During Summer we get tons of Tourists from the UEA who pretty much all look like third worlders but are loaded as fuck
The tension is high
Like a bomb is about to explode
Educate this ignorant burger on what a "pedestrian zone" is
Like a sidewalk or a public plaza?
ignorance is bliss
it's best left a mystery
a street with shops and restaurants as houses
No car allowed streets, usually in the hystoric city centers
An area with cafes, shops, clothing stores,restaurants, etc. but most of them are expensive.
>vertical filming
typical white trash
It's a zone where cars aren't allowed to dictate urbanism and to bother humans. You should try it.
meanwhile in the center of Cracow:
More like pedastry-an zone, amirite?
>criticising anything that has to do with technology
Looks better than the uk
East Germans
You can be part of Poland if you don't want to have more and more immigrants
East Germans you will be welcome if you want.
This is bad because the guy may go to jail for racism
Your ancestors all fought and died for nothing. They bleed into the ground, they endured the most horrific pain, the most terrible conflicts face to face. And their offspring spit on their graves and handed their nations over to people who hate what they built.
You dishonored your ancestors, and destroyed yourselves.
I was in Munich 2 summers ago. The oddest thing I saw was some Arabic guy with this t-shirt of a vagina... a giant, flubbery, stubbly vagina.
And he was walking around escorting 7 women in full black burqas with everything but their eyes covered.
it's the other way around
Daily reminder. Close all borders east of Germany.
ahahahahah litterally laughing stock of EU
At which city though?
I live in Luton, the highest paki population, yet when I go to the town centre, I still see a shit-tonne of whites.
yeah, what a pathetic bunch
my family are ethnic 'Germans' from Eastern Europe, grew up in communism and they are all redpilled
Westerners in general and especially West Germans are mentally ill really
yeah, what a pathetic bunch
my family are ethnic 'Germans' from Eastern Europe, grew up in communism and they are all redpilled
Westerners in general and especially West Germans are mentally ill really
Utterly depressing. There's not enough Zyklon B in the entire world to fix this shit
I never got to visit Germany before the Caliphate established itself.
I hate this.
Whats wrong with this? Enjoy the diversity instead of hate...
Lol shill, you imported 1 MILLION of them. Who fucking cares about tourists. That's a drop in the bucket
It's a place where the migrants hack you to death ,instead of running you over, after they rape your women.
I don't even notice it anymore. The cities are full with saracens. Shouldn't be a problem though sicne our women are of very domestic nature and historically very loyal.
whos streets?
It's like a corporate stripmall without a parking lot and near a downtown part of a city. Closest thing I can think of is Kansas City's country club plaza, given it's a replica of a Spanish city.
On the bright side just take a look at this Germanic Aryan motherfucker holy shit I bet he's like 6'7 and could goose step faster than a mcdonalds drive thru during rush hour
Essentially, it's a place where muslims are required to be on foot if they want to kill you.
When you can't even film your own city, because everyone realize you're trying to document the absolute madness, there is a fucking problem
United Arab Emirates
Also home to the city of Dubai
Muslims from here aren't half as bad as muslims from Africa and shittier countries in the Middle East
Hitler tried to stop this, now we must embrace the diversity we fought for
this map is outdated
current map pic rel
I fuckin hate the West, we really fucked ourselves by giving into liberals and niggerdom
>You dishonored your ancestors, and destroyed yourselves.
our ancestors brought this shit up in the first place by starting two wars they couldnt win.
You can play where's Waldo with the native Germans as Waldo.
Fucking this. I need to check out Scandinavia before Sweden's influence spreads.
When I see someone doing that I want to slap the phone out of their hand
why do i come here? it just depresses me further.
>tfw no mega xenophobic native gf to berate foreigners and cucked whites with
Take away their oil and you'l see.
It's the same thing everywhere, Netherlands in 2015.
The fucking jews must be punished.
wake up
Germany voted for this
Vor Deutschland!
>start and lose 2 world wars
>kill tens of millions of innocent people
>still expect being allowed to survive
I see a diverse group of humans but no humanity on Sup Forums, one day all you bigots will be educated or left behind. Nazis, right wingers, KKK & white supermarkists have no place in our world.
University of East Anglia?
hey, at least other countries are done as well and they're ancestors did not start two WWs
You know there's some enriched white bitch in the background cursing him for documenting the birth of new Somalia
I went in the 80's. It was legitimately beautiful. I mean that. So was france. You'll never know what Europe was like again.
>Muslims from here aren't half as bad
Some of the most elitest, snooty, limp wristed faggots come from Dubai. I went to a tech school and this one kid had a gold painted mustang. No one liked them because they pretty much own the school so its perfectly fine for them to cheat. Also they throw cigarette butts everywhere.
You can be a Pole in your future
You are welcome. We can polonize you and Poland could be your country
West Germany is over ( in the future )
>guy filming is as tall as a shitskin woman
absolute manlet
Nothing to worry about friend. When they're the majority I'm sure the niggers and muslims will treat us with the same respect and kindness we've shown them.
This makes me feel a little less bad about how we're getting browned. Our browns are better than Islam browns. It's still fucked though.
Absolutely repulsive.
>Implying Merkel hasn't already gotten rid of that evil nazi
>start and lose 2 world wars
>kill tens of millions of innocent people
>many of those whom you killed and eventually stopped you are fucked as well
>you can still leave at any moment
You can only do so much with welfare. If Krauts are voting Merkel en masse and these people are actually employed (or most at least) its because some Krauts are using them as cheap labor.
Thats the fun part, because even if its true, sooner or later German worker wages will drop. That when the shitstorm begins because Krauts never really faced such a problem.
I was in Munich till a couple of days ago. My hotel was in Goethe strasse. Little did I know, it was also near a Turkish/African enclave. Jesus Christ, there was a betting point that was full to the brim with Africans, I never saw that many
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Those are the upper class people from Saudi arabia, VAE, Katar, etc., who come to munich over the summer, because they want to escape the heat at home. They don't live here permantly.
So it has been in South Africa, we can rest easy
What'she wrong? It isn'the Germany anymore. If the population demography changes to this level of immigration say good bye to your heritage. You'll start importing heritage from their country of origin. So you don't care about European culture, it'seems people and their right to sovereignity?
what are even trying to say?
is Oman a shitty country?
>they fell for the deserts are habitable meme
They don't even have sewers, and truck the shit out each day.
germany should change it's name
to muslimany since no one there is german any more
their entire culture has been ripped from them
>this is what germans actually believe
Still not as bad as my hometown of Dearborn, Michigan. I didn't even see signs in Arabic all over the place.
How's the middle eastern people diversity? They all share the same Islamic culture.
well that's nice to hear
I plan to go to some former Spanish colony though
pretty sure you'll have enough by the time all the Germans who have one Polish parent or grandparent have arrived
I nominate Germany for the European Cuck Championship of 2017.
>There was some white person at some point who thought "It will be absolutely marvelous to bring in hordes of niggers and allah"
+ Galicia borders
in map
can confirm i was in amsterdam for a couple of days in 2013 it was terrible
t. inhabitant de Estados Unidos
wow, the camera man is white. what a racist nazi.
can't he see that this is why people visit Germany? To experience all the vibrant non-German foreign culture.
You do realise they'll all leave, right?
Merkel specifically said that once Syria has been fixed, they'll all be deported back...
We're still the most cucked Muslim country in Europe. Look at Bury Park, kek.
They should both secede and just re-form Prussia, relearn the Baltic language of their ancestors.
yeah they are Hans, yes they are ...
Area with very restricted vehicle access to encourage people on foot to wander and spend. Usually only allows access to goods vehicles for shops in the area during limited off-peak hours.
What would happen if we hacked the German TV network and played this?
literally northern Africa.
that it has nothing to do with the world wars
England and France were on the winning side on both and look what shitholes they have become