Guys, gather as many images as possible that makes antifa look as horrible as possible. I already have a few but I'll get you started
Guys, gather as many images as possible that makes antifa look as horrible as possible...
creating fake news.
its not like we need to create fake news considering how bad the gruop is.
it's like they don't know what their flags / ideologies mean.
they just want a label to worship
I got you, senpai.
which is dumb because they protest the confederate flag, the ultimate rebel symbol
>B-but they're a response to the alt-right!
pretty sure thats a Sup Forumsack or troll acct.
Poor cat.
None of this is fake. Look it up for yourself.
I applaud your propaganda effort user. These images should be enough to instill anti-antifa sentiments on most normies. Bump
>please make fake news guise :D memes!! kekistan :D:D:D
Fuck off, retards.
Anyone who says that is a sympathiser, and should never again be trusted. AntiFa have been a staple of left wing violence for decades.
what the fucking fuck
also, thanks lad
I fucking hate with all my guts the sick fucks that do this. There was one retarded gypo that did this kind of things in the park of my neighborhood: sausages with needles, glued shaving razors in the bars of the kid's playground, nails in the seat of the benches... Thank God that he was caught, and everything went back to normal, but this kind of people deserve a punishment worse than death.
Commies literally are not human.
I have known one in person. He is a pedophile who seeks out children. Other commies accept this because "muh tolerance".
Yeah, remember Ghost Ship and the Safety Squad threads? The rabbit hole went deep into the local music festival scenes and pizzagate territory. I'm from the same area as the guy in the screenshot. He's not wrong about those venues and the type of shit you see. They're all filled with Antifa as well, some even working there, if not owning some of the facilities.
Fun fact: The Safety Squad threads ended, because one of the mods was some /leftypol/ faggot.
Shit like this is making me angrier then thought possible.
I remember the safety threads getting banned and the shitstorm about the mods that ensued but missed out on all that mainly due to them getting posted in US hours. I need all the stuff ITT to push a nearly-there leftist over the edge and show her that the path of 'progressiveness' is actually the path of 'degeneracy, hate, violence, oppression and censorship'.
I think the Beverly Hills Antifa account is one of Sup Forumss lol.
>not ground up glass
Not only are they retarded, they are quite inefficient at it as well it seems
bump bump
Go back to tumblr
Seeing shit like this really gives me a primal urge to just step on freaks like that's neck until you hear a snap.
i hear they like to light cats on fire
What'd I'd love to see is a big high res. group shot of ANTIFA looking scary and tough.
Next to it, an edit of each person there individually cut, so that we can see how pathetic each one of these betas is on their own.
Really makes you see why they are so opposed to individuality
Gimme 12 of the guys I grew up with in small town rural Ontario Canada, or 10 of my Native friends from the 6 Nations Reservation and we could put and we could hospitalize 100 Antifa faggots without breaking a sweat..
Fighting was like taking a shit for us, hell even the geeks we grew up with could kick these kids asses… fucking poofs!
I have an antifa twitter account, am pede.. What do?
>I have an antifa twitter account, am pede.. What do?
I hope to convince local crazies I'm one of them, then organize march on something stupid