stockholm syndrome plus these people are old people now and they wish they were young again.
All the smart Russians left after USSR collapsed. Only nostalgiafags want the iron curtain back. It's the same shit in East Germany.
Newsflash: Russians are retarded.
Can't blame the Ossis really with the self-hating hellhole that Germany has become.
Russians are dumb fucks. Who knew?
Stalin is the only acceptable communist he purged the trotskyist fags
that's just russians thinking about "good old times". soviet union was nothing like what modern commies think it was, back then all these cucks and fags would be sent to gulags never to be seen again.
well yea, because the ones who didn't have it good back then died.
stalin purged everyone. Hes a literal animal. A testament of how bloodthirsty commies are
because you could go out after 6 pm, women weren't sluts, fags and trannies were killed with no questions, muslims knew their place Stalin had Circassians forcefully moved to turkey, kids weren't a bunch of junkies or retards, space exploration was moving at an incredible pace, first man in space, first orbital station etc people miss that shit not the economic system itself. Now our political opposition consists of literal fags, trannies, feminists and edgy kids. AIDS sky rocketed, birth rates are down etc etc.
>East Germany
I didn't know that it ever fell. It just got rebranded, it now Germany. There are no true Germans anymore, they were killed off when the 3rd Reich fell. Now it nothing but commies and retards
Americans would say the late 80s were also better, despite crime rate being at the highest and crime rate now lower than ever.
This. Nobody wants to return to communism. Those Russians are probably edgy retards like American antifa.
No, its just co.uk claiming one thing with 0 sources provided. Authors come up with some random fiction story and they publish with no resistance. The wholoe article based of some kind of poll with no explanation what so ever.
Literally fake news.
nah edgy retards want pussy riot as a political party and establishing a feminist rule.
probably still the bottom 64% who were starving anyways.
I have an uncle who great up in Ukraine. He loved it, always tells stories about how great the USSR was. I believe him, no reason to lie.
Yeah I guess they can't ask all the ones that died.
That's objectively true. A working class Russian was much better off then than he is now.
and the people who want to return to communism are different to them?
i absolutely believe old people would say life was better for them when they were young, which happens to be the time when they were living under the soviet union.
they're not talking about their economical situation, personal freedom or whatever, it's just about being younger. you will find the same sentiment among old people literally everywhere in the world.
That is not a success of Soviet Union but a failure of Russia. I'm sure they also want Stalinism back? Grain shortage? Unfettered secret police?
What load of crap. Russia today is a paradise compared to Soviet days and post communist 90s.
Those people are old fucks, they're not edgy antifa fags. Their life is much shitter today than it was under communism.
When you kill tens of millions so the communist party can live better than under putin
i wonder whether the baltic countries, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Ukraine proper think "life was better in the Soviet Union than now".
Somehow i doubt it. Shouldn't be a surprise that the nation which was the master and abuser of the other soviet "republics" think it was a swell time back then.
I imagine all those starvation victims might have something to say about that
>inb4 "muh real communism"
They should visit true shitholes in Middle East and Africa. At least Putin doesn't go around stoning women or ban them from driving.
ukranians sure as fuck do now. hitler wanted to use their fertile land to feed entire europe. they did jack shit with it even tho they had 27 years free from the soviet rule.
73% of Germans say life was better in Nazi Germany than now
That just means current russia is just as shit/sittier than a leftist dictatorial regime.
Ask them if they would prefer to live in a capitalist first world country or in the USSR.
Actualy there are a lot of people who think that it was better under communist rule. Workers always had job for example. It didn't even matter how shit you were at your job, you were always guaranteed to have it. A lot of people had a rough awakening in '90 when they went from spending half their time in factory pretending to work and rest of it not even bothering to work to actaly working.
Also you were more or less allowed to steal from work. You were of course punished if you were caught but security was lax as people in charge of it were stealing shit too.
Except the Soviet conditioning that caused him to develop a complex of course
They killed everyone else.
>economy triples in size
> the good old days
These are people that miss when Russia was a super power. It's a patriotic thing, not about actual living standards.
if they didn't say that then they would be shot on the spot or sent to a gulag
Old people are senile. Fucking boomers are same everywhere.
WTF, I hate Russia now!
>AIDS go up
>birthrates go down
>fags and trannies march the streets
>space exploration almost nonexistent
As bad as communism was the Russians weren't ruled by a mafia state like they are now.
Yes beacuse they leeched off every fucking country in USSR you faggot who never experienced that shit
We're not talking that old. 50 year olds aren't senile.
How is that in any way surprising? Every non-russian member of the SU was effectively occupied territory and had to pay massive tributes to russia under the guise of "worker solidarity". Now that russia has to pay for itself, the average russian doesn't get as much free shit, while the russian elites fill their pockets with the exploitation of natural ressources.
To be fair, space exploration was cut short a while before the USSR fell.
Actually, it's the other way around. Younger generation has better opinion of the USSR and comrade Stalin, being immune and unaffected by traitorous CIA lies and subversion of the 80s and 90s.
>i wonder whether the baltic countries, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Ukraine
strongly negative
As positive as Russia
>Czechoslovakia mixed.
>Somehow i doubt it. Shouldn't be a surprise that the nation which was the master and abuser of the other soviet "republics" think it was a swell time back then.
So what? They were our satellite states, for better or for worse. For them, indeed, it wouldn't matter.
Russians we're the niggers of USSR, taking gibs and other shit from everyone around them. How could any sane person like communism, maybe some retard living off their parents money living in white neighbourhood.
Yea, It was great for people who were part of the party, they made a pretty good buck on the suffering of other people.
and now americans waste their money on shit like hiring trannies because Obama cut NASA spendings. Fucking Elon Musk and Indians are more advanced now.
Poor russian kiddo got BTFO by the evil oligarchs and Putin himself, how can he ever recover?
Soviet Union got as much as America gets out of Japan or Afganistan i.e. nothing. One exception is Germany, of course, who paid military reparations for their massive chimpout.
NASA has had their funding cut since like the 80's. Ones they reached the moon a few times it was unpopular with the public to spend too much on it.
Yeah, it was all fun and games, really appreciate their army which came to help suppress the evil plot to reform into social democracy, good times. Today's the anniversary of the start of the occupation, 21. august 1968. The president was good that time, he started loosing the regime, even censorship was totally canceled for a period of time etc. We could've organically change into democratic state, but thanks to these guys we had to wait a few decades more. Seeing 'murican snowflakes wearing hammer and sickle masks just kills me inside.
>Actually, it's the other way around. Younger generation has better opinion of the USSR and comrade Stalin
>nah edgy retards want pussy riot as a political party and establishing a feminist rule.
So what are you really saying here Ivan?
>How could any sane person like communism
jews do. Because they are the ones who get money and power, if you think some average factory worker was rich or even knew what the party does in eustern europe you're dead wrong.
>inb4 assblasted ruskie whines how it was satelite states that leeched of glorious mother russia
Economy recovers after massive collapse in the 90s.
Communist China was 10 times poorer than Russia in the 80s. It is richer than Russia in 2017.
True. Capitalism is the worst possible system. It is basically reduction of all societal functioning to markets run by dumb fucks.
Yeah, and sorry for that.
Water is wet.
The sky is blue.
Russians are retarded.
stop rescuing muslims and then sending them to europe.
>life was better when we were one of the world's two superpowers instead of a regional power
That is fully true, it is more so that Russia nowadays is a total shithole full of corruption rather than the Soviet union being a paradise
Any state of any ideology can have satellite states.
It is you who are wrong here: You hate hammer and sickle because the communist state made you their bitch, not because it is a bad system for a sovereign state.
Mother Merkel says they need more refugees, we're just delivering the parcel.
Greta, now let's ask other nations that were part of soviet union what they think about it.
I'll start. Fuck you and suck cock. You are not bringing this pile of shit here ever again.
>Communist China was 10 times poorer than Russia in the 80s. It is richer than Russia in 2017.
It also switched to capitalism. Shocker.
>back when i was young i felt like life is better
wow imagine my shock
>not wanting to send stuff to russia in exchange for nothing
What are you, some kind of a cuck?
Both countries have undertaken market reforms. China did so under a communist governance, and Russia was ruled by Libshit traitors. Hence, the result.
SU was a Raubwirtschaft, just like Rome, Nazi Germany or modern USA. Russians just really suck at economics, so all that power went nowhere.
>whaaaaa I want free shit
You don't know shit, neighbour.
Soviet popularity is high AND surges among the youngest generations.
Well no shit! Like Putin's rule was ever great lool.
>Life was better when I used to rule 50% of the world
Really makes you think
"Russia was better when USSR was a thing."
- guy who didn't died or starved during USSR
>not because it is a bad system for a sovereign state
>oh let me just replace your job with this chicken grower, he'll surely do a better job than you with a degree, because he kisses party leader butt
>yeah and also you're gonna give that house to this better family because fuck you, here's the keys of your new shed in the garden
>uh-oh and don't even think about the kids going into highschool
In a Communist state, workers pretend to be working while the government pretends to pay them. I hate both Russia and Communism for different reasons.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
>Because every single Russian doesn't have a family who prospered, improved and was safe in the Soviet Union, and just suddenly materialized in 1991.
Poland wasn't part of USSR but it was one of the Warsaw Pact puppet nations.
East Germany is far more conservative than west Germany, you complete retard.
Was was better in the USSR = / = we want the USSR back?
>retards who are either nostalgiafags or kiddos who did not live under communism and are just vidya LARPers miss communism
>whoa! pol just got knocked the fucked out! communism must be enforced!
explain this.
Makes sense, as young people are more open to society changing ideas, since they are not as heavily invested into the status quo and the world seems to be controlled by weak governments that sell their own people to the highest bidder. Naturally people will start to look for ideologies that put community and strong leadership before commercial exploitation. Hence why we have a global resurgance of glorified versions of past systems, like communism and fascism.
Chinese "communists" are communist only in name.
It's more like a mafia state where the ruling elite reaps the most benefits and only way to make your way into that elite is to join the "communist" party.
Where the fuck do u live, youngsters in St Pete and Moscow are very liberal and are ready for a change. Not to mention the fact that they're much more xenophobic than the previous generations due to exposure to muslims from Central Asia and the Caucasus region.
Gotta wait for Putin and the older generations to die out tho
How is that worse? If you dont have markets you end up with a single dumb fuck making decisions. We know its shit but you know what its the best of the shitty options. Every type of centralization allows power to be more centralized. Everything bad about capitalism gets worse.
Only old people it was better. Have you forgot who voted on Trump and Brexit? That's right,
sorry ya poofter, the younger generations are autistic so gotta side with based Finn
Njet Molotoff
St Petersburg is a fag central they just want fag marriage.
It says they thought living standards we're better back then, it's most likely because they were. No aids and they were all respectable world power and less of an alcoholic shithole.
I don't know why the right as a big problem with Communism when Capitalism is just as fucking bad.
>But people died in USSR!!!
People die everyday in america because they can't afford healthcare.
>They wanted to destroy us because we where different!
You wanted to destroy them so you could put people in change that would do your bidding.
Capitalism also causes was, murder, segregation, classicism and is the chosen method of the Jews you hate so much to fuck you in the ass.
The right are just fucking dumb.
ITT people talking about USSR tome not knowing shit of that time. Stop projecting your fantasies, guys, from the point of view of me (born in 1976) you look ridiculous.
Well, get your shit together, Russia. Every problem you just listed could be addressed better if your government officials tried to fix them instead of stealing the money.
Here are some proofs for you, fool. I'm savoring liberashka tears.
>People below the age of 24 approve of Stalin the most.
>77% do.
Can't wait for you traitorous old farts to die out so that we can finally put Russia on the right Communist track.
I have no problem with gay marriage
They should be prohibited from adopting kids tho