This is it guys, don't let us down.

The last time the eclipse happened was at the founding of america and it formed america's direction from then until now.

What we meme tonight hard enough becomes the new direction of the new age.

We will have kek come back and take control. We will have Trump take his final form and take control of the united states.
We will have whatever we want if we can meme the state of mentality for america's next age tonight.

Aussies wont be awake so don't let us down. let us wake to a glorious new future.

Other urls found in this thread:,_2016.

inb4 literally nothing happens like every time some retard on here said it was going to

The moon passing in front of the sun does not have mystical properties.


the last time an eclipse happened was in like 1910 retard foh

"Why The Solar Eclipse Must Be Bad For The Jews — Or So Says The Talmud"

Last eclipse was Feb 27, retard...

we're talking about this exact type of eclipse, which only happened at the nations founding.

An interesting fact about other eclipses though, Trump was born under one.


You can't save kek...unless you save the frogs! The frogs are going extinct!

No frogs = no kek...thats simple...

Note. Without the frogs. Who will take over? Anime ROFL??

Let me correct myself. It was Feb 26

This 'type' of eclipse? An eclipse is an eclipse, there's absolutely nothing special about it. It's a natural phenomenon. But go ahead, for the love of kek, stare into the sun, you retarded mongrel.

do not look at the eclipse. watch it on youtube. never look at the sun, no matter what you got on your eyes...

Maybe you should google that before you speak. there are many types of eclipses.

Total eclipse. March 9, 2016. Indonesia.

Your turn...

>what is a total eclipse
c'mon man

Shit's gonna go down like those 2 part eclipes episodes on Heroes
Good episodes desu

>Trump will win.

Guys, before I even knew about the eclipse or Cornell's death, I became obsessed with the song, "Black Hole Sun".

I just couldn't stop playing it over and over, even learned it on guitar.

This song is clearly relevant to this as people keep making links back to it and I just find it so weird that I became entranced with it just weeks before this major event.

>aussies wont be awake
>not staying up to watch the happenings

okay i'll spell it out for you. this is the first time since 1776 that the solar eclipse will be travel the path that makes it visible from only the united states.

In other words, the last time these events happened was in 1776.

This is significant because 1776.

you were entranced because its a good ass song nothing wrong with that


Go back.

I had never listened to it before then and the time it comes up is when this eclipse is about to happen.

I'm maybe thinking too much about it though... It's fitting in with a lot of other stuff happening with me recently.

>Obama will lose

Oh it's the first time it's only visible in the US? Jeezzzz... That's... Oh well... That's super special? How is the US special? The land of immigrants. The Dutch were one of the first to set foot on US soil.

The US is nothing special. Go fuck a hamburger, you piece of shit.

you can blind yourself so just like looking at the sun it should only be done a short time. or through a camera or something.

They've been turning them gay for years in an attempt to subvert the memetic power. If they can make frogs into trannies, by their logic, they can turn Kek into a tranny like they're fag god Baphomet

i wouldnt worry too much, to take your mind off the inevitable larping you should take a listen to the rest of superunknown and check out badmotorfinger
OP is endlessly a giant faggot

Something good will happen

How do you know that?
This is a serious question that you need to ask yourself, and every dogmatic science follower needs to ask themselves.
How do you honestly fucking know that nothing special happens to our minds, bodies, electro magnetic fields, or countless other things.
How can you say without a shadow of a doubt that this event has no mystical properties what so ever?
The answer is you can't.

Settle down toothpaste

Can we just make the West white, beautiful, powerful once more. All those who hate white people can go live in Asia or Africa, even if they are lily white.

>There will be no great happening in your lifetime
>Everything will come and go without fanfare
>When the trumpets sound they will not sound for long
>You will live and die to only see humanity slow to a crawl
>You will not see the end of humanity, nor the renaissance of it
>You will die bored

Sup Forums should have memed "black people with superior melanin can sungaze safely."

I wonder how many terror attacks will happen during this eclipse. What better time to blow up someone for your moongod than during a total eclipse and everyone is clustered and distracted?

I had planned to go to the Charleston confederate memorial for the event but I dont think it will be safe.

Fuck of, yankee

>This exact
We had 2 total eclipses pass over America within a year of each other in the 90s. This is only the first total eclipse of the 21st century

Finally, someone other than me who provides facts.

I want America to be separated into 2 or more countries at this point.

>last time the eclipse happened was at the founding of america
we had one in 79 you jar of stupid
it was on a tuesday
its really a waste of fucking time and too dangerous for the eyes to bother with
>aussies wont be awake
bullshit you pogs shitpost 24/7

Prove that there aren't mystical properties when your mom sucks my dick

Heil Hitler

i suspect toothpaste and some others are here to derail us from memeing anything during this time.

but it's already too late, the happenings will begin soon and the new age doesnt have any room for commies.

google it. or just see

That was a lunar eclipse you massive Dutch faggot, this a total solar eclipse occurring during daylight hours.

the new age begins.

Welcome to the Golden Age fatboyz

Succeed breeds envy, doesn't it.

Heres my shot at it. digits and Trump will Reign over American for 1000 years thanks to technology.

mother fucker I watched an eclipse in 3rd grade, an 32 now. kys

Well said, brother! Today is a very special day.

>tfw even the moon is getting blacked



You mean living in one of the richest Western societies with very little crime, universal healthcare, a good educational system?,_2016. Right. Try again.

You can meme all you want, nothing is going to change. The US will remain a shit hole.

Actually one happened in the 60s as well

that people think it does though is what matters, remember what species you are you miserable little ape, millions have died for less



There's been tons of them


heeess returninnnggg.


That solar eclipse affected other countries as well as the US. This eclipse today will only affect the US which hasn't happened since 1918.. The one before that was 1776.

why are all these shills here suddenly to say its normal?

see or read the thread

>The last time the eclipse happened was at the founding of america and it formed america's direction from then until now.

wut? I remember seeing the eclipse in the 90s. Never one in America happens in 2024. They're not THAT uncommon


Alrighty then... Have we seen significant changes in other countries during or after full solar eclipses? No. What makes this one so 'special'? The US is nothing special.

>be shareblue/ctr
>be told that todays mission is a little different, now we're going to be shilling that the coming eclipse isn't special and doesnt have any memetic powers.

I wonder if it makes you guys start to question reality.

There was an eclipse on the eastern coast of the USA in 1999 I think. I was ten I remember seeing everything outside go dark and running to the window to see.

Fucking disgusting. This roleplay bullsit needs to be banned from Sup Forums

all these shills really make you think.

>The US is nothing special.
keep telling yourself that toothpaste


All that will happen is what has been going on for centuries.

Dracula's castle will appear and you will need to go into it to defeat him.


They don't want us meming its fucking up their own mojo. That gave me an idea...





NASA’s live eclipse programming begins at 12 p.m. EDT, Monday, August 21.

12 p.m. EDT - Eclipse Preview Show, hosted from Charleston, South Carolina.
12 p.m. EDT - Eclipse Preview Show, hosted from Charleston, South Carolina.
Charleston, South Carolina.
Charleston, South Carolina.

>1981 oldest
there was one in 1979
it was a fucking full total fucking eclipse
who are these fucktards who can't do a full fucking search?

The asshat gibering prophecy is in fact correct in one thing: This is the only Eclipse in which the path of totality crosses exclusively the USA. No other nation will see totality. This last occurred in 1776.

Nobody is special. Wait... I mean... Nobody is special except you, ofcourse. The basement dwelling edge lord. The US is a piece of land. With a shitty president. I hope you get nuked by NK someday.


>last occurred in 1776

>The August event will go down as the first total solar eclipse whose path of totality stays completely in the United States since 1776

just stop shills. The new age dawns!



>anyone who points out that "there hasn't been an eclipse since 1776" is a complete fabrication must be a shill
>CTR shills are actually being paid to correct the record on eclipse dates

Are you fucking kidding me?
I'm not some fucking "happeneing" retard. This is a fact.

>be watching Fox News
>Solar Eclipse segment
>Bunch of kids with Frog books
>"Freddie The Frogcaster"
>The book is titled "Flash Floods"
>Didn't believe the happenings until now
>Buckle up Burgers

Toothpaste, this is getting sad.

How many hours until the eclipse? Wondering how long I should stay up to see the habbening

Here's something to read. 1776 wasn't even a total eclipse.

they are literally shilling against basic facts in this thread and you gotta wonder why so many of them are on the job doing that.

They want to prevent the memetics. they're scared.

burden of proof is on your side idiot
