Is western civilization even salvageable at this point?
Is western civilization even salvageable at this point?
Don't ever post that picture again.
you dun goofed
Not with any means that we have at our disposal. Maybe not even with the emergency means.
You cant unrot an apple user
It hurts me too, but it's important to see why we must become how we will become.
>Christcucktianity = western civilization
If that's what your line of thinking is the answer is no, Christianity is dead and it's about fucking time
If your question is western civilization (which Christianity has fuckall to do with) your answer would be it all depends on what happens with Trump
Personally I think we will go more or less isolationist and Europe is dead regardless, but that's a bit too blackpill imo
What the fuck is wrong with you
Ireland has crazy antifa tier leftists, like everywhere else, biggest fucking deal
Nope.Only Greeks and Polish have a small chance to survive.The rest are doomed
Yes, in one generation no more lgbtqxyz and shit.
Sage PLS!!! this is the most disrespectful thing i have ever seen
I thought that Ireland was still catholic feel sad
>no room for you're
Bump because people need to know the truth user
How can we change when we don't know what's wrong?
burn the witches
may the Malleus maleficarum rule once again over Europe ...
You know all of them are going to hell
>If your question is western civilization (which Christianity has fuckall to do with)
Of course not.
Marxism is destroying every community from the inside. We as western society must protect ourselves against marxist indoctrinations and Islam ideology. Those values tries to control people with fear, shame and violence. Crushing every form of 'The Self, The Individual. They see you nothing more then a slave or a nonbeliever. Because of absent of a better alternative, is Christianity our only barrier to protect ourselves against marixsm and the Islam. Christianity can unite people together as a group with Christian values, values what the western society is build on. Without Christianity the western society as we know it would collapse and marxism and the Islam has room to take its place instead. Don't be foolish to think you can fight those ideologies alone with only believing in yourself. They are united with many and you stand no chance against them or us Christians.
There never was much hope
Just a fools hope
just a warning , i got a feeling all those ppl disrespecting the symbolic cross in that pic are going to die a horrible death and definitely go to hell...unless they repent
You're going to become a beaner country because you're way worse of demographically than Europe. Trump will do nothing to stop that, amerifat cunt.
I'm starting to think that either an extreme right wing faction will have to take power and exterminate the commies, or an extreme commie faction will take power and exterminate everybody else.
Nominally yes, but from everything I've heard the combined weight of the sex-scandals, secularising populace and overly strict quasi-Calvinist Church leaders in the past have made the Irish some of the most anti-clerical people in Europe.
I don't even care about a bunch of faggy people being obnoxious but disrespecting a religious symbol like that is one of the worst things a person could do. They should be arrested for vandalism.
Whats wrong is spiritual death user. We dont believe in anything greater than ourselves anymore. Religion was killed by its own quest for truth.We have ideologies but they divide nations into bitter civil conflict. Even if one gained power it probably couldnt exterminate the other.
Maybe once islam conquers europe it will stabilize, but the biological damage that does would probably turn us into an extension of the middle-east
Holy fuck this makes me so angry.
If I were in Dublin my squad would have to hold me back from going ham on these niggas.
>A literal rainbow noose around Christ.
My anger knows no bounds
Thanks OP. saved for the lulz.
Neo Sodom
Hilarious to see the kike worshippers kvetsch at that pic.
>waaa the goyim don't fall for our lies anymore. send them to hell YHWE
I'm so angry
You and your neckbeard crew, weeblard?
can't wait for Conor to get his ass handed to him
>tfw just noticed that it
When did it all go SO wrong
Why are fags so loud why do I have to hear about them 24/7 when they're 2% of the population
Islam will literally mow these creatues down
I'm literally going to support this as much as I can because of how much it upsets you two. Holy fuck your tears are delicious.
Same as I was happy to see Trump crush Hillary because of how much it upset those liberal asshole celebrities.
Press 'E' for europeans fighting back against the eternal jew.
There's no point to salvaging western civilization.
Embrace Barbarism and Tribal confederacy. It is the future
Jesus wept
There's nothing civilized about organized religion, my dude.
Seriously I know you're Australian and your whole shtick is "le ebin shitpost" but just kys. There are some things you don't joke about. I am actually angry. You're lucky we aren't in the same room together actually: thank Bill Gates for inventing the internet so that you can behind behind your monitor and spam nihilistic shitposting like the absolute coward you are. Our society is collapsing around us and all you care about is my "tears." Go FUCK yourself you retard.
>Embrace Barbarism and Tribal confederacy. It is the future
lol, just when youre enemies have rockets, fighter jets and nuclear bombs.
>muh sacred grove
>muh paga-jism
fpbp, we are as salvageable as Rome before its fall
>They are the choosen people
>this is like another shoah
Cry me a river.
What's his endgame user? Is he, dare I say, /ourfag/?
You do know he's part of your religion too, yes?
So did I.
This photo almost made me cry.
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay or mocking these devoutly religious people.
Jesus freaks are the selfish ones. They do good deeds only because they believe they will be rewarded in heaven. Athiests do good deeds because they are good people.
Why doesn't the allmighty jew step in to stop this shit? Why does he still pretend to not exist?
How do explain the persecution of Jew by Christian from the end of the Roman Empire to the Protestant reformation , and german pagan tolerate Jew in contrary to Christian at this time .
No. It's going to degenerate into feudalism instead of collapsing all at once but new civilizations will rise afterwards.
T. Styx
Reminder that the US went to war against the Europeans because their jewish religious overlords told them to.
>Jew by Christian from the end of the Roman Empire to the Protestant reformation
They didn't. The catholic church was the official defense force of the jews. It was a crime to fight back the jews.
Wow, great story. 'We literally bullied an old woman against her belief in good, and got the whole town larping as body-snatchers. She was literally forced into being a 1980s faggot.'
Do you know a lot of atheist who did good deed ? Do you know an atheist who give up is entire fortune and future for help the poor ?
Even if they are doing this only to go to heaven , you can criticize people ,who do something like this :( .
I think it's generally acceptable now to say Jesus was a gay man himself -
> 30
> no kids
> hangs with 12 dudes all the time having dinner parties n shit
> best friend is a prozie
Why does YHWH always command the gentiles to serve the choosen people?
>Do you know a lot of atheist who did good deed ?
Is this a joke? The categorical imperative beats every kikestain commandment and is only based on the benevolence of the european folk.
>Even if they are doing this only to go to heaven , you can criticize people ,who do something like this
Correct you can. Doing good to go to heaven is egoistical. Doing good because you are good is of course foreign to jews and their pawns
Please do you know à litle bit of history , did you heard about the persecution of Jewish in wisigoth Spain , the expulsion of Jew in France , Spain . The fact that Portugal have expelled all Jew but keep their children to make them catholic so tolerant people . Make me think a lot .
>They do good deeds only because they believe they will be rewarded in heaven.
Strong knowledge of the Bible. Christians don't believe in salvation by works.
Do you have an atheist that you can compare to Francois d'assise( the creator of franciscains) ? I will be happy to hear.
this just prove that germany is land of satan and deserve to be bombed again
You fuckers are such whiny cunts. Nothing wrong here. Except gay dudes need to stop pretending their men and just dress like bitches already.
In term of self sacrifice for the poor
They're laughing now, they'll be crying later.
>thread filled with deus vult larpers and christ cucks
toplel. fucking white people. pure cringe
>Is western civilization even salvageable at this point?
Just let it burn, vote for the most pozzed party available, accelerate the societal decay so we won't be tormented forever and ever
what about slavic countries? They didn't expell the Jews
Jew collaborateur wants to destroy Europe. What else is new?
George H.W Bush / Bill Clinton / George W. Bush
Conservatives losing the pop culture war and being made to look like retards by Fox News, Mainstream Media, Music industry and Hollywood for decades unchallenged.
wow that would have really hurt if a white person said it
Nope, it's time for you to leave. Go start a new country full of scumbags so we can nuke you.
Having problems with pride parades is justified when you see what some of the parades are like. I guarantee there was no old woman there though. Just a bunch of narcissistic snowflakes looking for attention. The main reason I didn't come out as bisexual is because I don't want to be associated with people like this.
How many churches are in Greece? How many wards are there in Utah? The answer may surprise you. We're going to be just fine malaka
Honnestly i do not know a lot about Slavic country :( , but you had a lot of Jew.but Jew in Spain or France were remainder of the Roman Empire which was not in Slavic country . When did you start accepting Jew in Poland ?
>christfags do good deeds only because they elieve they will be rewarded in heaven
>atheists do good deeds to virtue signal how good they are
This. America will fall and then everywhere else will plunge off a cliff as the new global hegemony starts supporting our growing non-whites pluralities, maybe even majorities at that point.
There's no hope really. Fabians won.
How many people actually attend church regularly there though?
Greece is filled with churches yet only the old go to them, religion here has been commercialized to the point of idolatry
With savage beatings.
Yes, just wait. We have thousands of years of history repeating itself.
Meant to reply to
My country is surprisingly high on that chart
>haha le meme army will show them XD
We still believe.
The selfie stick is great! The selfie stick is good!
Can Muslims please take over wetsern europe and america already ?
I honestly believe Islam will fall to liberal western degeneracy as well. You already see the beginnings.
Church isn't for the youth, they should be skeptical. I'm 41 and am just now seeing the importance of religion in societal terms. A better way to ask is how many mosques are in Greece?
The 2 countries that deal with them coming off the boats say they make the place worse. Other countries in Europe should probably take note.
Nah the muslims they're importing will do all the dirty work
22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”
23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”
25 The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.”
But Rome never recovered, the Arabs never recovered, the greeks never did either and neither did the umayyads
Every time a Civilization reaches the age of decay, it usually gets conquered by a new, morally strong and ambitious but non-established people
Who's time is it to shine now?
It's been doomed for ages financially hasn't it?
We are based on debt. Our governments are owned by banks. They can't bring in mass immigrants without it collapsing to a mix of welfare burden, civil unrest or demographic change. They can't cut off immigrations as native people don't have the capacity to take on enough debt to keep the banks afloat. We are just kicking the can down the road at this point. I'm not even sure what options are open outside of eradicating bank dynasties.
>The four men convicted of her murder were released as part of the Truth and Reconcilitiation process
What the fuck is that ? Let niggers kill whites and get away with it so their nigger friends don't riot ?
That's right. Demons are real and they hunt the antisemites. Only Rabbi Noseberg's magic jew can save you. Only 10% of your lifetime earnings.
Indulgences not included.
I think it's just one in Athens and it hasn't even been established properly
Thrace however is basically lost, it's just turks who can speak Greek and if we are lucky, pay taxes
There aren't mosques in other locations as much as I'm aware of
It all got fucked in 1922
In South Africa demons walk openly