This shit is unbelievable. These people live in another reality.
Meet new American Underdogs, fighting for freedom
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares. They are all going camping sooner rather than later. They are like cornered rats right now.
I never thought I would see the left embrace corporatism.
This is literally 1984.
>pre-Donald Trump
We hate the 1%!
>post-Donald Trump
We love the 1%!
This country needs to be reset
Dems 2016: the corporations don't pay enough taxes
Dems 2017: the corporations have our best interests
>Everybody in the world is left wing except for Cia-Nazi retard-ops
>5 minutes later
>"wait nm they agree with us, it's ok now that they're behaving morally :^)"
Fighting for freedom... the freedom to not hear opinions they disagree with
Neoliberalism is finally reaching its final state, which is total domination by transnational multicorporate enterprises supported by so called leftist socialist. Just like they supported a Rothschild banker in France. The world is upside-down. Nazis are the new commies LMAO.
what a world
I read Art Technica today about the corporate world outright Unpersonning wrong-thinkers.
About one-third (the actual liberals) were pretty worried (hidden behind 3 paragraph about how they hate Nazis), and the rest applauded.
Basically, the Daily-Stormer shenanigans turned radical Leftists into the Ancap memeball overnight.
>NYT is not the left
>I call other people retard
I'm not a commie, I'm a Nationalist and even I recognize that corporatism needs to FUCK OFF.
We aren't their god damned slave labor.
Looks like the are not hiding it anymore. Straight up corporate fascism.
Wow I remember a time when the left was anti-corporate because they recognized that multi-nationals will say and do anything to make a profit.
I feel old :(
When are people going to grow some bollocks and go after the media? Stop fighting the left leaning versions of yourselves on the streets and start fighting against the ones that brainwashed your fellow Americans. Destroy their buildings, hang their anchors. If ignorance is not an excuse for the law then it shouldn't be an excuse for spreading anti American propaganda. Individualism has been instilled in the public to keep them from making the ultimate sacrifice in the fight against freedom.
How the fuck do leftists reconcile this with their beliefs? Like do they not see that according to their Marxist models the corporations should be AGAINST antifa and BLM? Looks like Marxist dialectics fails again
I used to despair at American liberals, "how can they not see their constant hypocrisy!?" I'd wonder.
Now I just dispassionately loathe them.
Making them look at only themselves is impossible, they *have* to compare themselves to others in a "oh but yooou!" sense.
No other ideology today is more deserving of ending, others have a longer and more destructive history but at least can have a fucked up consistency. American liberalism is just moral prostitution.
>anti American propaganda.
>ultimate sacrifice in the fight against freedom.
why are commies always so autistic?
>he isnt willing to sacrifice himself to help stop people hell bent on destroying america
Top cuck
>Desecration of USA flag
They aren't even subtle about being anti-American anymore.
I bet none of their readers even know anything about US flag code.
corporations are the most civilized organizations man has ever produced.
My nigga
They're not orthodox marxist, they're trotskyite-gramscian deviation that formed a deliberate strategy of cultural/political subversion and taking power not through direct violent overthrow (Leninism) but slow patient infiltration.
Now when the mission is complete and they have all the power they need - full communism can be implemented.
wtf I like corporations now
It's almost as if (((they))) control the boleshiviks.
I also listen to Mike Enoch.
im pretty sure those rules only apply to an actual flag and not something that wasn't originally created to be a flag ie t-shirts and shit.
all I know is reading this thread makes me proud of my fellow anti-globalist, anti-corporate slavery Sup Forumsacks, reaffirming to me every day that I'm on the right side of history.
Jia yo!
Well you may have crushed all small businesses, put a stranglehold on the industries stopping anyone from being able to compete with you and skimped out on paying taxes and good wages. But you say You like black people and gays so I guess that's ok
The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.
WTF I hate America now. Burn the flag. Fly the flag upside down. Spit and stomp on the flag. That is the symbol of modern progress.
Wrong user, the only thing you are pretty sure about is that you were never taught US flag code.
By (((David Gelles))). Literally every single time.
"No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart."
is it okay to have the flag on a shirt?
It's a violation of the flag code and considered disrespectful.
This was their plan ALL ALONG!
corporations can't have morals they have interests and the bottom line
so your saying that on this board that you willingly participate in is in violation of the us flag code, seeing how the little flag next to your id isn't at the top of the page and to the left of and above every other flag?
This leftist gets it. This shit is exactly why Stalin purged the Jews and Gramsci got imprisoned. Much more insidious than Stalins bootheel of the state
Fuck the flag and fuck trump!
yeh this guy gets it
No, I was not saying that. Your ignorance does not make me wrong, it just makes you ignorant.
Best part is so many leftists will agree with this because they hate trump. Trump is breaking them so hard he is forcing them to expose how m hypocritical they are.
Trump really does make liberals go infuckingsane
I'm certain that none of them will be corrupted by the power and lifestyle and happily return to a life in a factory and a small house.
No wonder Stalin had that cunt brained.
so t-shirts are bad but the board flag is ok?
just trying to figure out where you draw the line, oh educated one.
wtf i love the merger of corporate and state power now
>Corporate masters are the moral compass of the nation's Human Resources, and it's beautiful.
t. Corporate Media
This is the USA flag code. Go read it and interpret it for yourself retard.
Or are you incapable of doing either?
Modern indoctrinated child.
Fuck off there are foreign immigrants who know more and care more about the United States than you do. You take everything for granted and don't even respect your own country, how pathetic.
>This shit is exactly why Stalin purged the Jews and Gramsci got imprisoned.
Exactly. Stalin knew this scum better than anyone in the world, the level of pure satanic deviousness these people represent is frankly staggering. They may not look threatening, they may present "good arguments", make jokes, seem like decent folks who just want to do good, but make no mistake - this is pure evil that will devour the civilization in a second if they have chance.
Kill. Kill them all. This is the only way. Level to the ground all their institutions, erase them from history, bury it a mile deep - and only then you'll have a chance. Stalin didn't finish the job and they got away, you see the result. Don't repeat our mistakes or you're doomed.
I'd take a kike over a commie faggot any day. Fuck off.
so you wont explain your argument and i should just keep using my own interpretation of how the flag code only applies to actual flags and not stamps or photographs
It's pretty clear that commies like you are useful idiots for corporations, just like you were it for the Soviet Union in the past.
>Are flags on T-shirts, ties, etc., really flags?
Yes. According to the Flag Code, a flag is anything "by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag."
The Flag Code states that the flag should never be worn. (Section 8d): "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel."
What do I have to explain? Do you want a factchecker website like to say FALSE. Clinton did not acid wash her email server. She used software called bitbleach to securely erase all data after receiving the court ordered subpoena.
You think some shitty website with pictures and facts on it is more credible than interpreting the source material? That's how people are so easily manipulated today. They identify with authority instead of merit. They don't interpret anything on their own so you tell them what is right or wrong, or how to think.
I could easily put up a website and say: Wearing USA flags on Tshirts is perfectly acceptable. White supremacists and racist nazis actually hate america, and try to oppress your freedom of expression. Why else would they be angry with AN AMERICAN wearing an AMERICAN FLAG in AMERICAN? Message to white people: SHIRTS ARE NOT FLAGS WHITE PEOPLE.
Yet if you would simply stop reading bias shit and interpret meaning and intentions on your own, you wouldn't be so easily susceptible to opinion shapers.
>people think corporations actually care about politics and don't just see a trend to make money from
Im new here, why do you fags archive these?
overall I'm just baffled about how if the flag code actually means something why is it allowed to be violated so much. for fucks sake even the gov violates it.
So shitty MSM outlets dont make money off our clicks
The thing is, if you take the Kike you also get the Commie to go witg it
Welcome to modern America.
Everything that once had value and meaning is lost.
Everyone forgot where they came from.
Nobody knows how to proper respect or honor their country let alone defend and maintain it.
They don't want you to. They want to subvert everyone so they forget everything important.
That is why identifying by authority is so dangerous. Tell us how to think. Tell us what is important.
What is most important, is that you think on your own. To do that you have to be able to educate yourself and interpret information that isn't catered to you like prepackaged fast food.
Don't believe /leftypol/ propaganda, communism is basically a Jewish ideology/movement. They were behind German and Russian revolution in high numbers, the vast majority of Soviet commissars were Jewish.
Are we the liberals
Because, like the left, corporations care more about the image they project rather than acknowledging or solving any real problems.
Clicked real thing 8 times
Communism has no freedoms.
You want us to fight capitalist corporations so that we can be slaves to a communist state in which there is no choice?
Supported by idiots like antifa...
You are truly our greatest ally, Japan.
IBM made specialized accounting machines for the Nazis to keep track of the "holocaust" victims.
Disney, well Walt was straight up a nigger hating klan loving racist bigot..
virtue signalling l for them at least…
Lets make them apologize Sup Forums get them down on their knees and chugging Black cock.. maybe this will wake people up to the grovelling appeasement that never ends.
The people who write these articles and the companies who publish them like to make clickbait threads on Sup Forums and link to their own articles. Usually the threads are just like "Sup Forums BTFO (1 post by this ID)" and get hundreds of replies It's so they can get that sweet ad money. By using the archive their website doesn't get the traffic or any ad money.
Corporatism is an anti-capitalist position.
and of course the intercourse between Nazism and big business was continued after the war under Allied auspices :)
The real world doesn't have a reset switch kid.
but it does have a TILT switch.
>leftists now praise corporations that are larger than many countries
Walt wasn't a bigot
that was kike propaganda they used to smear him and take over his company
>the vast majority of Soviet commissars were Jewish
At the beginning. Then Stalin came.
>Don't believe /leftypol/ propaganda, communism is basically a Jewish ideology/movement.
Same as capitalism - it can be both, depends on who is at the top. Capitalism can be traditional, based on American values, talent and inventiveness. It's also can be wildly degenerate, a vehicle for globalism, promoting faggotry, caring only about profit and GDP, undermining national sovereignty and replacing natives with cheap immigrants, because it's better for... profit and GDP. Is this capitalist and "right-wing"? Technically, yes. Doens't make it less globalist tho.
Oh, now i undestand. Thanks.
We need to meme that liberalism is the mark of the beast and they'll shut you out of everything if you don't agree with them.
>Straight up corporate fascism.
the media has declared war on America
they're just an important theatrical component of communism
Solomon was the first communist
Stalin only killed jews because he was a paranoid sociopath, that's say absolutely nothing good about communism.
>major corps learn they can just shout "feminism and diversity is our strength" in order to get any useful idiot off their back
this is the conclusion
If you hold a mirror up to liberals they are insulted.
They claim they are against everything they have become.
>see image of someone against fascism
they are anti-fascist
> tfw the nazis establish true communism and commies are eternally btfo
what if I use ublock?
>implying we don't have a reset switch.
When will commies realize they are the foot soldiers of corporations
what the h*ck is this?
>The real world doesn't have a reset switch kid.
What did the Samurai mean by this? Weren't they trying to prepare us? Is this Samurai not really a Samurai?
Thanks Nordbot
You weren't suppose to see that.
Only once it is too late, and their little bottoms feel the swift kick of the military boot.
So once they are oppressed, jailed, hanged, or lined up and shot they will then notice that the people they worked so hard for just used them as a tool and their usefulness has expired.
The vast majority of social advances for workers in my country come from Franco.
>Stalin only killed jews because he was a paranoid sociopath
This is bullshit, Stalin killed trotskyites even where it worked against his overall political plans - like in Spanish civil war, where they basically fought on the same side. He massively lost in Western support because of his anti-trotskyism, which he desperately needed. Even if he just wanted all power to himself there was no reason to cancel "world revolution" and turn all Western Jewish commies against him, it was just ludicrous from pragmatic standpoint. Not from nationalist one thought, which he consciously took with great risk to himself and followed faithfully until his death.