

Best language confirmed.

You keep mentioning Spanish, Portuguese, and French, but why specifically those three? Italian has similar grammatical structures and constructs, and if you're referring explicitly to verb conjugation then freaking Hindi follows the same principles. It'd be nice if you could elaborate by providing some examples of concepts in said languages that cannot be expressed to any degree in English.

none of you know anything about languages, do you

I'm not doubting its importance. I think of language in more practical senses than what it does within a culture. I can see your point though.

>you need to understand base10 to count

They weren't asking to give a word for how many marbles there were, they were just asked to say when the jar was empty. 5 marbles was put into the jar, 5 marbles taken out, 1 at a time. Yet most of them said the jar was empty after 2 or 3 marbles had been taken out.


I forgot about Italian, that one is good too

I tried counting to 100 in French quatre-vingt dix-neuf times.

The English language holds more beauty with it than any monkey-speak you can muster! With it, the Anglosphere has risen to the top of the world in every imaginable field, perhaps because we know our libraries don't have vaginas and our books don't have dicks.


Keep It Simple Stupid

Try russian

Oy vey.

Typo . Only reason I'm awake is because I got painful diarrhea. Back to bed.

>language affects cognitive abilities,
That is not at all what is saying. It comes to the conclusion that conceptual repertoire can be determined by vocabulary -- that is not "cognition". This is like that dumb fake story about Native Americans not being able to see ships on the ocean because they had no word for ship.

Culture determines language which determines conceptual repertoire.

more words=more meaning
English also relies on stress to convey meaning in ways that spanish and french never could

Why do you think rap is so popular? It doesn't work with other languages


Nigger tribesman detected

Of course not!! This isn't Oxford, or some other libtard glorified daycare.

Bulgarian > every other language

This is not the same thing as COGNITION you fucking numbnut, it's linguistic relativity


>It doesn't work with other languages
Except it does? Korean, French, Russian, Japanese even.

>the British Empire

The American Empire you mean.

While the British Empire was at its peak the French language or even German were more imporant or at least of equal importance.

It's the American influence and their global cultural, economic and military domination what made English the international language.