"That's too bad." edition
Top-tier guided missile destroyer of the 7th Fleet unable to detect 600 foot oil tanker before getting rammed by it.
All this winning. American navel power has the rest of the world shaking with terror.
"That's too bad." edition
Top-tier guided missile destroyer of the 7th Fleet unable to detect 600 foot oil tanker before getting rammed by it.
All this winning. American navel power has the rest of the world shaking with terror.
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This would have never happened to an armored ship.
Bring back Battleships !
north korea better start building oil tankers if they wana win ww3
You can make jokes all you want but the US navy is still the greatest naval power ever conceived, and the reason many countries aren't fucking invading and attacking us and our allies right now
>600 ft oil tanker
>unable to see it
What is happening to the american navy?
I really need some insight, can't you just stick your head out of the ship and see that fucking gigantic boat before it hits you? Couldn't the oil tanker do the same? Fucking ships how do they work
>Top-tier guided missile destroyer of the 7th Fleet unable to detect 600 foot oil tanker before getting rammed by it.
I guess it wasn't guided very well
10 sailors missing, about the same injured, 4 serious but non-life threatening.
> USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) is an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer in the United States Navy. She is part of the Seventh Fleet, and she has her homeport at the Yokosuka Naval Base in Yokosuka, Japan. She is part of Destroyer Squadron 15.
Second time in about 7 weeks that warships specifically fitted with the state-of-the-art sensors get rekt by commercial ships. An Arleigh Burke-class destroyer should know the location and travel vectors of just about every fish with 10 nautical miles.
What. The. Fuck.
How are you 'unable to detect' an oil tanker?
Do these faggots not have eyes?
maybe it was mistake to allows faggos in the navy
at least it want a lighthouse this time ;) KEK
If I had to guess, these ships are being paid to do this
Well we already knew that John McCain was a total shipwreck, but what`s with two of these in a row now in a quick succession?
(I know it`s not that McCain but I had to make that joke.)
They always say it was a technical problem when the fact is that warships think that everyone else should make space for them and play game of chicken.
Happens all the time.
Holy shit are we supposed to be scared of the US navy? So were all your "battleships" and "aircraft carriers" just a paper tigers after all?
Man, I'm starting to think we all just fell for American propaganda that their army is actually good. They can't beat fucking ISIS, they couldn't win in Vietnam, they couldn't win in Korea, they couldn't win in Afghanistan. So much for that!
China is gonna fucking steamroll you fatfucks, lmao
best case scenario tbqh
>unable to detect
Sure. I'm guessing this ship also just happened to completely change course and head straight into the destroyer like the last one? And it has dubious ownership as well?
is this part of the fire and fury of drumpf?
happened just before dawn too
>be the Netherlands
>surrender to Germany in 3 days
>talk shit 70 years later
>utter retards becoming officers through ROTC while better qualified non-ROTC candidates rejected
>utter retards becoming officers because the military loves affirmative action and doesn't like white men
>disasters happen frequently
>Diversity is our STRENGTH
>let niggers and women run and command your ships
>act surprised when some dumb bitch is too busy blabbing about food to notice a massive oil tanker coming your way
>10 sailors die to your incompetence
>get awarded a medal for being a woman
>men who died were misogynists anyways
I dont know why the media is hyping this up. Ship accidents happen all the time, always have. We had at least 4 a year in the 7th back in 12-16. No idea why it's big media hype now.
Sounds like the media is trying to downplay out naval strength in order to provoke our enemies into attacking us..
God damn Chiners ramming our ships!
What's got me sitting here with my mouth hanging open in disbelief is not that there was "some accident" with navy ships at sea. It is specifically that both these ships (the McCain and the Fitzgerald) are fitted with several billion dollars worth of the most advanced detection gear ever invented in the history of humanity. Literally, NOTHING is better on any ship anywhere, period.
It shouldn't be possible for a warship of this class to be within a mile of another ship and not be on full proximity alert. These are fucking warships that have one mission: be fucking aware of EVERY FUCKING THING out to the horizon and 30 miles beyond. That is their function, the entire rest of the fleet depends upon these ships, and their crews, being able top perform that function every single second of every minute of every day.
Look at the pictures: the McCain was broadsided in a perfect "T" collision.
>.5 Yuan has been deposited to your account windmill-fucker
the ship has brain cancer as bad as mcstain the songbird does
That's what happens when your ships are full of niggers and women
that would be eggroll
with six you get eggroll
The same way the titantic couldn't detect the iceberg. i.e. they saw it and thought "fuck it, let's keep going"
(you) are a lying sack of shit. Neither of the commercial ships involved can change course in under about a mile. They are huge, heavily loaded and just plain don't have the engine power for it. They might as well be gigantic trains on rails with no way to make any significant course alterations.
An Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, on the other hand, has the engine power and other maneuverability to turn and stop and reverse course with very little notice.
The captain and crew were literally asleep at the wheel for this to happen.
>that's too bad
>attacking us and our allies right now
> allies
You mean subjects?
Free countries have Free speech, something the occupying power is unable to grant the enemy civilians.
Reminder that McMaster and Kelly kept information from Trump who didn't learn about it until the press screamed at him.
>that warships think that everyone else should make space for them and play game of chicken.
With Oil-tankers?
You just don't redirect that momentum.
>malasyian sea traffic controllers
fucking slims
search string "uss john s mccain that's too bad"
But, you already knew that.
Oh yeah we're blocking your free speech by doing training exercises with you via NATO
Fucking retard. Your politicians are the ones fucking you up the ass, not us
Probably true if it's running Windows for Warships. Is having actual people on watch considered too ableist nowadays?
Try larping harder Pajeet/Truong van Gay
>why is it news that one of our highly advanced warships couldn't see a fucking huge oil tanker?
Leave the EU and stop electing Marxists
>and the reason many countries aren't fucking invading and attacking us and our allies right now
No one is invading anyone else as it is bad for business.
these are orchestrated by china to learn about the composition of american hull armor for ships
I mean if these ships WANTED to shoot back, these would likely never happen. nothing would come within a mile without getting sunk
Yup. This is what I blame it on 100% as well.
We're handing over billions of equipment to people unqualified to drive a tugboat.
Lazy faggot kikes that just run off their checks. Not doing anything to help the navy at all, Also dumb niggers.
>10 sailors missing
How do people go missing? Were they thrown off the side of the ship and nobody noticed?
>he doesn't even know about the Jew World Order that controls the USA which controls Europe
it's alright user, we'll just have to approve $100 billion more dollars in spending to upgrade all our ships
Sometimes you guys a truly reddit tier, yes all these advanced missile destroyers are actually hitting cargo ships. This was more likely a black op that went wrong.
Probably sleeping or working under deck; they're most likely dead but they haven't publicly admitted it yet.
please don't tell me you took this Onion satire serious?
it just means they had a role call and 10 didn't report in.
Which means they are either dead, smashed into the bulkheads, or were thrown off somehow
Do you think those "missing" sailors have actually been kidnapped?
Russianbro said it and its a fact, warships dont change course for NOONE. BAHAHAHAAH
Fucking igiots.
>shit from the 80s
we are embarrassing our selves, the fuck are we doing using these old ass ships. Along with the old detection and radar systems, our jets radar systems don't even work.
>please don't tell me you took this Onion satire serious?
Can't you see it's funny because it's true?
Why the fuck isn't there an automatic collision warning
Sometimes i wonder
Can't tell of satire or not any longer...
You guys name ships after people? And living ones to boot? Why would you do that?
They don't fail to detect it. They just expect it to move for them. That's the entire basis behind that US Ship v Lighthouse joke.
They like it better.
um no sweetie x it's "ingot". Thank you.
Reminds me of an old joke.
This is the transcript of an radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland.
US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
They probably locked in flooded compartments.
If your legs stuck in cables or you just not fast enough and compartment is flooding no one will hold the hatch for you.
Maybe it is a secret Chinese weapon that can blind all the US navy know sensors.
Again? Seriously?
Best BB, fàm.
>military invasion instead of cultural subversion and economic warfare
what is this, 1812?
Japanese tower ships are so fucking /aesthetic/
Just testing the new stealth warship, it works like a charm, that tanker never saw it coming.
Based tandpasta bringing the bants.
Unfortunately this is more likely the result of affirmative action hiring policies and a breakdown in cohesion is the US armed forces.
Russians have perfected the EMP. They can completely turn off all electronics on your ship any time they want. The ship is then blind and out of control. It will drift until it crashes into something.
A wooden deck!
Your an idiot, do you really think the US navy doesn't use hardened electronics. Shiiiieeettttttt what are you 12
You are now aware that these aren't accidents and that they're actively testing our perimeters.
There ahould be a limit how much drugs us navy may daily take whilst at sea
This is an entirely new technique. Classic hardening is useless against it.
There's a GPS service that ships use that shows you the location of all blue water vessels on the planet simultaneously in real time
So how in the fuck can this happen
>Leave the EU and stop electing Marxists
Not EU members, and not electing Marxists is a matter of having a free press.
The Norwegian press follow the American script when it comes to every war, including the ones against racist Nazis, so it's rational that the burger alphabet soup control the rest as well.
It's the same in Germany, but they are treated even more as enemy civilians you need to genocide.
Not even the commies genocided people so they should not rise up against their hegemony or take revenge.
The exterminated can't take revenge or rise up, right?
Why would anybody want to attack or invade usa?
Or any other country, if not lunatics in gov. Or jews.
They were busy with a Transvestite Fashion Show...
They got no-time for boring shit like Navigation and shit...
>military ship that can detect ships from hundreds of kilometers away
>can move around commercial ships hours beforehand to ensure they won't see you
>hundreds upon hundreds of kilometers of clear waters around you
>get rammed by one single fuckhuge tanker
This is the equilevant of crashing into the one single tree in a desert.
Its actually not designed to detect close range targets. As any military ship.
I am telling you, it was a top secret stealth ship, they were testing detection.
>"It came outta nowhere!!"
t. chinese tanker captain
They probably never heard about lookouts. You know, Mk1 Eyeball.
>Not even the commies genocided people
Stalin starved an entire Ukrainian ethnic group to extinction during world war 2. The United States has it's flaws but it has a better shot than anything else going on right now.
>civ ship turns on autopilot and turns on netflix
> Mil ship turns on autopilot and turns on netflix
Ban netflixs!!!
Exactly the entire point. This should have been impossible in the literal definition of the word.
Bridge crew was sleeping. Entire tactical ops was asleep.
Obongo fagged up the military to the point where it's a joke outside of special ops troops. The navy is just a bunch of faggots, trannies, and welfare sluts that get pregnant to get out of deployments.
Onion can no longer be satire - the world is so far gone it looks like the truth.
Literally the most retarded post ITT so far, and (you) have notable competition.
Gotta be right, far too many """""""""coincidences"".